ist magazine September 2021
Animated publication
From the Publisher
Hit the Re-fresh!
Publisher Vince Lorraine Editor In Chief Vince Lorraine Managing Editor Sherron Barden Assistant Editor Peter Hinterman Editorial Advisory Sherron Barden
Dear Readers, As I write this, the world is again waiting to learn what we will face next in the ongoing health crisis as it concerns both our personal and business lives. For many, it’s been difficult to separate the two, those who are still struggling to find employees and stay afloat. But I’ve heard that salon operators are making it happen and doing well! September is a great time of year to evaluate your operations and maybe hit the refresh button. From installing a more efficient software program to a coat of paint in the lobby, a couple of new acrylic shields or a new product display, even small changes show your guests you care about providing the best possible experience when they choose your business. A small investment that always pays off is staff training and the easiest way to make it happen is with Sun is Life®! It’s available online 24/7 and super affordable (see p.35.) Set your team up for success while creating a more professional atmosphere and happier customers. And, your salon could be featured in the magazine! The industry recognizes the value of Sun is Life Training – Four Seasons will offer the classroom session as part of their School of Business at the National Tanning Expo in St. Charles, MO on October 24-25 (see p.1). Heartland Tanning will also provide Sun is Life at their event in Kansas City, MO on February 4-5. More to come! It’s that time again … time to show some love for your industry favorites! Be sure to cast your votes for the Industry Choice Awards at now through September 30. One of my favorite industry folks (and longtime IST contributing writer) has decided to take a bold step and follow a dream; our friend David McFarland, a veteran National Educator for Sun Evolutions, is moving his family south of the border to pursue the restaurant biz! David logged a lot of miles and shared his gifts with countless salons over his many years in the industry. We wish him all the best! Thanks for reading,
Staff Writer Joe Schuster
Graphic Designer Brett LaCross
Graphic Designer/ Web Developer Jonathan Boedecker
Accounting/Circulation Kim Davis
Senior Account
Executive Terese Allen
Contributing Writers Grant Cardone Melissa Damiani
Jerry Deveney Victoria Eckert Brenda Fishbaugh Gary Lipman David McFarland Lisa Saavedra
HOW TO REACH US 5152 Commerce Rd. Fl int, MI 48507 810.230.1735
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September 2021 | Volume 25 | Issue 8 IST Magazine ISSN#2329-8545 (USPS 023149) is published monthly by IST Magazine, Inc., 5152 Commerce Rd., Flint, MI 48507. Canadian Mail Agreement #41971515. Periodicals postage QBJE BU 'MJOU .* BOE BEEJUJPOBM PGm DFT 1PTUNBTUFS 4FOE BEESFTT changes to IST Magazine , 5152 Commerce Rd., Flint, MI 48507. 'PS CBDL JTTVFT JORVJSF GPS BWBJMBCJMJUZ &EJUPSJBM $PSSFTQPOEFODF "EESFTT QSPEVDU JOGPSNBUJPO BOE JORVJSJFT UP &EJUPSJBM %FQBSUNFOU IST Magazine , 5152 Commerce Rd., Flint MI 48507, phone 810.230.1735. To authors, photographers and people featured JO UIJT QVCMJDBUJPO "MM NBUFSJBMT BSUJDMFT SFQPSUT BOE QIPUPT published in this publication are the property of IST Magazine and cannot be used without written permission. The opinions and conclusions recited herein are those of the respective authors and not of IST Magazine . IST Magazine is not responsible for returning unsolicited manuscripts, photos or other materials. Every effort will be made however, to return rejected manuscripts, etc., if they are BDDPNQBOJFE CZ TVGm DJFOU m STU DMBTT QPTUBHF CVU UIF QVCMJTIFS XJMM not be responsible for loss of any such material.
If there’s something you’d like to see in your IST, please email Vince Lorraine, Publisher
Copyright © 2021. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
September 2021
Contents September 2021 9ROXPH ,VVXH
30 (UJROLQH )RFXV 32 (\H WR (\H 34 /\QF ,7
26 $6$ 1HZV 28 (SLF 6DOHV
Contents September 2021 9ROXPH ,VVXH
24 7 Questions with ... Turner Elliott Director of Marketing & E-commerce Integration Devoted Creations 42 Is it “Sun is Life Clean?” 46 Stop the Wheel! 5 Steps for Beating Burnout
50 ,W·V 7LPH WR
FEATURES 20 Tan-Link Customer Spotlight Electric Sun Salon Gaylord, MI 22 Salon of Distinction AfterGlow Tanning St. Petersburg, FL
Re-Assess Your Strategic Assumptions
54 Side Hustles Will
Never Make You Rich
Promote Your Salon This Fall with FREE Tanning Memes!
