ist Magazine May 2022
Ergoline Focus
W ellsystem has created an entirely new marketing and a comprehensive service network, Well- system is rapidly expanding as the market leader. The high level of customer satisfaction has been recognized numerous times by multiple industry awards. As part of the JK Group of Companies which exports lifestyle, tanning and wellness products to over 50 coun- tries, Wellsystem has access to widespread resources and technology with its own development center. The JK Group is at the forefront of a new era of relax- ation services. The market leader’s overwater massage systems are used in thousands of therapeutic and commer- cial applications worldwide. Recently introduced to the market, the all-new Wellsystem Wave is a fully-automated, contactless, hygienic water massage experience. Equipped with powerful shoulder massage and technology, Wellsys- tem is filling a new product niche that is now an indis- pensable part of physiotherapy. JK has responded to the desire for a way to relax and rejuvenate the body and mind while on the go. product that is becoming an integral part of the health and wellness industry. With regular innovations, professional A Wellsystem session allows the user to unwind and decompress with full-body, heated hydrotherapy, relax- ation and rejuvenation. Offering invigorating aromather- apy combined with calming and centering meditation audio tracks, a 15-minute session can make an amazing difference in one’s wellbeing. The Wellsystem Wave will transport you to a world of tranquility where you can experience superior health. At JK, we may not be able to make you stop over-think- ing, over-scheduling, or over-committing yourself. We may not be able to send you away on a two-week vacation to a tropical paradise. What can we do? We can listen – listen to your needs and the needs of society. We have responded to the desire for a way to relax and rejuvenate the body and mind while on the go. For more information about the Wellsystem Wave, visit or email ■
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May 2022 A New Era of Relaxation Wellsystem Wave
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