2019 Response
So long as we did our work with love, we trusted that God would make our work fruitful. In the end, this fruit and this love, which comes from God, can heal hearts and bring about new life. LUKE AND KATIE, FIDESCO
and community life activities, and able to work full-time in a service setting. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: Fellows will receive housing, access to health insurance, a food stipend, a transportation stipend, and a personal living stipend. They will also receive regular training, retreats, and support from QVS staff as well as spiritual mentoring and support. Two full Fridays a month will be spent together as a QVS group rather than at your work site. We also send QVS fellows to a Quaker conference and offer training throughout the year on topics related to the program and professional development. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: All fellows will live together in a communal house. SIZE OF PROGRAM: We will have six to eight fellows in each of our five cities. TRAINING: In addition to professional development and training that fellows will receive at their service site placement, QVS will offer trainings in the following areas: anti-racism; nonviolence and conflict resolution; spiritual practices; Quaker theology, worship, history, and current practice; and vocational discernment. We will bring in outside resource people. Two full days of every month will be spent in training and spiritual formation. Conferences out of town are also supported. APPLICATION DEADLINE: March 15th. QuEST—Quaker Experiential Service & Training CONTACT: Promise Welkin Partner, Program Director AFFILIATIONS: Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) GOAL OF PROGRAM: QuEST is a year-of-service program in Seattle, Washington, that provides young adults with quality work at local nonprofits, an intentional residential community, and opportunities for training and reflection. We seek to build a peaceful, just, sustainable world by empowering young adults to act as agents of social change and social service during their year in the program and throughout their lives. TYPE OF PLACEMENT: QuEST Fellows are matched with one of our partner agencies as a full-time year-long volunteer. We offer a range of positions, including direct service work, advocacy, and program support on issues like immigrant rights, homelessness and housing, youth development, and more. AREA OF SERVICE: Seattle, WA LENGTH OF SERVICE: One year, beginning in late August REQUIREMENTS: Applicants must be at least 21 years old, able to work full-time, and interested in community living and voluntary simplicity. We are an inclusive community and welcome applicants from all backgrounds and identities. 4001 9th Ave. NE Seattle, WA 98105 206-771-0029 director@quest-seattle.org w quest-seattle.org F facebook.com/questseattle
LENGTH OF SERVICE: About a year, from the end of August to the beginning of August REQUIREMENTS: College graduates, open to living in intentional community, hard-working, self-starters, people who want to grow, commitment to service. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: Lodging, food, transportation stipend, personal stipend, utilities, internet/phone, reimbursable medical expenses, education funds for classes, excursions, etc. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Fellows live together in multiple PULSE owned and/or operated houses (4-8 bedroom) in the East End, Northside, and South Pittsburgh. SIZE OF PROGRAM: Capacity is 36-42 fellows annually. TRAINING: Week-long orientation, two retreats (fall/spring), weekly seminars on Wednesdays from 1-5pm, mentoring and other personal and professional development opportunities. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Application deadline is March 1. Application
available at: pulsepittsburgh.org/serve-with-us/ . Quaker Voluntary Service PO Box 8240 Atlanta, GA 31106 404-721-4787 christina@quakervoluntaryservice.org w quakervoluntaryservice.org F facebook.com/QuakerVoluntaryService L @quakerservice @quakervoluntaryservice CONTACT: Christina Repoley, Executive Director AFFILIATIONS: Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
GOAL OF PROGRAM: The goal of Quaker Voluntary Service is to provide transformational experiences for young adult Quakers and those open to Quaker practices. We hope that by participating in a year of service in a Quaker intentional community, our participants will positively impact organizations and agencies working for social change and justice, develop real relationships across boundaries of perceived difference, and grow and deepen in their faith. Ultimately we hope this program will form and shape young people into lives of service committed to faith, and revitalize our communities in the world. TYPE OF PLACEMENT: Each QVS volunteer will be placed in an 11-month, full-time position with a local nonprofit, school, or other relevant site placement in one of our cities (Atlanta, GA, Portland, OR, Philadelphia, PA, Boston, MA, or Minneapolis, MN). There will be opportunities in areas such as homelessness and poverty, environmental justice, the arts, work with adults with developmental disabilities, work with immigrants and refugees, peace advocacy, and more. AREA OF SERVICE: We have programs in Atlanta, GA, Boston, MA, Portland, OR and Philadelphia, PA, and Minneapolis, MN. LENGTH OF SERVICE: 11 months REQUIREMENTS: Fellows must be 21 years of age and interested in and open to exploring the Quaker faith, participating in regular worship
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