ist magazine July 2021

Animated publication

From the Publisher

Staying Positive

Publisher Vince Lorraine Editor In Chief Vince Lorraine Managing Editor Sherron Barden Assistant Editor Peter Hinterman Editorial Advisory Sherron Barden

Dear Readers, For the tanning industry, July is typically the start of “JASON” – the months of July - November when many salons experience the summer slowdown. Of course, there are a couple of different ways to look at it, depending on your situation. Maybe you’ll consider this the time to go with the flow and relax a bit, take a vacation – especially after the crazy roller coaster ride we’ve all been on. Or, perhaps you dive into making some cosmetic improvements or equipment upgrades. Tanners at my salons were so ready to get back into their regular sessions, we had a gangbuster spring! If you’ve been reading your spring IST issues, you may have gleaned some ideas for keeping tanners active at your facility through the summer season. This month, “Notes from the Road” (p.36) is another article offering ways to keep your current clientele engaged with your business – such as creating added value for tanning packages with products and services, or enhancing your social media and text marketing to stay connected. Implementing just one of these tips could make a significant difference in your bottom line this summer. We get constant comments on our variety of content, including the features written by business experts from around the country. Sure, we need articles about the tanning industry, salon operation and how to sell products (our monthly contributors are GREAT); but a tanning business is the same as any other in many respects. For instance, many small business owners will admit to being a “micromanager” – I was guilty of this for a couple of decades before I was able to relinquish some control. Check out “The Micromanager’s Recovery Guide” on p.44, and three other articles that offer a big helping of food for thought. As we ease into JASON, I hope you’re like me – counting your blessings and staying positive about the future of our industry.

Staff Writer Joe Schuster

Graphic Designer Brett LaCross

Graphic Designer/ Web Developer Jonathan Boedecker

Accounting/Circulation Kim Davis

Account Executive

Vincent Turchi

Contributing Writers Grant Cardone Melissa Damiani

Jerry Deveney Victoria Eckert Brenda Fishbaugh Gary Lipman David McFarland Lisa Saavedra

HOW TO REACH US 5152 Commerce Rd. Fl int, MI 48507 810.230.1735 fax 810.230.1115 ist INTERESTED IN ADVERTISING? CONTACT VINCENT@ISTMAGAZINE.COM July 2021 | Volume 25 | Issue 6 IST Magazine ISSN#2329-8545 (USPS 023149) is published monthly by IST Magazine, Inc., 5152 Commerce Rd., Flint, MI 48507. Canadian Mail Agreement #41971515. Periodicals postage QBJE BU 'MJOU .* BOE BEEJUJPOBM PGm DFT 1PTUNBTUFS 4FOE BEESFTT changes to IST Magazine , 5152 Commerce Rd., Flint, MI 48507. 'PS CBDL JTTVFT JORVJSF GPS BWBJMBCJMJUZ &EJUPSJBM $PSSFTQPOEFODF "EESFTT QSPEVDU JOGPSNBUJPO BOE JORVJSJFT UP &EJUPSJBM %FQBSUNFOU IST Magazine , 5152 Commerce Rd., Flint MI 48507, phone 810.230.1735. To authors, photographers and people featured JO UIJT QVCMJDBUJPO "MM NBUFSJBMT BSUJDMFT SFQPSUT BOE QIPUPT published in this publication are the property of IST Magazine and cannot be used without written permission. The opinions and conclusions recited herein are those of the respective authors and not of IST Magazine . IST Magazine is not responsible for returning unsolicited manuscripts, photos or other materials. Every effort will be made however, to return rejected manuscripts, etc., if they are BDDPNQBOJFE CZ TVGm DJFOU m STU DMBTT QPTUBHF CVU UIF QVCMJTIFS XJMM not be responsible for loss of any such material.

If there’s something you’d like to see in your IST, please email Vince Lorraine, Publisher

Copyright © 2021. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.


July 2021

Contents July 2021 9ROXPH ‡ ,VVXH

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Contents July 2021 9ROXPH ‡ ,VVXH







24 Salon of Distinction TANtalizing Tanning & Spray Murrells Inlet, SC 40 “Potty Talk” with Sun is Life ® 44 7KH 0LFURPDQDJHU·V Recovery Guide

50 Business

FEATURES 18 Up Your EFT Game with Tan-Link Software 22 7 Questions with ... MaryKate Reid Marketing Specialist, JK Products

Credit Scores: What You Should Know

54 Tailoring Your Sales Approach 56 The 2 Types of ROI 60 Be Known ... or Be Gone


WINK-EASE Dark Provides Protection for Red Light, Hybrid Beds & More!

FT. WAYNE, IN –EYE PRO, Inc., world leader in disposable eye protection and makers of Ultra Gold WINK-EASE, Lash Room WINK EASE and WINK-EASE Dark, wants salon operators to know it’s simply smart to protect tanners’ eyes from any intense light by offering eye protection for every type of session. Eye protection is not required by law for red-light sessions, but IS required in hybrid tanning units emit ting UV. “Hybrids are super bright, because they are UV AND red light. So tanners can wear our disposable Ultra Gold or Lash Room styles, or they can really diminish the bright light with WINK-EASE Dark,” explained Eye Pro President, Brenda Fishbaugh.

from migraines or even have hangovers, the unanimous choice is disposable WINK-EASE Dark,” adds Fishbaugh. “They still provide FDA-compliant eye protec tion, but is considerably darker than our Ultra Gold style. It helps tanners nap more easily, avoid light-sensitive

“Because of its custom fit, WINK EASE Dark leaves maximum eye area exposed so the user receives the full benefits of red light, as well as protec tion from the extreme brightness.” “Tanners love our original dispos ables; however, when they want a quick lunchtime nap, or they suffer


