2019 Catalog




P. paniculata 'David' DAVID PHLOX


P. paniculata 'Orange Perfection' ORANGE PERFECTION PHLOX

P. digitalis 'Husker Red' Beardtongue HUSKER RED

2002 Perennial Plant of the Year. Incredibly large, pure white flower heads appear in late summer and are very fragrant. If deadheaded, they will set another bloom in fall. Performs best in moist, well-drained soils and full sun. A welcome addition to the perennial border. A highly mildew resistant cultivar of garden phlox. At the nursery with overhead irrigation we will see some mildew, but once in the landscape the leaves will stay clean and green. 3' Zones 4-8 JUL-AUG P. paniculata 'Forever Pink' FOREVER PINK CREEPING PHLOX

This strong grower and free bloomer offers perfection in a luminous orange color! Provides 10-12" tresses of colorful blooms in a sunny border and has no equal when it comes to cut flowers! The closest to true orange yet achieved, this luminous color holds nicely. The individual florets are large and the flowerheads compact. 36" Zones 4-8 JUL-SEP P. subulata 'Scarlet Flame' SCARLET FLAME CREEPING PHLOX

NEW! Husker Red is a tough perennial that brings color to sunny, dry sites. Shiny, purple leaves are followed by attractive white flower clusters. Full sun is necessary for best purple leaf color. Our landscape designers like to incorporate this in the masses in a sunny border. Flowers bloom mid-summer. This plant is tolerant of clay and dry soil and deer. Be sure to not plant in wet sites 2-3' Zones 3-8 APR-JUNE PEONY PAEONIA Ask a designer or go to our website for updated availavility as varieties change frequently.

NEW! The Scarlet Flame spread like wildfire in the landscape. Also known as Moss Phlox or Creeping Phlox are incredibly popular spring flowering plants cold hardy to the north. When McKay Nursery Company decided to grow these beautiful ground cover varieties Scarlet Flame was one of our first choices. These beautiful scarlet-red spring blooms last up to 3-4 weeks mid-spring. 1' tall x 2-3' Zones 3-8 APR-MAY P. paniculata 'Violet Pinwheels' VIOLET PINWHEELS CREEPING PHLOX

This is sure to be one of your garden favorites. Provides a riot of bloom in June with continued blooming periodically through frost. Purplish-pink flowers cover the plant and will continue with a slight shearing of old spent blossoms. Grows to only 12" tall and 15" wide. 12"x15" Zones 4-8 JUN P. paniculata 'Fort Hill' FORT HILL CREEPING PHLOX

PHLOX P. paniculata 'Blue Paradise' BLUE PARADISE PHLOX

An incredible colored phlox where the flower color in the shade looks blue but in the sun looks more purple. Large 10" flower panicles are gorgeous in any light. The plants re-bloom nicely after deadheading. The dark green leaves are supposedly mildew resistant, but in WI, you may lose some leaves at the base. Mature plants get to about 30" or a bit more. This one is a dandy and a fine addition to the perennial border. 2'x2' Zones 4-8 JUL-AUG

A new groundcover Phlox introduction for the upper Midwest! 'Violet Pinwheels' will start blooming in mid-April in southern Wisconsin and bloom up to 6 weeks. The purple to violet flowers cover this low, spreading cultivar of moss Phlox. 12" Zones 4-8 APR-MAY

NEW! Masses of dainty, deep pinkish-rose flowers cover the top of this mat-forming creeper for a long period. Creates a carpet of color for use as a groundcover, in bank plantings or in rock gardens. Spectacular when cascading over walls. Tolerates some drought. Evergreen perennial 6-9"x15" Zones 3-8 JUN

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