FT. WAYNE, IN – Eye Pro, Inc., world leader in clean, disposable eye protection for indoor tanning and makers of Ultra Gold WINK-EASE, Lash Room WINK-EASE and WINK-EASE Dark, is help ing make social media efforts easier for salons with fresh new seasonal memes geared toward fall … for FREE! “Social media is a con stantly moving target and now more than ever, people are relying on it for immedi ate attention and promotion,” explained Eye Pro President, Brenda Fishbaugh. “It’s hard enough to determine which platform is best for your particular salon and then, continuously develop posts that will engage your online followers. Social media ads, or ‘memes’ offer a quick, visual and fun way to stay in front of your customers on an on-going basis, while subtly educating them on the im portance of eyewear, lotions and tanning tips.” Creating memes, though, can be a time-consuming challenge. “Your salon staff already has so much to do on a daily basis,” continued Fishbaugh. “That’s why we’ve created tons of memes for salons to use – some that are seasonal, and ALL of fered at NO COST to salons
social media tanning ads to post on your salon pages and across multiple platforms. To find various libraries of all of the social media memes available FREE for salon promo use, visit WINK-EASE on Facebook, Twitter, Insta gram, YouTube and Pinter est. For more info on Eye Pro
– to help promote tanning services on Facebook, Twit ter and Instagram.” To receive Eye Pro’s fresh, NEW seasonal fall memes, simply email WinkEase@ and enter “Autumn Memes” in the email subject line. Eye Pro will then email you the FREE
products, visit WinkEase. com or call 800.726.8322. Follow and “like” WINK EASE on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and Pinterest to learn about edu cational info, special salon offers and promo tions. Q
September 2021
Industry Watchdog
Bad Connection By Joe Schuster
As we wrap up the sum mer and ease into fall, leave it to the health mags to take another shot at tanning beds, albeit during some of the slowest times of the year for the tanning business. The impetus for this comes from a news release posted on a site called Spectrum One News (Charlotte, NC) titled, “Skin Cancer Survivor Shares Story to Raise Awareness.” As I usually say, “let’s dig in.” According to the story, Jennifer Thompson found out a few years ago that she had stage 3 melanoma which had started as a small mole on her leg. Regrettably, she had to suffer through visits to an oncologist, a plastic surgeon and then, an infu sion doctor. These treatments are really hard and the young girl was quite miserable. Looking back, she felt that her skin cancer could have been prevented. “That’s my biggest regret, using a tanning bed.” Whoa! Slow down, Sylvester. That’s quite a jump to take. According to her (ahem) medical acumen, that small mole on her leg was caused by using a sunbed. So, tell the public
green eyes, blonde or red hair and/ or more than 50 moles on their skin are at greater risk.” The same goes for those whose skin burns, reddens or freckles easily or has a history of skin cancer. Yes, that is correct! But the only connection Ms. Thompson makes to her melanoma is sunbed use. Remember? “... that’s my big gest regret, using a tanning bed.” Thompson says that she became cancer-free in September and en joys working out before dawn and dusk to avoid sun exposure and makes sure she wears sunscreen. Also, “keep an eye on the number of moles on your skin.” Well, that’s some prudent advice. Thanks for that connection (finally). Millions of people weigh the risk and benefit of UV exposure and choose to seek a cosmetic tan in professional indoor tanning facili ties where sessions are delivered ac cording to individual skin type and a timer system to minimize the risk of overexposure and sunburn. Q
how you made this connection. No information shared. How many times did you use a sunbed? What type of sunlamp was installed and what were the durations of those sessions? Tell us your lifetime his tory of exposure to natural sunlight and how many times you suffered through erythema (sunburn). What about any family history of skin cancer and the number of moles on your skin? Crickets ... just crickets. Well, all of those factors play a significant role in the experience of the millions who choose to obtain UV exposure in a sunbed. As usual, stories like this will pull in a doctor to provide expert comments. Enter Jennifer Dallas, MD, who states that “avoiding tan ning beds, limiting sun exposure, wearing wide-brimmed hats and sunscreen of at least SPF 30 can help prevent skin cancer.” Sounds good. So, Doc – what about the con nection of skin cancer to heredity and mole coverage? No quote on that; but let’s bring in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which states that “people with a lighter natural skin color, blue or
Team IST searches for erroneous, suspect or negative reporting by the media that adversely impacts the tanning industry. Reports such as these have plagued tanning businesses for decades. Although the media sources will seldom admit a falsehood DQG SULQW D UHWUDFWLRQ Ζ67 RHUV WKHVH ZHOO FUDIWHG UHVSRQVHV WR WKH QHJDWLYH reports that can be shared with your customers and potential customers, alike.
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September 2021
JG: We have only been using Tan-Link for two months and again, we are new salon owners. I know my staff who used the previous software say Tan-Link is much easier to use. TL: What is your favorite feature of our software and why? JG: 1. It is web-based and I can use it on my tablet or cell phone. No matter where I am, if a customer sends a text with a question, I can look up their account and immediately answer it. 2. Tan-Link does EFT drafts automatically. 3. It’s nice to have the texting feature send a “welcome” text to new customers.
Tan-Link Customer Spotlight Electric Sun Salon Gaylord, MI
TL: How has Tan-Link impacted your core metrics and business, overall? JG: It’s hard to imagine and I thought to myself, ‘how can software make your salon more profitable?’ Well, trust me – it can! With the Prorate + 1st Month, Auto Drafts, 2nd and 3rd Auto Drafts, text and social media communication with custom ers, we find more people coming to the salon and purchasing more products.
