2019 Response
Mountain Companion Ministry— Mt. Irenaeus P.O. Box 100 West Clarksville, NY 14786 716-375-2096 mount.irenaeus@gmail.com w mounti.com F facebook.com/mtirenaeus L @mtirenaeus @mtirenaeus CONTACT: Br. Kevin Kriso, OFM, Director; Michelle Marcellin, Office Coordinator AFFILIATIONS: Mt. Irenaeus GOAL OF PROGRAM: Our community is rooted in the Franciscan tradition. We are committed to simple, joyful healing with God and all creation through contemplation and the communal experience with God's justice, love and peace in contemporary life. Our mission is to join with Jesus Christ in "Making all things new!" (Rev. 21:5) by making Church accessible to all. We are seeking Mountain Companions, men and women to live our way of life among us. TYPE OF PLACEMENT: Providing servant leadership in a variety of capacities including leading prayer, hospitality, housekeeping, maintenance, ministerial outreach. We work extensively, but not exclusively, with college-age students. Extensive outreach to local church groups, individuals seeking contemplative retreat time, and taking part in a flourishing "On the Road" ministry. AREA OF SERVICE: Mt. Irenaeus is situated on 387 wooded acres in a rural part of Allegany County, NY. LENGTH OF SERVICE: Long-term: one year or more. Short-term: nine summer weeks. REQUIREMENTS: Catholic or Christian, singles, men and women, mature, well-balanced and spiritually motivated, in good physical health, free of financial, legal, family and job responsibilities, flexible, committed to growing spiritually, sense of humor, possessing a high level of energy to work with young people, and ability to relate to a wide spectrum of people in a loving, non-judgmental way. Long-term: Age 21 and older. Summer program: Age 18 and older. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: Long-term: stipend, room and board, health insurance. Short-term: stipend, room and board. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Long-term: Living on site among the Resident Community, individual bedroom with shared bathroom. Short-term: Living on site perhaps in a tent, perhaps in an individual room. SIZE OF PROGRAM: Long-term: 2-3 volunteers. Short-term: 2-3 volunteers. TRAINING: Long-term: 2-3 days plus ongoing formation/supervision. Short-term: 2-3 days. APPLICATION DEADLINE: May 1st The National Benevolent Association XPLOR Program 733 Union Blvd., Suite 300 St. Louis, MO 63108 314-993-9000 x3368 xplor@nbacares.org; boseifrimpong@nbacares.org w nbacares.org/xplor L @nbadisciples @nbadisciples CONTACT: Bonnie Osei-Frimpong, Program Director
AREA OF SERVICE: Africa and Latin America. LENGTH OF SERVICE: Long-term: three years. Short-term: one to three months. REQUIREMENTS: Practicing Catholic, US Citizen, Medical License in good standing, completed residency, good physical and mental health. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: Long-term: Complete sponsorship - airfare, insurance, small stipend. Short-term: Varies. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Long-term: housing and living expenses provided by Diocese / Hospital of assignment. Short-term: Assigned to locations where long term volunteers are serving. Housing provided. SIZE OF PROGRAM: Varies TRAINING: Long-term: Four month residential formation program in conjunction with Lay Mission-Helpers Association, January-May. Short-term: Weekend Retreat / Seminar required. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Long Term: July 1, Short term: Prior to Retreat/Seminar. Missionary Cenacle Volunteers P.O. Box 35105 Cleveland, OH 44135 216-926-2152 info@mcv3.org w mcv3.org; msbt.org F facebook.com/MissionaryCenacleVolunteers CONTACT: Maureen Masterson Carr, Director AFFILIATIONS: Sponsored by the Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity (Catholic sisters). GOAL OF PROGRAM: To help Catholics and others become apostles by growing spiritually while in service to the poor and abandoned. TYPE OF PLACEMENT: Primarily Short-termMissions: Camp and/or recreation; family ministry; youth ministry; summer Bible school; parish summer programs. Occasional Long-term placement for Women: Catechists; teachers and aides; pastoral ministry; retreat ministry; material assistance; migrant ministry; Hispanic ministry; social service. AREA OF SERVICE: Across the continental USA, Puerto Rico and Mexico (for those fluent in Spanish). LENGTH OF SERVICE: Short-term: One week to two months, depending on site. Long-term: Typically one year, possibility of renewal. REQUIREMENTS: Short-term: 18 years and older, men, women, single, married. Long-term: 21 years and older women, single (no dependents), fluency in Spanish for some sites. Possible site visit prior to placement. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: Short term: Room and board. Volunteers provide their own transportation to and frommission site. Long term: Room and board, health insurance reimbursement, and monthly stipend. Volunteers provide their own transportation to and frommission site. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Short-term: Small group community at most sites. Long-term: Typically with religious sister(s). SIZE OF PROGRAM: Short-term: 25-30 volunteers. Long-term: variable. TRAINING: Varies by mission site. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Short-term Summer: Application period opens January 1. April 15 priority placement deadline, with rolling admissions after April 15 until Summer Missions are full. Long-term Applicants: Open enrollment.
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