ist magazine October 2022
ASA News
The People Fighting for YOU Since 2012, the American Suntanning Association has been fighting for the rights of U.S. tanning salons by slowing or stopping punitive federal and state regulations and taxes. Without ASA’s solid representation, your business would undoubtedly have additional regulations and state taxes far beyond what exists today. MELINDA NORTON ASA President JOSEPH LEVY ASA Executive Director MATT RUSSELL Consultant, Regulatory, Legal and PR Support
Since 2013, Joe Levy has been on more than 600 flights traveling to 43 states and Washington D.C. to promote the profes sional sunbed community’s scientifically supported position, defending the indus try against tan bans, state taxes, mandated literal interpretation of the FDA graduat ed recommended exposure schedule, and other punitive regulation attempts. Joe presents a constructive approach to the market’s outreach efforts – customizing different strategies in every state based on the DNA of that state’s legislature, but always based on being scientifically accurate and elevating the perception of professional tanning facilities. Here’s an overview of ASA’s state lob bying accomplishments so far: • Defeated more than 100 under-18 tan ban bills nationwide since 2013; • Defeated numerous attempts at state tan tax regulations; • Recently defeated several new attempts at under-21 tan bans; • Defeated several regulatory attempts to mandate literal interpretation of rec ommended exposure schedules, and • Worked nationwide to get tanning businesses classified as non-contact retail stores to allow them to open after COVID-19 shutdowns. Joe’s biggest concern today: Groups calling for under-21 tan bans and other punitive regulatory proposals that have become more prevalent in recent years.
Melinda Norton has spent six years as the industry’s association president, trav eling to Washington, D.C. to build rela tionships with federal policymakers and regulators on your behalf. Melinda’s face is well known in D.C. thanks to thousands of meetings in politician’s offices, congres sional hallways, lunches and fundraising functions. Melinda has been successful at opening doors with top agency officials to educate politicians and bureaucrats about our scientifically supported issues. Here is a list of just a few inroads Melinda has made on your behalf: • Developed relationships with White House officials that helped open agency doors; • Met with top-level agency officials introducing our scientists to govern ment decision-makers; • Created relationships with House committee chairpersons who have supported our issues; • Met with Senate leaders who have helped champion our efforts; • Held thousands of meetings with bi-partisan members of the House and Senate, and • Developed relationships with business support groups and the Small Busi ness Administration. Melinda’s biggest concern is the potential for very damaging industry regulations that are currently in play in Washington.
Matt Russell has worked for the ASA since its inception in December of 2012. As executive director, Matt works to co ordinate efforts between Melinda Norton, Joe Levy and ASA’s federal and state lobby ing consultants, as well as ASA’s legal and PR teams. Over several decades, Matt has developed a historical salon database as well as important industry data that plays an important role in all ASA efforts. Matt’s 40 years of tanning industry experience is also helpful, as he works to support ASA’s frontline team members. • Worked with Melinda Norton, Joe Levy and consultants to develop sci ence-based goals, strategies and tactics for state and federal lobbying efforts; • Created tanning salon outreach initia tives targeting specific state and federal policymakers, agencies, regulators and politicians with call for action requests; • Developed historical industry data to be used for state and federal lobbying; and • Worked to get critical financial, health and business-related information to tanning salons during the COVID-19 shutdown. Matt’s biggest concern today is the con tinued decrease in consumer confidence due to government-driven misinforma tion regarding UV tanning services. The tanning industry is under constant at tack – now, more than ever, ASA needs your support to help keep these attacks at bay. ■
About the ASA Founded in 2012, the American Suntanning Association is committed to defending and growing the industry through a detailed and proactive plan directed by an all-salon board and executed by more than two dozen management and con sulting team members who specialize in this type of work.
October 2022
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