We asked John Grish, Co-own er of a Northern Michigan salon and new Tan-Link software customer, to tell us why he loves the program. Read what he had to say! TL: Give us a quick overview of Electric Sun. JG: My wife Kristine and I are new own ers – the salon has been established for more than 14 years in the same location. We currently employ eight people but will be expanding with our new addition. JG: With the previous program, major “pain points” included only having one choice for a credit card processor. Report ing was another issue and the software was installed on the salon computer, so there was no web-based access. The previous software crashed a lot, causing headaches for my staff and for me, as well. TL: Describe a few of the reasons you decided to go with Tan-Link. JG: 1. The salesperson answered all my ques tions very quickly. 2. We like the ability to charge a prorate + next month when a customer purchases an EFT membership. We can draft once per month and any declined members get an automatic text to let them know. They now can call the salon, come in, pay the balance online and update their card info. 3. The Call Center feature is excellent! When a customer calls the salon, a pop up on the computer screen tells us who it is, what tanning package they have and if they have an unpaid balance. 4. With the Online Store, we have now sold many packages online! 5. We do many spray-tans. Customers can call to schedule an appointment or with the Tan-Link Online Appoint ment Scheduler, they can do it on our website ( TL: What were the key factors that led you to change software products?
“I thought to myself, ‘how can software make your salon more profitable?’ Well, trust me – it can!” John Grish
TL: Have you had any costs reduced as a result? JG: The previous software was installed on my salon computer and paid for and while Tan-Link does have a monthly fee, it is well worth it. With the increased revenue, the cost is offset, for sure. TL: Can you measure any increased productivity or time savings? JG: Yes – it saves time. Putting a salon guest into a tanning bed is much quicker than with our previous software. The guest’s his tory and notes are also right in front of you.
4. The Online App is great for customers to make appointments, see what member ship they have, how many sessions they have left, and pay right from the app. TL: Have you used our customer support resources? If so, how was your experience? JG: Have I used it? LOL ... Oh, yes! I have to say that Tan-Link’s support goes way above any I have ever seen. They now have a chat window on the dashboard for quick questions or issues. AMAZING! Q
TL: Have you seen increases in revenue or growth?
September 2021
Salon of Distinction
A side from being the tanning industry’s premier training and certification program, Sun is Life ® offers a fantastic reward to salon operators who educate themselves and their teams, either in our classroom format or interactively with the internet version. Those who invest in SIL get the chance to be featured in IST Magazine as our Salon of Distinction! It al ways brings a smile to my face when I contact someone to tell them their salon has been selected – although, I usually have to explain that I’m not selling anything – as in this case with new Florida salon pro, Briana Roman. We had a great chat ... after I told her that I didn’t need a credit card to continue . AfterGlow T A N N I N G St. Petersburg, FL Just Getting Started!
IST: As a resident of the Metro-At lanta area, I like the connection of your start in the tan biz. Give our readers a bit of backstory. BR: I started in the tanning industry nine years ago in Atlanta and instantly fell in love with the job and the business. Over the years, tanning has become my passion. My mother Lora and I have al ways wanted to open our own salon and we were so thrilled to finally achieve that goal! She found this established facility in St. Petersburg and it was just perfect for us. It has been in business for seven years, but we bought it in May of 2021. IST: Operating a tanning facility in a sunny area like beautiful St. Pete must be challenging. How do you overcome this? BR: It IS a challenge! At times, it can be a little trying because it is always sunny here and the beach is right down the street. But we offer our guests more than just tanning. We consider them to be family and make sure we give the best service and education on products to help them achieve the best tanning
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September 2021
areas – just about anything that our customers may come into contact with. IST: While we were chatting on the phone, I listened to you engage with a salon guest and was really impressed by your technique. Great job up-selling her to a top level tanning lotion! I typically despise being sold something that I may not have an interest in. What is your key to selling products and services? BR: The key is educating guests on the benefits of using an indoor tanning lotion and listening to what they want in a product. I also try to build first name relationships with our guests. IST: What are your goals for the next 1-3 years? BR: Of course, we want to be the best salon in the St. Pete/Clearwater area! But as relative newbies to the business, we really just want to establish our facil ity by providing great customer service. Briana, all the best to you and Lola for the rest of 2021 and the future ! Q
results while caring for their skin. Plus, most people who live here don’t have time to lay in the sun! If you’re on vaca tion in Florida, you want to go home with a tan and if it rains or is really cloudy during your visit, that could be impossible. We can make it happen! IST: You’ve taken Sun is Life train ing and also make sure that your staff does. How important is it to have a team fully trained with Sun is Life? BR: It is extremely important. I need them to be able to properly educate guests about indoor tanning and mod eration. Sun is Life has all the tools we need and I loved taking the course! IST: The COVID crisis has certainly impacted many small businesses and clearly, indoor tanning salons. As you just took over the salon, how will you adjust? BR: The Sun is Life training has an excellent module that addresses sani tizing and salon hygiene. Of course, we will go the extra mile and wipe down all handles, buttons and high-traffic
Owners ............................ Briana Roman & Lora Benard UV Tanning Units ................................................ 6 Lotions ............................ Devoted Creations, Ed Hardy Software ................................................... Tan-Link Other Services ............................... VersaSpa Sunless, Norvell Custom Airbrush Distributor Partner ................................ Four Seasons Best-selling Lotion .......................... Devoted Creations Filthy Rich Most Popular Tanning Package .................. Diamond Club
Turner ELLIOTT 7 Questions with . . . .
