Akron Life March 2022
D E N T I S T P R O F I L E S promotional editorial
Reducing the Stress of Root Canals
of the area to be addressed during the procedure. For many patients, just the thought of being numbed before a dental procedure evokes a feeling of fear and dread. Harris and his team are among the few dentists in the area trained in oral conscious sedation. No needles, just pills. The patient is monitored closely throughout, ensuring safety during the procedure. This is a game changer for many, reducing the stress of traditional sedation techniques. Harris is a member of the American Association of Endodontists, the American Dental Association, the Ohio Dental Association, the Chicago Dental Society and the Akron Dental Society. At Advanced Care Endodontics, Harris and his team strive to offer you the highest standard of professional care in a friendly, comfortable environment. Their main goal is to exceed your expectations and relieve any anxiety you may have about root canal treatment.
When Dr. David Harris began his dental studies at Case Western Reserve University, he had no intention of becoming an endodontist. However, when he performed his first root canal on a patient it came so naturally he knew he’d found his calling. He began his practice in 1992 and moved to his current Stow location in 2009. Knowing how to perform a root canal is just the beginning — making it as painless and stress-free as possible is key. Harris continues to educate himself and others on the latest technology, the most efficient tools and the newest methods of sedation and anesthesia. One example is cone beam computed tomography, a medical imaging technique which allows Harris to get tomography shows different views of the mouth, sinuses and the temporomandibular joint — as well as fractures, miscanals or extra roots — providing a thorough image a more complete image of the patient’s head. The
David J. Harris, D.D.S., M.S.D.
Advanced Care Endodontics 3869 Darrow Road
Suite 209, Stow 330-688-3800 877-STOWOHIO acendo.com
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