ist magazine June 2022
MG: Hands down: surf and turf; however, always being mindful of my health, I am not sure my body would agree with that choice. 7. What advice would you give your 17-year-old self? BG: Study hard and get excellent grades in school. Don’t quit college! Wake up
so today, I’m excited to be running for the Ohio House of Representatives. 6. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? BG: Crab legs/lobster with steak and asparagus, a glass of Cabernet and crème brûlée for dessert.
on time and deliver on every promise and commitment you have. Do more than is expected and expect nothing in return. Always find a way to make someone’s day better. MG: I would tell myself to become extremely proficient in IT, make sure to learn from all your experiences and most importantly: never give up and always give back!
spend with friends boating on Lake Erie. Additionally, years back when I was a lobbyist, PAC Chairman and Legislative Chairman for the Indoor Tanning Association, I found tremendous value and satisfaction being the voice of so many industry members. I have had a de cade-long dream of returning to this level of involvement;
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