Director of Marketing & E-commerce Integration Devoted Creations
5. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Ribeye steak, no contest. 6. The words that best describe me are: Proactive, dedicated, resourceful, easy-going. 7. What’s one thing that can instantly make your day better? A trip to the beach with my dog! Q
1. What was your very first job? I worked on a wide range of advertis ing-related projects for a friend’s business. 2. Who are your heroes? My parents – they’re two of the stron gest, yet kindest people I know. I owe a lot of who I am to them and what they taught me when I was growing up.
3. Sometime in my life, I’d like to: Spend a few weeks in Italy exploring as much as possible. 4. What was the best vacation you ever took and why? I took a Caribbean cruise a few years back with a huge group of friends. It was a wild time and I met some awesome people.
sergo 77 /
September 2021
ASA News
ASA Successful in 14 States in 2021
2013, ASA has promoted a common approach of putting the industry’s positions in constructive, scientifically supported terms. That positive ap proach has paid dividends. Since 2015, ASA has convinced state legislatures 109 times that our positions make sense – continuing to win when we have the opportunity to lay out the unintended consequences of anti-salon legislation. “We can demonstrate that our position is solid scientifically,” said Levy, who has
he American Suntan ning Association came out on the winning side in 14 state legisla tive issues in 2021
Levy stated. “And get involved with ASA. We need your support.” Levy has worked hard to educate both sides of the aisle that professional sunbed facilities have a scientifically supported position. That’s become in creasingly important, as sun care top ics have become less partisan than the days of the 1990s, when it was simply a “more-or-less regulation” issue. “For 29 years, I’ve been pretty consistent that effective sunburn pre vention is the future of professional sunbed operations,” Levy said. “And there’s no doubt that’s the gas that puts fuel in our engine. Demonstrat ing that to both sides of the aisle is going to be more and more important as we enter the next decade.” Q To join ASA today, call 855.879.7678, or visit About the ASA Founded in 2012, the American Suntanning Asso ciation is committed to defending and growing the industry through a detailed and proactive plan directed by an all-salon board and executed by more than two dozen management and consulting teammembers who specialize in this type of work.
without a defeat, using science to convince legislators that our approach to sunburn prevention and parental consent for tanners is the best way to address sun care issues. In spring 2021, ASA prevailed in leg islative issues in Iowa, Mississippi, New
Since 2013, ASA has promoted a common approach of putting the industry’s positions in GSRWXVYGXMZI WGMIRXMƼGEPP] WYTTSVXIH XIVQW
now traveled to 43 different state capitols on behalf of ASA and ASA partners. Tanning professionals in New York state are encouraged to join ASA to help the association fund advocacy work in Albany. Tanning profession als in other states should join to help ASA keep this concept from gaining traction anywhere else. “The best way to keep legislation from getting any traction is to re-dedicate your tanning business to professional practices, sunburn prevention and to be worthy of the path that is being blazed for the tanning market of tomorrow,”
York, New Jersey, Oregon, Ohio and South Carolina, all of which involved under-18 age restrictions (under-21 was introduced in New York state). Additionally, ASA convinced would be legislative sponsors in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida and Con necticut to not re-introduce under-18 age restriction proposals in 2021. ASA also tracked and joined coalitions successfully arguing against tax bills introduced in Arkansas and Texas that would have included tanning services. Fortunately, we aren’t starting from Ground Zero in this battle. Since
September 2021
Epic Sales
By David McFarland Details Matter
The best part about writing this column is that it’s been a platform for me to share what I’ve seen during many years out on the road working with staff at salons just like yours. These inspiring moments just unfolded organically as I worked with tanners alongside salon teams across the country. The best lessons were always just simple moments when I realized that this one little piece of knowledge could potentially propel sales upward for years to come. While working directly with guests, most teachable moments occur within the broad and sometimes over-generalized subject of “customer service” and “in store experience.” While many things can affect the in-store experience (e.g. products, prices, store environment, etc.), customer service is always going to be a top factor that impacts not only how tan ning salon shoppers perceive your salon, but also how much money they are willing to spend on the products you offer. Here’s a beautiful lesson I learned a while back as I worked with a team of the most efficient note-takers I ever encountered. By “notetaking,” I mean that in each customer’s profile, they had kept very detailed notes about them, both past and present. Like clockwork, as each tan ner was greeted and checked in, the notes were used as a sort of script to help staff customize each and every tanner’s visit.
It was a lotion-seller’s dream come true! With a quick glance, they knew everything they needed to know to help openmore sales opportunities at that moment – like a cheat-sheet with exactly what to say to each guest. Info like: where they were headed on vacation, what lotion sample they had tried a week ago and loved. I saw one note in a tanner’s profile that just said “addicted to raspberry lol.” The point is that this salon manager took notetaking to another level and as I worked with the team, I realized they had taken a really simple concept and ran with it. It became clear that this was taught to each employee, practiced and perfected. Team members greeted each guest as they walked in, took a moment to glance over the notes and then, began to tailor the conversation based on those notes. Then, during the rest of the visit, the team member added to the notes based on the visit results, the guest’s comments, what was purchased, sampled, etc. By the end of a night working with this team, I realized this was much more than just an exercise in good “customer service” or another sales tool. This was a confidence boosting, report-building sales secret weapon that every salon should be using! They say that necessity is the mother of invention and when I asked themwhy they decided to commit to this extreme notetak ing process, they told me it was because the staff were always saying they didn’t know what to say to create conversations with
guests, so they figured that the perfect solu tion was to keep a detailed log that basically tells them how to direct the conversation… and it worked beautifully! What I love about customer service/ experience is that you can create, craft and control it. You may not be able to control the weather, a pandemic or your competi tors, but what your team does and says while working with guests is something you surely can control. Q service” or another sales ɽɁɁȢӗ ɽȃȈɰ Ȉɰ ƃ ƺɁȶˎ ǁljȶƺljӸ boosting, sales secret weapon that every salon should be using! More than just an exercise in good “customer
About the Author: David McFarland is a National Educator for Sun Evolutions, offering brands including Supre Tan, ProTan, Hempz and Fiesta Sun. He
is a face-to-face sales and beauty product fanatic who gauges his success solely on his effectiveness at selling real product to real, live salon customers.
