My City May 2023



It is hard to beat a Michigan summer … and even harder to beat if you are one of the lucky people who live on one of the beautiful lakes in, near or around our community. In April, with the almost 80-degree days sprinkled through the month, many of us have already seen the light at the end of the tunnel of winter to the long, sunny days headed our way. If you are in the market for a lake home to enjoy the reprieve of the cool water on hot summer days, now is the time to key into the market for a lake property and make a move. Because of their limited availability, lake properties are almost always a solid investment – when they are gone, they are gone. Before diving into the market to purchase a lake home, there are many unique considerations. Simply choosing where to buy and if the timing is right are only minimal pieces of the puzzle to build your ideal lake life. In my experience, the best place to start when think ing about purchasing waterfront property is to consider what your expectations and needs are lifestyle-wise from

lake life. Goals may include a pleasant view, evening pontoon rides, watersports, paddle-boarding or kayak ing, kids playing on a sandy beachfront, etc. With each of these activities, one lake may be more suitable than another. As all natural creations are, each lake is different and each offers many unique qualities and characteristics that the others may not. With the pricing varying a great deal between lakes, there is no need to pay the lot cost and taxes for an all-sports lake when a quiet spot to pad dleboard a few evenings a week is what you truly desire. If you’re not interested in speed-boat style water sports (surfing, wakeboarding, water-skiing), a motor ized pontoon or jet-skiing and would prefer wooded seclusion, lots of wildlife, kayaking, canoeing and fishing, a small private lake would be a more ideal choice than an all-sports lake. Not only will a property on the smaller lakes typically be a bit less expensive and offer lower taxes, but you will also find a more calm and peaceful atmosphere than on a public lake. The smaller,

nblxer / fesenko / Thomas Barrat /



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