ist Magazine May 2022


the person with the potential does not immediately or, for that matter, ever embrace the opportunity. A good potential-spotter is ready for anything. 8. Set the Stage for Success Sometimes, people with great potential fail because of factors that have nothing to do with the person or the opportunity. Exceptional poten- tial-spotters keep this in mind. And to the extent they can, they pave the way for success with training, exposure to information, time to practice new skills and other appropriate resources. 9. Embrace All Results When people meet with success, poten- tial-spotters acknowledge it, and they’re well on their way toward finding addi- tional opportunities to build on what’s been achieved. On the other hand, when people and opportunities don’t come together well, a good potential-spotter takes the situation in stride and finds other avenues for people to thrive. 10. Make Time for Spotting Potential-spotting can happen organically, but it can happen more often when you set aside time to think about it. Scheduling “spotting time” can yield great results. Great potential is in everyone and when it’s unleashed, it compounds. Success builds success! Imagine if everyone in your work- place realized even half of his or her potential. What could people achieve alone and together? Probably more than they do now. So, whose potential do you need to spot today? 

Great potential is in everyone and when it’s unleashed, it compounds.

3. Stick with Sincerity It’s one thing to recognize a spark before you see it; it’s another to tell people they’re good at something when there is significant evidence to the contrary. Most people can spot insincerity from a mile away, so it’s important to remain sincere. 4. Identify Opportunities In addition to recognizing possibility, great potential-spotters are on the lookout for the places where others can shine. They know opportunities come in all shapes and sizes: Sometimes the opportu- nity is a task or project. Other times, it’s a position or some other responsibility. 5. Bring the Person and the Opportunity Together in the Right Place Great potential-spotters understand not only who and what to pair, but how to introduce the opportunity. Sometimes these conversations are casual and other times, they are formal meetings. The type to hold largely depends on the person and the task. And because every circumstance is different, it’s important to be deliber- ate. If the task is part of routine work, a short conversation held in public may be appropriate. Conversely, when presenting a large project or new position, a formal meeting might be a better option.

6. Connect What &Why Potential-spotters follow a formula. They recognize a person’s strength, how it fits with the opportunity and why the match makes sense. “Julie, you’ve always done well with spreadsheets. I think you’d be a good fit for the position that’s opening in inventory management. Their system is similar to what you’ve been working with. In the role, not only would you be able to use what you currently know, but you’d also grow your skillset and open yourself to additional opportunities.” “Ben, I’ve been watching you work. You know how to follow the SOP and now, I think you’re ready to increase your speed. You’re diligent in your approach to what you do, and your attitude is certainly one of “can do.” I’d like to get you some additional time on the line later today. I know you could be one of our top performers with some practice.” 7. Prepare for a Range of Reactions People react to potential-spotters in a range of ways. Some embrace what they’re told and look forward to tack- ling whatever opportunity the spotter highlights. Others get bogged down in self-doubt and require additional reassurance. And from time to time, the spotter meets with rejection when

About the Author: Kate Zabriskie is the president of Business Training Works, Inc., a Maryland-based talent development firm. She and her teamprovide onsite, virtual and

online soft-skills training courses and workshops to clients in the United States and internationally. For more information, visit



May 2022

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