September 2021
Ergoline Focus
Exclusive Salon Spotlight Totally Tan & Spa By Victoria Eckert
PIONEERS Scattered across southeast Minnesota, discover a wealth of ultimate body-tanning and spa salons – Totally Tan & Spa. This booming business was established in 1999 by Don and Patti Nelson, currently transitioning to retirement while excited to keep the family business going with their son Michael Nelson and daughter, Nikki Schwartz. With hard work, dedication and perseverance, the Nelsons became pioneers in Minnesota. Totally Tan & Spa now dominates Minneapolis with 17 salons. “I consider myself very fortunate to
have learned everything from my parents,” states Nelson. He has been in the industry for 13 years and prides himself on his ability to inspire confidence and boost his guests’ wellbeing through his services. At JK, we are inspired by our salon operators and intrigued to discover more about this business and its growing success. YOUR WELLNESS … OUR PASSION “Your Wellness ... Our Passion” is a statement that Nelson builds upon each day. A superior guest experience is the
most important goal at Totally Tan & Spa. “It’s not just a membership – this is a lifestyle,” he adds. Trained staff consult each new guest to assess their goals to achieve maximum results. “We have such an incredible team … professional and exceptionally trained. They really care about the tanning and wellness industry, each other, and our guests.” What can you expect when you walk through the doors at Totally Tan & Spa? The most advanced equipment in the industry – “that’s what sets us apart,” says Nelson.
“We have such an incredible team. Our success is a contribution of a team built by minds that really care.”
September 2021
multiple spa and wellness services and by doing so, it instantly opens the door for more new clientele,” Nelson states. “I don’t know anyone who is not intrigued by it or couldn’t use some wellness in their life.” He says that he and his team provide services that set his business apart from others. “Being diverse in this industry gives you such an advantage. Guests want to walk into your salon and find a variety of services that will help them reach their personal beauty and wellness goals. The convenience of having it all really sets you apart from the rest.” A PARTNER FOR THE FUTURE An exciting feature of the tanning and wellness industry is the ever-changing evolution and innovation of new technology. For more than 30 years, Ergoline has been the industry leader in tanning and light technologies. As JK looks to the future, the addition of Wellsystem Relax allows salons to offer a more well-rounded and diverse menu of equipment options. “The industry is changing rapidly,” Nelson says. “I can’t wait to see what new, advanced equipment gets introduced next!” As a standard-bearer and innovation leader, Ergoline looks to continue growing the network of hardworking business
owners by providing them with exceptional customer service and high-quality equipment. “Ergoline stands out from the rest,” Nelson continues. “From beautiful equipment to great results, Ergoline delivers. If you are considering new UV or wellness equipment, I would highly suggest looking at Ergoline.” Though the past 18 months have been amongst the most challenging for businesses, Nelson believes that it’s his staff that drives his success. “We have such an incredible team. Our success is the result of a team built by minds that really care. We have been chosen as one of the top 250 spas in the United States and have also been awarded recognition by our cities. Our mission is simple: deliver a great experience for every guest, every time – with results everyone will notice!” Q
Totally Tan & Spa stands out from other salons in the area by providing exceptional customer service, clean amenities, large selections of lotions and accessories, and a diverse group of high-end luxury equipment. Among the most popular tanning systems is the Prestige 1600, available to the salons’ Elite Sunbed membership. “Guests love the idea of getting a red-light therapy treatment at the same time they are getting some vitamin D,” Nelson explains. Utilizing UV and red light in the same session, Hybrid Light Technology mesmerizes customers with fast, long-lasting results and a luxurious, relaxing experience. “Our Elite sunbeds take your tanning to the max – an incredible experience that keeps you coming back,” Nelson says. Spa locations offer the Wellsystem Relax to their wellness and spa-minded customers. The Wellsystem Relax is a heated, dry-water platform for full-body hydrotherapy, relaxation and rejuvenation in just 15 minutes or less. For guests seeking a spa experience, Totally Tan & Spa facilities are designed to deliver a relaxing, spa-like environment for an enjoyable visit every time. “We have integrated
About the Author: Victoria Eckert is Communi cation & Content Specialist in the Marketing Department for JK Products & Services. New to the company, Victoria
brings an extensive background in communica tion and social media management. A U.S. Army veteran, she is a graduate of Arkansas State
University with a degree in Strate gic Communications with empha sis in Public Relations, Advertising and Social Media Management.
