My City May 2023
BOAT SHOPPING 101 BY MARY RISING, ACTION WATER SPORTS OF FENTON W HEN SHOPPING FOR A BOAT – a significant purchase – there are many things to consider. What is your budget? Where do you plan to boat? Will you be towing water sports, fishing or just cruising around the lake? How many passengers might you have? Is there a size restriction on the lake? Where do you plan to store your boat in the winter? All these factors determine which watercraft is right for you. Any salesperson whose goal is to steer you toward the “perfect purchase” as opposed to just “making a sale” will take the time to get to know you, your needs, and honestly educate you. Ultimately, the answer might be that another dealership would have the right boat for you. Other considerations: Have you been to the dealership? Were you greeted and made to feel important? Was the facility clean, well-orga nized and appearing to have a well-functioning service department? What is their reputation? Do they offer dockside service, pick-up and delivery? Storage options? What kind of warranty is included? Did they offer a test drive? (You probably won’t buy a car without a test drive.) At Action Water Sports of Fenton, our most popular boats are Master Craft wakeboard and surf boats.The newest and greatest offering is the
award-winning SurfStar System – an integrated system with asymmetric tabs, a custom hull design and an intuitive operating display. They can operate in surf mode at lower rpm than our competitors’ models. We also offer more adjustability of the wave – from long and mellow to taller and steeper, in a range from 1-7 that is quickly changed with a touch of the in tuitive display screen. Once you find the perfect wave, a profile can store the info to be easily retrieved for your next turn behind the boat. If the answer is to educate you and direct you elsewhere, that is what we will do. Of course, our goal is to suggest the perfect boat that will bring you the ultimate satisfaction and maximum fun … that’s what it’s all about, right?
mario beauregard /
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