Adirondack Peeks Summer 2023

closer. Many such reports reflect mutual growth—be it physically, emotionally, or intellectually—and an assurance that memories of their journey will last for a lifetime. We also received many finisher reports from couples describing how pursuit of the 46 strengthened the bond between them. Some High Peaks have even seen their share of mar riage proposals and ceremonies! Reports from finishers also proved that the hiking community has a lot of heart. We always receive accounts of climbers going out of their way to help others, especially those they see on the trail who are in dire need of help. (Note that the Adirondack Forty-Sixers encourage hikers to take a Wilderness First Aid course. The Club will provide a par tial reimbursement of fees for dues paying members.)

Critters, big and small, are all around us on the trails. From black bears to pine martens to chipmunks, we may not often see them, but they are there. It’s especially important to adhere to the DEC’s regulations for camping in the High Peaks, such as storing food in a bear canister and keeping stored food at least 100 feet away from a campsite. These regulations are for your safety and that of others in the area. Also, be sure to follow Leave No Trace (LNT) by carrying out apple cores, banana peels, candy wrappers, etc., which are apt to attract wildlife looking for food. We never fail to receive reports from finishers describing close encounters with woodland creatures, some of which were too close for comfort! From your first peak to the forty sixth, we hope you will hold onto

DEC NEWS these memories long after the blisters and bruises have healed, and the muddy clothes have been washed. May all your climbs be memorable ones, and your passion for the outdoors go on well after you finish the 46.

DEC Awards Visitor Use Management Planning Contract for Popular Areas of Adirondack and Catskill Parks New York State Department of Environmental Con servation (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos awarded a Visitor Use Management (VUM) planning contract to help develop sustainable recreation solutions in two highly visited regions of the Forest Preserve - a high use portion of the High Peaks in the Adirondack Park and the Kaaterskill Clove area in the Catskill Park. The contractor will assist with developing strategies that ensure these popular destinations provide positive vis itor experiences while continuing to protect the Forest Preserve. DEC partnered with the experienced team at Otak, Inc., to explore strategic, innovative, and data-driven ideas and solutions for balancing conservation and public access in these areas. Otak, Inc., a research, planning, and design firm headquartered in Portland, Oregon, has more than two decades of experience conducting visitor use planning and research on wil derness and other recreation lands managed by the National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, and other agencies. The two-year contract is effective immediately and extends through the end of 2024. Over the next several months, Otak will engage State officials, stakeholders, and the public in outlining desired conditions and man

agement goals for the project areas. During the latter half of 2023, the process will focus on measuring and analyzing visitor use patterns to determine how closely current conditions in the two project areas compare to the desired management conditions. The second year of the contract will focus on developing management strategies aimed at helping DEC achieve and maintain desired conditions. Final project reports will be provid ed to DEC that include recommendations for monitor ing and maintaining the effectiveness of the strategies over time. Public and stakeholder input will play a key role in helping DEC and Otak develop appropriate manage ment strategies. A second round of public meetings will be held in 2024 to present draft management recom mendations. Otak will host and facilitate these meet ings and dates and locations will be announced in the coming future. Source DEC Awards Visitor Use Management Planning Con tract for Popular Areas of Adirondack and Catskill Parks - NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation.

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