Eye to Eye
How I Convince my Tanners to Wear Eyewear Part Three By Brenda Fishbaugh
Island Tan both believe that a picture is worth a thousand words. Colgrove ex plains, “We use these great, free counter displays created by Wink-Ease. We place them in plain view for all guests entering the salon and getting their room selec tion, purchasing any product, or asking any question of the staff. It is a great visual aid to use when signing up new or returning customers,” this St. John’s, FL operator elaborates. (Want the com pletely NEW Wink-Ease counter displays you print and put in a clear stand? Email and ask for the new Wink-Ease counter displays.) Want to train your team for free and hang their “Eye Protection Expert” certificates in your salon? Email and I’ll send you the link to our 30-minute eye protection course. Gina Grassi of OceanRayz Tanning Studios uses a different visual aid. “I ask them to close their eyes and I turn on a flashlight held a few feet from their eyes,” she shares. “I ask if they can see it through their closed eyelids, and of course, they can. I explain that a flashlight is much less powerful than my tanning beds and that eyelids are not protection,” explains this Florida salon owner. Zakara Shirley, owner of Lil’ Pink Electric Tan LLC in Leon, WV has yet another method for reaching her tanners. “I display my ‘Eye Protection Expert’ certificate in plain sight and I ex plain what happens when you don’t wear eyewear!” she exclaims. “When a tanner first comes in to buy a tanning pack age, I tell them they need to purchase eyewear and wear it every time – it’s not my law, it’s a federal and state law. They usually don’t hesitate, but if they do, we give them a pair of disposables every time they tan,” enthuses Shirley. Q
Plummer brings up an important point about liability. The FDA reports that the No. 1 reason tanners seek medi cal attention after an indoor tanning session is eye (corneal) burns, called photokeratitis. It’s so easy for a tanner to prevent eye injury – all they need to do is use one of the goggle types or disposable eye protection products you offer! I recommend you check in with your insurance agent. They most certainly are going to require that you ask for eye protection every time your tanner enters the facility, as it is a federal law, and also a state law in most states. (Want to know your state laws? Email with your state and I’ll send you the latest.) Zoe’ Buchmuller-Killeen of Forever Sunshine Tanning in Little Ferry, NJ and Hugh W. Colgrove of Paradise
the July and August issues, I shared many ways tanning center operators coax guests
into wearing eye protection during a UV session. Some, like Robert Ashe, Owner of Sun Seekers in Portsmouth, NH “smooth talk” their tanners. “I say to them, ‘You have beautiful eyes, I’d hate to see you ruin them’.” Others take the tough approach, like James Plum mer, Owner of two Millennium Tan salons. “Eye protection is mandatory in my salons and tanners must have their own. No goggles, no tan!” he states. “We require tanners to physically show their FDA-compliant eye protection to our attendant at every single visit. My feel ing is that this can save me from being sued years later,” this Regina, Saskatch ewan, Canada operator explains.
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About the Author: Tanning industry veteranBrenda Fishbaugh is president of Eye Pro, Inc., makers of disposable eyewear. She travels extensively training salons on
the effects of UV light on vision.
Egor Lisovskiy /
September 2021
Supportedfrom AllAngles
Lync IT
By Melissa Damiani
W hen deciding to implement a business software program (regardless of whether you are using a solution for the first time or converting to a new one), although it’s important to evaluate the product itself, it’s equally imperative to as sess the quality of the company’s services. It’s inevitable that from time to time, an issue will arise with any software product you utilize. Once you’ve confirmed that the vendor you are considering offers some form of technical assistance, it’s wise to learn about how they will react when issues arise by asking some detailed questions. For example, will you receive unlimited support during a specified time frame, or do you have to pay per inquiry (which could become quite costly)? Do you have multiple avenues to submit a tech support question or issue? Having multiple forms of contact such as phone, email, chat or even the ability to submit an issue via a website can be especially helpful. For example, if you have an ur gent issue or question, you may prefer to call and speak with an individual who can provide a quick response as opposed to submitting a ticket and awaiting a reply.
both courteous and knowledgeable. You want to take comfort in knowing that the person handling your issue is kind, energetic and will take it seriously. A rep who is empathetic and can relate to the is sue you are experiencing will demonstrate patience while treating the matter with a sense of urgency (and will know when it’s necessary to escalate your issue, too). If you’re using a stable software pro gram that is being continuously main tained and enhanced, chances are that the majority of contact you will have with tech support involves procedural related questions. Perhaps you want to set up a new holiday promotion or would like to change some of the restrictions on your EFT membership, but you forgot how to do it. A solid tech support team will not only guide you through the process of making such changes to your setup, but will also offer additional resources. When assisting with certain items, access to your desk top may be beneficial, so you may want to ask if they have a remote connection tool. A tech support package will often include access to resources such as documentation or a customer-facing
Exceptional tech support teams are dedicated to seeing customer issues through to resolution. They will even go the “extra mile” and follow up to ensure that the problem has not recurred. These types of teams will continuously strive to improve their services by en listing regular feedback through means such as sending out satisfaction surveys at the resolution of each incident. These teams are also adaptable to changes in their industry or to the world in general. With the many temporary forced business closures due to last year’s pandemic (when things seemed to be everchanging and rapid, at that), did you have a support team there to assist you and to pivot as needed to accommodate your needs? Did you perhaps need guidance on situations like how to handle EFT memberships during closure, or how to facilitate social distancing in your salon lobby through the use of online appointments when it reopened? If you had an agile tech support team available to you during these uncertain times, they likely provided a sense of relief. We all want to be more productive, efficient and profitable in our business. A crucial component of this success is a software vendor that takes the utmost pride in their support services! Q
Acrucialcomponentofyour success isasoftwarevendor that takestheutmostpride in theirsupportservices!
