Akron Life March 2022
by London Green
Camp JCC With weekly themed camps, such as space, Harry Potter, Dino land and Hawaiian Luau, and traditional camps from June 6 to Aug. 12, Shaw Jewish Community Center of Akron has day camps to cover many interests for first through eighth graders. New for 2021 are camps in part nership with Challenge Island that offer science, tech, engineering, arts and math-based lessons, so campers learn as they create. Kids with dis abilities are welcome, and after-camp care is avail able. shawjcc.org EDUCAT I ONAL Akron ZooCamp Take a walk on the wild side with ZooCamp. Campers ages 3 to 12 tour the Ak ron Zoo, meet education animals up close, craft and do other activities in small groups during five day camps, with sessions available from June to August. akronzoo.org
Lawrence School Learn ing doesn’t have to mean boring lectures in dreary classrooms. It can be a fun and all-encompassing experience. Lawrence School offers educational day camps, including Lions Leap camp to im prove reading, writing and math skills for rising first through sixth grad ers June 13 to July 8 at the Broadview Heights campus and Jump Start to build study and tech skills for rising sixth through eighth graders Aug. 1 to 5 at the Saga more Hills campus. The Lions Leap camp is aimed at students with learning differences and incor porates a holistic and multisensory approach. lawrenceschool.org Old Trail School Each day, campers partake in something new, whether it be forts and tunnels or plein air landscape paint ing. Find morning, after noon or full-day camps June 6 to Aug. 5 for kids 3 to 14. Fun lessons include music, nature, cooking and STEAM. Lunch, trans portation, before-camp care and after-camp care are available at the Bath school. oldtrail.org
GENERAL I NT EREST Akron YMCA Get out of the house, explore the beauty of the nearby Summit Metro Parks and learn all about the natural world on trips to muse ums and nature centers with Akron YMCA summer camps from June through August. Options include the overnight Camp Y Noah, day camps or a spe cial needs Rotary Camp, with choices for kids from preschool age to 16 years old. Campers make new friends during classic ac tivities like rock climbing, arts and crafts and swim ming. akronymca.org Camp Ledgewood All girls in kindergarten through 11th grade are welcome to enjoy day camp sessions, family camp and more. Some age groups can stay over night in cabins, platform tents and more during Girl Scout camp in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, with sessions avail able from June to August. With activities like zip lining, swimming, rope climbing, archery, a dis covery kitchen and more, there’s plenty of excite ment. gsneo.org
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