ist magazine July 2022


I t ’ s your dr eam. You a r e the CEO of your dr eam. No on e e l s e c an b e .

If you look at a week of your life, would you see evidence of your commitment and decision? Don’t be a hobbyist, be a lobbyist for your dream. Go all in! A visual of your end goal. What does your end goal look like? Having a constant reminder keeps your brain engaged and your subconscious mind working even when you are not. At random times, you’ll have random ideas that may just get you to your next breakthrough.

Self-Belief. What belief do you need to work on? To reach a ridiculous dream, we usually need to change our self-identity. How would someone who achieved the dream you have look at themselves? Identify it and find a way to build it. Breakthroughs you experience along the way will help create the new self-identity. You may not immediately notice when it happens, but people who are close to you will notice your shift. It will be cool to hear. Prayer/Meditation. Often. Daily is recommended. Enough said. New Habits. Habits, good or bad, affect us more than we would like to admit. Practice? Yup, both important; but not nearly as critical as the habit of … (insert your dream here). For your ridiculous dream, there will be a few critical habits you need to create. Find out what they are and commit to yourself. Accountability Buddies. In addition to committing to yourself, find two accountability buddies. Be careful who you choose; your choice alone could make or break your dream. You need to find someone who knows you, who you can be vulnerable with and will call you out on your B.S. all while being encouraging. Not an easy choice. Remember though, you are the CEO of your dream – if they

aren’t helping move you forward, find another. Try sitting down with them over coffee or a glass of wine and tell them what you are doing and why. Your “why” is important to them helping you out during the tough times. Come up with a plan that works for both of you, how often you will check in and how. Who could be your accountability buddies? Find your direction. If you are going to put in the effort, wouldn’t it make sense to work in the right direction? The biggest thing that causes doubt is working really hard and making no progress. No progress leads to doubt. What courses would you take that would give you direction? Do your due diligence! There are many people trying to “sell” people who have big dreams. Don’t over-complicate it. Also, don’t listen to someone who has zero experi ence in the area of your dream. Period. They may be successful elsewhere, but seek out people who have experience and credibility in the area of your dream. Get feedback. Here’s a formula called: The Math to Mastery. Effort x (Direction + Feedback) = Mastery. Once you choose a direction, you must seek out feedback from a mentor, coach or a guide with experience in that area. You need that voice of experience who has seen many work hard in the wrong direction. You will get off track 

Jane Kelly /


July 2022

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