About the Author: Melissa Damiani is the Sales Manager of SunLync Software, Inc. a member of the JK-North America group of companies. With the company since 2002,
Melissa has served the organization in several capacities, and has extensive knowledge of all aspects required to deliver robust salon man agement software solutions that are designed to enable measurable growth within its users’ ever evolving business models. Call Melissa at 866. SUNLYNC x3 or email
knowledge base and online videos and tutorials. A software vendor should be willing to educate customers on how to effectively use their program.
Readily accessible tech support is of course essential; but it’s also important to have a level of confidence that the technician answering the phone will be
greenbutterfly /
September 2021
Monthly Motivation
Financial Freedom Starts With You
Howdoyou build a profitable business so that you can do anything else withoutworry Maybe you want to own a bakery, spa busi ness, restaurant franchise, marketing agency, etc. Or, maybe you want to start something completely new and unique that no one has ever seen before. You have the freedom to pursue any dream andmake it a reality. When you do something you love, it’ll be easier to create financial freedom. With some hard work and patience, the business of your dreams can become a business-in-the-making. Once you have found what you want to put all your time, energy, ideas, innovation and creativity into, you’re ready to take it a step further. T here’s nothing more special than having freedom. We have the freedom to create a life that we want – freedom to live, work and play, to dream and follow our goals. Having a business is the key to unlock ing financial freedom. Let’s talk about how financial freedom starts with you and how you can begin right now. In terms of business, we like to refer to “financial freedom” as freedom from financial worries – freedom to enjoy leisure time, family time and personal time. Howdo you build a profitable business so that you can do anything else without worry or concern formoney? There are a fewthings business owners cando tohave financial freedom: Determine what you are passionate about.
Find a need not being met in the marketplace. Let’s say you want to own a tech busi ness. You may find that there are already many out there who are doing what you want, but nobody is focusing exclusively on a specific aspect. It could be an app or feature that’s NEVER been created before. This means there would be no competition and a need not met by anyone else! This gives you a clear advantage in your market and helps set you up for financial success. Develop your business plan and start small to test the waters. Business plans are incredibly impor tant and can help business owners avoid problems before they happen. You may be unsure if your business idea is viable or not, which is why with a small business, it’s always good to test the waters first. Get out of debt by cutting up all credit cards and paying off all loans as soon as possible. Debt is the killer of business and financial freedom! This means that you should not take on any debt before starting a business unless it’s for something like equipment or supplies immediately needed for start-up. Instead, get out of all credit card debt and loans as soon as possible so when you do start your business, you can start building wealth right away.
Invest wisely, diversify, and make sure you have enough money for emergencies. Investing is a business in itself and it’s crucial for business owners to know that there are plenty of risks involved, but also huge rewards. Youwant tomake sure you invest wisely, diversify so they’re not all in one place or company, and always have enoughmoney set aside for emergencies. Learn how to invest in real estate so you can grow your wealth exponentially over time. If you’re looking for business advice, this is one of the best tips I can give: investing in real estate may seem risky to some, but it’s actually a really good way to grow your wealth exponentially, over time. Having a passive income can help you grow your business even more and provide you with the financial freedom you crave. Q About the Author: Grant Cardone is a New York Times bestselling author, FOUSFQSFOFVSTIJQ TPDJBM NFEJB BOE m OBODF )JT companies have annual revenues exceeding $100 million. Forbes named Mr. Cardone #1 of UIF i .BSLFUJOH *On VFODFST UP 8BUDI JO w )F SFHVMBSMZ BQQFBST PO 'PY /FXT 'PY #VTJ OFTT BOE .4/#$ BOE XSJUFT GPS Forbes, Suc cess Magazine, Business Insider $/#$ BOE Entrepreneur. )F VSHFT IJT GPMMPXFST BOE DMJFOUT to make success their duty, responsibility and PCMJHBUJPO )F DVSSFOUMZ SFTJEFT JO 4PVUI 'MPSJEB with his wife and two daughters. the No. 1 sales trainer in the world, and an internationally renowned speaker on lead ership, real estate investing,
weyo /
or concern for money?
September 2021
Notes from the Road
Do You Run Your Day ...
