Akron Life March 2022


Soap Box Derby STEM Where you’re going, you won’t need engines — gravity’s on your side at the Soap Box Derby camp in Akron. Campers ages 8 to 13 make friends and use STEM principles and team work to design, build and race their own wooden car during this day camp June 6 to 10. soapboxderby.org Spring Garden Waldorf School The Cyber Civics sum mer camp might have you picturing a room of children on screens all day — but not at the Waldorf School in Copley. Rising sixth to ninth graders spend most of the day outside, learning critical thinking and digital literacy skills through discussions and workshops at this day camp July 19 to 23. After-camp care is available. sgws.org

Western Reserve Academy Whether your child is pas sionate about sports, arts or STEM, Western Reserve Academy has a ton of day or overnight camps for them to choose from. There’s also an adventure day camp that’s more traditional, with a mix of everything. Camps at the Hud son school cater to kids 7 to 13 years old. wra.net ARTS Magical Theatre Company All the world’s a stage, so en courage your child to get up there and take a bow! Magical Theatre Company in Barber ton offers summer drama day camps in June, July and August, where kids in third to eighth grades can learn lines, rehearse and perform their own show. magicaltheatre.org

The University of Akron Myers School of Art With the unique ArtsLift ap prenticeship day program, high school students from Akron Public Schools can hone their craft and practice art at a top-of-the-line university. Students create a piece of art in a public space, alongside college students and a profes sional artist over a few weeks. uakron.edu Weathervane Playhouse If your child has a knack for the stage, check out these Akron camps that teach acting, singing, dancing, tech skills and more, with many that end with a show. With multiple ses sions from June 6 to Aug. 12, kids ages 5 to 17 can learn all about the principles of perfor mance at day camps. weather vaneplayhouse.com

SPORTS Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy The friendships forged on the basketball court, soccer field, tennis court or football field last a lifetime. En joy these, as well as lacrosse, cheer and football at camps in June, July and August at the Cuyahoga Falls school to stay fit and active this summer while building lasting bonds. cvcaroyals.org i9 Sports Take summer fun the whole nine yards with sports day camps in June, July and August for children ages 3 and up. With options of baseball, soccer, cheerlead ing, lacrosse and multi-sports camps in Copley, Tallmadge, Northfield, Medina, North Can ton and more cities, there’s ample opportunity for all kids to enjoy their favorite game this summer. i9sports.com


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