Akron Life March 2022


GENERAL DENT I STRY [ c o n t i n u e d ] Maria Papich-Forsyth 555 Graham Road, Suite 100 Cuyahoga Falls 330-928-1417 330-928-6497 info@cuyahogafallsdentalarts.com cuyahogafallsdentalarts.com Samuel N. Pupino 539 White Pond Drive, Suite B Akron

ORAL AND MAX I LLOFACIAL SURGERY Dominick C. Adornato III 1129 East Aurora Road, Suite 101 Macedonia 330-468-1188 330-468-0464 puller3rds@yahoo.com drdominickadornatoiii.com David C. Ash The Institue of Jaw & Facial Surgery 789 White Pond Drive, Suite B Akron

Michael A. Stefan Barsan & Stefan Family Dental 330 Stow Avenue

Edward J. McDonnell Akron Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 554 White Pond Drive, Suite B Akron 330-836-2882 330-836-6085 akron@akronoralsurgerygroup.com akronoralsurgerygroup.com Matthew D. Pavlick Pavlick & Reppas Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 1551 South Water Street Kent 330-678-6564 330-676-6973 contact@pavlickandreppas.com pavlickandreppas.com Faisal Quereshy Visage Surgical Institute 3591 Reserve Commons Drive, Suite 300 Medina 330-721-2323 330-721-1344 DrFace@me.com visagefacialsurgery.com Serafim N. Reppas Pavlick & Reppas Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 1551 South Water Street Kent 330-678-6564 330-676-6973 contact@pavlickandreppas.com pavlickandreppas.com Gary R. Schween Drs. Benninger, Schween and Schmidt 5002 Foote Road Medina

Cuyahoga Falls 330-928-5575

barsandental@neo.rr.com barsanstefandental.com Bryan Stephens 60 North Miller Road Fairlawn 330-867-7741 330-867-0221 drbms@icloud.com bryanstephensdds.com Michelle S. Taylor Taylor Dental 9795 Ravenna Road Twinsburg 330-227-6009 330-963-0852 office@twinsburgsmiles.com twinsburgsmiles.com Samuel E. Taylor Taylor Dental 9795 Ravenna Road Twinsburg 330-227-6009 330-963-0852 office@twinsburgsmiles.com twinsburgsmiles.com Grant B. Turner 585 White Pond Drive, Suite B Akron 330-836-9870 gturnerdds@gmail.com Todd W. Westhafer 667 West Turkeyfoot Lake Road Akron 330-644-9511 drwesthafer@sbcglobal.net westhaferdds.com April A. Yanda Drs. Hoover and Yanda 39 Milford Drive Hudson aprilyanda@hotmail.com drshooverandyanda.com Philip J. Znidarsic Nordonia Dental Group 147 East Aurora Road Northfield 330-467-6466 330-467-5118 philmichelleZ@yahoo.com nordoniadental.com 330-650-0360 330-656-9308

330-836-0485 330-836-0486 W. Tyler Rogus

330-867-8347 330-867-3912 dca@jawandfacialsurgery.com jawandfacialsurgery.com W. Stephen Barnes II Falls Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Center 57 Graham Road Cuyahoga Falls 330-929-2808 330-929-5542 info@fallsoralsurgery.com fallsoralsurgery.com Michael J. Hoffman Falls Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Center 57 Graham Road

Valley Dental Group 1852 Merriman Road Akron

330-867-8354 330-867-6960

KarryRogus@frontier.com Valleydentalgroupakron.com Chris S. Ruggiero 531 East Smith Road Medina

330-725-0455 330-722-1911

csruggierodmd.com David W. Schlosser Stow Dental Group 3506 Darrow Road Stow

Cuyahoga Falls 330-929-2808 330-929-5542 sandwedge13@aol.com

330-688-6456 330-688-4178 dschlosser@NEO.RR.com stowdental.com Thomas D. Semans Semans Family Dentistry 2660 West Market Street, Suite 200 Fairlawn 330-867-4461 330-867-4628 drsemans@semansfamilydentistry. com semansfamilydentistry.com Gerald Sisko

fallsoralsurgery.com Michael P. Horan Frontier Dental 5155 Buehlers Drive, Suite 107 Medina

330-725-8449 330-722-1805

330-952-2015 330-952-2013 info@frontierdental.org

garyschween@gmail.com medinaoralsurgeons.com

frontierdentalohio.com/Medina Dentist-Dr-Michael-Horan-DDS MD-Ph-D-FACS-24608 Edward T. Marshall, Jr. Marshall Oral, Facial & Implant Surgery 3075 Smith Road, Suite 102 Akron 330-670-0050 330-670-0097 info@dredwardmarshall.com dredwardmarshall.com

ORTHODONT ICS Stephen J. Belli Belli & Streit Orthodontics 1551 South Water Street Kent

Sisko Dentistry 60 Metric Drive Tallmadge

330-673-6411 330-673-3949

330-633-9510 330-633-9185 susan@siskodentistry.com tallmadgedentist.com

info@bellismiles.com bellistreitsmiles.com


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