O Prioritize Training One of the biggest wastes of a manager’s time is answering mundane staff questions, such as “how do I ring this up?” Or “where can I find ____?” If you seem to answer a lot of routine procedural questions, it’s be cause your staff is not adequately trained. If this is the case, add “teach staff something Themain difference between an effective manager and a frantic one is simple – time management. new” to your daily to-do list. One thing we started for our staff at Devoted Cre ations is a book called the “Devoted Bible.” Before asking a question, staff looks in that book to see if they can find the answer. If not, then they ask – and they add the ques tion and correct answer to the Devoted Bible, so it can be looked up next time. O Give Praise Staff who feel appreciated will always go above and beyond what is expected. Set time aside weekly or monthly to do something to make your staff feel good. It can be as simple as picking them up coffee on the way to the salon just to say, “you’ve been doing a great job.” Little gestures go a long way. People always remember how you make them feel – make sure your staff feels motivated and appreciated. Time management is hard. But, I believe if you incorporate some of the ideas in this article into your everyday life, you will free up more time to focus on what needs to be done, rather than just handling what pops up. Q
OR Does Your Day Run YOU? By Lisa Saavedra
M ost salon managers or owners struggle with time management. It doesn’t matter how many hours there are in a day, we somehow never seem to have enough. Although your business card may say “Owner” or “Manager,” it’s most likely because there is not enough space to include shift-filler, accountant, in-house therapist, customer complaint department, employee conflict mediator, etc. In fact, with so many things pulling you in 50 different directions, you probably end up cramming a day’s worth of work into half a day’s time because of other things that just “pop up.” The main difference between being an effective manager and a frantic one is simple – time management. “The problem is that managers are frequently subject to the whims of forces outside their control,” says the author of You Can Compete: Double Sales Without Dis counting (an awesome read!) “So, you’re either passive and a victim of all these demands on you, or you are proactive and the master of your day, and there’s a
huge difference in the way you feel stress between those two. If you come into the store and all you know is how stretched you are and that there’s no time, well, guess what? You will be stretched and have no time. But if you can say, ‘I’ve got a handle on it – I know what’s most important to accomplish today,’ that’s going to make a huge difference.” Make a list and check it twice – be gin each day with a list of personal and professional tasks that need comple tion. If you build your day around those, you won’t be so subject to get ting sidetracked by outside forces. portant task. Check your salon’s schedule, and give everyone you’re working with their sales goals, as well. In the face of all the distractions that will inevitably pop up throughout the day, this simple step will help keep you focused on your primary job: hitting your sales goal. If you don’t give your staff something to work toward – they won’t work as hard, either. O Goal-setting Setting your sales goal is a hugely im
About the Author: Lisa Saavedra is Director of Brand Development for Devoted Creations family of brands. With over 15 years in the industry, Lisa brings
knowledge and enthusiasm to all aspects of the business, including social media, product development, training, customer relations, public speaking and marketing strategies. Lisa worked at the salon level managing a large chain, which infuses her sales training and brand concepts with
real-world experience. Lisa has been voted the IST Magazine Person of the Year three times.
Nataliya Kalabina /
September 2021
UK View
J ust when we thought we could confidently start walking out of the dark woods that, for all of us, have been the 18-month impact of the pandemic, it seems we now have to contend with another issue. As with most things COVID-related, this issue is not confined to our industry. Importantly, and reassuringly, however, we do know it is an issue that will be resolved and, very importantly, I suggest it represents an impressive insight to the strength, resilience and support that exists within the professional strands of our industry, even when faced with such challenging times as a global pandemic. So, what is this issue to which I am referring? Quite simply: resources. As we came out of lockdown, the pent-up demand for tanning salon services and the confidence of operators in their business model saw new product orders firing in from all angles. Of course, this was fantastic and with an ability to warehouse on a significant scale, we were generally able to promptly satisfy all product orders. However, it has become increasingly apparent that the impact of the health crisis has resulted in significant challenges in the supply chain across all sectors. For our sector in particular, whether this is in the supply of OEM parts to tanning bed manufacturers, ingredients for lotions, packaging and so on, obtaining resources to meet demand became increasingly difficult. And when combined with ongoing travel and trade restrictions, the outcomes were inevitable, resulting in increased delays of finished products to meet demand.
It is the basic law of economics: when demand exceeds supply, prices tend to rise. However, the impact of COVID has realised unprecedented times resulting in global grief, financial hardship for many, along with business, employment and personal challenges across the board. And this is where I have seen and personally experienced our industry being stand out. As we navigate these choppy waters, I simply cannot understate how impressed I have been with the attitude and commitment of companies that I have the great pleasure to work with to minimise these increases – together.
to spend their hard-earned dollar, through to the supplier to the largest of chains. We all work hard to build these relationships and value their roles in our business success. As far as I can tell, everyone is going that extra mile in an attempt to work together to minimise disruption and delay in the supply chain, as well as working every angle possible to ensure salon owners and operators (and in turn, consumers) are not being presented with increased bills. I suspect this will not always have a 100% success rate; but I believe we are setting a standard that I am confident will reap rewards for us all, as we each play a part in helping sustain the ongoing viability of our sector. When we look back on this moment in time, I know that along with the difficulties and challenges we have faced, we will also have amazing memories of the people and businesses we have been able to support in the continued success of our resilient industry. I like to call this #SunshineSupport Q
We all work hard to build these relationships and value
I am sure we would all agree that in our industry, relationships are paramount. These take time, often many years to build, yet can be lost in a flash. From the tanning salon operator who recognises that the customer always has a choice where their roles in our business success.
About the Author: In the tanning industry since 1982, Gary Lipman is Manag ing Director of the UK sub sidary of Ergoline, and runs Ergoline Plus, the exclusive
distributor for a wide range of sunless products & spray systems. He is also Chairman of the UK’s Sunbed Association & a European Sunlight Asso ciation member.
September 2021
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