ist magazine September 2022

ASA News

ASA Names Joseph Levy Executive Director

Levy has worked hard to educate legislators on both sides of the aisle that professional sunbed facilitates have a scientifically supported position. That’s become more and more important, as sun care topics have become less partisan than the days of the 1990s, when it was simply a “more-or-less regulation” issue. “I’ve been pretty consistent for 30 years that effective sunburn prevention is the future of professional sunbed operations,” Levy said. “And there’s no doubt that’s the gas that puts fuel in our engine. Demonstrating that to both sides of the aisle is going to be more and more important as we enter the next decade.” Tanning professionals in every state are encouraged to join ASA to help the Association fund this advocacy work. To join, visit register and click “register.” “The best way to keep anti-sun legislation from getting any traction is to re-dedicate your tanning business to professional practices, sunburn preven tion and to be worthy of the path that is being blazed for the tanning market of tomorrow,” Levy said. “And get involved with ASA. We need your support.”  About the ASA Founded in 2012, the American Suntanning Asso ciation is committed to defending and growing the industry through a detailed and proactive plan directed by an all-salon board and executed by more than two dozen management and consulting teammembers who specialize in this type of work.

American Suntanning As sociation in July announced to its members that Joseph Levy will assume the role

position, serving as senior vice president of International Smart Tan Network from 1992-2012, has served as a con sultant for the Joint Canadian Tanning Association for many years, and works cooperatively with both the European Sunlight Association and The Sunbed Association in the United Kingdom.


of Executive Director of the association – managing a planned transition period with current ASA Executive Director Matt Russell over the remainder of 2022. “Matt – who has been and will con tinue to be a key figure in the fabric of the professional tanning community’s future as founder and CEO of International Smart Tan Network – was instrumental in the creation and establishment of ASA in 2012. The tanning community owes a debt of gratitude to Matt,” said ASA Board President Melinda Norton. “Joe and Matt have worked together for 30 years. This planned ASA transition will be seamless for the Association as we continue to tackle challenges on behalf of the membership.” Russell, who owns the Smart Tan educational institute and Smart Tan Magazine, continues in that role, and will continue to serve as an ASA consultant. Levy, 54, will now add administrative duties to his established role as ASA Director of Scientific Affairs. Joe has taken lead for ASA staff in both state and federal agency advocacy efforts since ASA formed in December 2012, working with the ASA Board of Direc tors to develop and execute legislative outreach in all 50 states, as well as ASA’s interactions with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for

“Joe has been integral in working with the board to advance ASA’s responsible mission at every level.”

Melinda Norton ASA Board President

“Joe has been integral in working with the board to advance ASA’s responsible mission at every level,” ASA Board President Melinda Norton said. “We’re pleased he will be assuming administra tive leadership of ASA as he enters his fourth decade as one of North America’s most effective and thoughtful advocates for responsible UV exposure.”

Devices and Radiologic Health. Joe has 30 years of experience

researching the science supporting the professional sunbed market’s responsible


September 2022

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