2019 Response
Young Adult Missional Movement 450 Martin L. King Junior Ave. Lakeland, FL 33815 305-733-4420 haspinwall@flumc.org w flumc.org/youngadultmissionalmovement F facebook.com/yammfl AFFILIATIONS: Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church GOAL OF PROGRAM: The Young Adult Missional Movement offers Summer and Year-long programs for 18-30 year olds of mutual mission, transformational experiences between young adults, their living communities, the neighborhoods and the organizations in which they'll serve. It is designed to be intentionally cross-cultural; purposeful in transformation and renewing for individuals and organizations as well. Purpose The purpose of our work is to expand the capacity of local churches, ministries and social service agencies, to provide meaningful experiences for young adults to discern their vocational and spiritual call, and to engage in our communities by building a living gospel. Year-long MicroMissional Communities Program: A year long program for young adults to experience the love of God through buildingcooperative living, meaningful work, and community engagement. There are many forms of micromissional communities. Some will be created, populated, and totally supported by the work of the YAMM. Others may “spin off” into self-run communities and continue to affiliate with the larger program, while still others spring up from the local mission and passion of young adults through the state. Summer Mission Intern Program: is to provide hands-on opportunities for young adults to make a difference in the world by serving out of the depth of their Christian faith, particularly with children and youth in under-served communities. TYPE OF PLACEMENT: Placement sites include, but aren't limited to: cross cultural ministry (Asian, Hispanic, migrant worker, etc), child care, communications, community organizing including outreach and development, health care, prison ministry, social services and poverty relief, social work, soup kitchen and food distribution, ESL, primary, teachers aid, translator, youth and campus ministry, etc. Almost any combination of skills and interests will match with the ever-expanding list of placement opportunities as our program grows across the state of Florida. Summer Mission Intern Program: is to provide hands-on opportunities for young adults to make a difference in the world by serving out of the depth of their Christian faith, particularly with children and youth in under-served communities. Young adults serve together on teams providing summer enrichment opportunities. The duration of the internship is 9-11 weeks (Approximately May 31-August 12 depending upon which site.) A stipend of $225 per week is provided and based upon completion of entire summer term. AREA OF SERVICE: Florida: Jacksonville, St. Petersburg, Miami, Naples, West Palm Beach, Gainesville, Daytona Beach, Tallahassee and Orlando. LENGTH OF SERVICE: Summer, One to two years REQUIREMENTS: Seeking 18-30 year old's with a variety of skills that match with placement needs. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: Summer program- Participants receive $225 per week for a 10 week summer term. Year-long program- In addition to housing, utilities, wifi, laundry, participants will receive a personal stipend of $330 a month, transportation allowances, and a house grocery stipend. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Year-long program- Participants live together in groups of 3-5 per house. Houses typically have 3-4 bedrooms. Over 80% will have their own room while 20% will have to L @yammfl @yammfl CONTACT: Heidi Aspinwall, Program Director
share bedrooms between two roommates. But shared rooms get a bathroom for their own use. SIZE OF PROGRAM: 32 year-long and 28 summer participants. TRAINING: Pre-site orientation, quarterly program-wide retreats. APPLICATION DEADLINE: May 1st for both programs. Year-long program will accept late applications if positions are available.
Young Disciples Teams Catholic Diocese of Fargo, North Dakota 5201 Bishops Blvd., Suite A Fargo, ND 58104 701-356-7900 youngdisciples@fargodiocese.org w fargodiocese.org/youngdisciples L @fargodiocese @fargodiocese CONTACT: Ashley Grunhovd, Director of Evangelization AFFILIATIONS: Diocese of Fargo, ND
GOAL OF PROGRAM: In 2001, the Diocese of Fargo, North Dakota began the Young Disciples Teams to meet the needs of our rural parishes for vibrant catechesis for the youth. The teams lead vacation Bible schools, teen missions, and family nights as requested by parishes. Through their witness marked by the joy and hope of Faith, the Young Disciples Teams seek to challenge others to love Jesus Christ and embrace the life of His Church. The mission of the Young Disciples teams is evangelization and catechesis for children and teens. TYPE OF PLACEMENT: Summer program: The teams put on summer camps, family nights and teen nights as requested by parishes. Teams proclaim the Gospel through catechesis, small group activities, music, drama and games. Daily Mass and daily rosary are also part of the camp experience. AREA OF SERVICE: We are currently serving the rural parishes and Native American reservations of North Dakota and Minnesota. LENGTH OF SERVICE: Summer program: The term is approximately 10 weeks frommid-May through the end of July. REQUIREMENTS: 18 to 30 years old. Catholic. Love to work with elementary children. Energetic. Creative. Team worker. Able to travel in a van. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: Teammembers receive a stipend of $1500 and are able to do additional fundraising. They also receive training materials, all meals, all lodging and all transportation between sites. The teams begin with three weeks of training in prayer, Scripture, doctrine, morality and ministry skills. In addition, they will receive a basic catechetical certification, a lasting foundation for a life of service, and friends who will care for them with the hope of heaven. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Summer Program: Generally speaking, teams stay in host homes. Occasionally, teams stay in rectories. Meals are provided by the hosting parish. Teams stay in one town/parish for one week, Saturday afternoon to the next Saturday. SIZE OF PROGRAM: Approximately 12-16 full-time members TRAINING: Receive three weeks of training in prayer, Scripture, doctrine, morality and ministry skills. 15 hours are spent on doctrine/ Scripture, 15 hours on prayer, 15 hours on methodology, 15 hours on team life, and 30 hours on basic camp skills and preparation. The third week is spent doing a camp under the supervision of the Young Disciples Teams staff. APPLICATION DEADLINE: We prefer to have applications in by April 1, but if missionaries are still needed, we will accept applications until May 1 or until all positions are filled.
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