July 2021

REDSUN ® Hybrid Tanning Lamps now Offered by Suntan Supply

headaches, and is the perfect choice for hybrid sessions,” she continued. “Our WINK-EASE Dark is available in a 50-pair pak, which allows salons to affordably carry them in addition to their Ultra Gold and Lash RoomWINK-EASE inventories,” explains Jackie DeWald, Eye Pro Office Manager. “And remem ber to remind tanners that simply closing their eyes or using a towel over their face is NOT enough protection! That’s why tanners like that they can use the WINK EASE Dark for UV, hybrid and red-light sessions,” DeWald concluded. To request samples of WINK-EASE Dark, go to using the code “IST Dark.” For more info on Eye Pro products, visit or call 800.726.8322. To learn about special salon offers and promotions, follow and “like” WINK

AVON, OH - Suntan Supply is pleased to announce the introduc tion of the REDSUN® Hybrid UV Lamp to their large selection of ultraviolet replacement lamps. As today’s new hybrid tanning sys tems from various manufacturers are gaining popularity in salons, their ability to offer simultaneous UV and non-UV tanning has changed the industry. “REDSUN lamps now offer salon operators the ability to upgrade tanning units simply by changing the lamps,” states Suntan Supply Co-owner, Marty Gallagher. In addition to exceptional tanning results provided by the REDSUN

lamp’s UV component, there is a non-uv element that can promote better looking and feeling skin over multiple sessions. “Suntan Supply considers these new lamps to be an innovative and profitable addition to a salon’s service menu,” adds Co-owner, Bill Gallagher. These new lamps are FDA compat ible in almost all tanning beds. Those interested in purchasing REDSUN lamps are invited to call 800.994.8484 or visit for informa tion about pricing and compatibility. Q

EASE on Facebook, Twit ter, YouTube, Instagram and Pinterest. Q


Industry Watchdog

VeryWell, Indeed By Joe Schuster notions as the popular, “sunbeds are more intense than the noonday sun.” Of course, it’s difficult (if not impos sible) to draw this correlation. There are hundreds of different sunbed types with a variety of different sunlamps – there is no “generic” tanning system. As well, the sun’s intensity at noon on a winter day in Minneapolis certainly isn’t the same as that of a clear, July afternoon on a beach in Jamaica! W hat better time to heat up the “to tan or not to tan” debate than the summer and a news source,, jumped right into the fray. ( skin-cancer-awareness-month-5183976)

“Ultraviolet rays are invisible and are present in every season, so sun protection isn’t something that you should reserve for a summer beach day. On a cloudy day, up to 80% of UV exposure remains as compared to a sunny day. UVA light can also pass through windows, even when you are indoors or in your car.” OMG. Okay, it’s 7:30am, it’s raining, it’s day light and I sure don’t need a flashlight, but I need sunscreen? That’s your pru dent suggestion to the masses? One that everyone will find easy and be willing to follow? I think not. Now, let’s explore the next one – the notion of someone

They start with a decent, pragmatic suggestion to use SPF and be aware that UV intensity increases with rays that are reflected off snow in winter and water in summer. They could have added that UV intensity is also affected by altitude, time of day and time of year. Those factors also dispel such

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But then comes this nugget of wisdom: “Dermatologists often advise that if you don’t need a flashlight, you need sun screen,’’ says Noelle Sherber, MD, FAAD, a dermatologist in Washington, D.C.


July 2021

of areas including the use of FDA-com pliant eye protection, salon and sunbed sanitation and frequency of UV sessions. No, Dr. Waibel, indoor tanning regula tions have been and are firmly in place. Millions of people weigh the risk/ benefit of UV exposure and choose to tan responsibly at a professional salon where sessions are delivered according to individual skin type and controlled by a timer to minimize risk of sunburn. Feel free to share this article with your salon guests! Q

responsibility, is MORE carcinogenic than a blistering sunburn? Uh, I think I’ll need a few peer-reviewed scientif ic studies to confirm that statement. Jill Stewart Waibel, a dermatologist with Baptist Health’s Miami Cancer Center also chimes in with “… there is very little regulation of indoor tanning salons, so there is great variability in op erator safety.” Huh? The indoor tanning industry has been regulated since 1979 (that’s 42 years) by 21CFR1040.20 and tanning systems are currently listed as a Class II medical device. In addition, 44 states have restrictions regarding minors and 22 states restrict those 18 years and under from indoor UV tanning. State and local restrictions also cover a myriad

potentially getting sunburned as they sit indoors near a window reading a book. Has this ever been documented? I have read research regarding UVA transmis sion through glass, but it would take an immense total UVA exposure to draw a conclusive link to skin cancer. So, if a doc says so, it must be true ...? Offered next: “There is no safety in tanning beds … many small doses of UV light exposure such as those an indoor tanner might receive are more carcinogenic than the sunburn a vacationer might experience.” Are you kidding? You’re telling us that one UV session at a professional salon, determined by skin type and administered in moderation and

Team IST searches for erroneous, suspect or negative reporting by the media that adversely impacts the tanning industry. Reports such as these have plagued tanning businesses for decades. Although WKH PHGLD VRXUFHV ZLOO VHOGRP DGPLW D IDOVHKRRG DQG SULQW D UHWUDFWLRQ Ζ67 R΍ HUV WKHVH ZHOO FUDIWHG responses to the negative reports that can be shared with your customers and potential customers, alike.



Reduce Credit Card Declines & Easily Recoup EFT Revenue By John R. Toston, III Director of Sales, Tan-Link

If you own or operate a tan ning salon, you understand that most of your revenue comes from 50-65% of recurring members. However, what happens when payments fail when your draft runs, and how do you reduce declines and collect more EFTs? For example, imagine you are a salon owner with 100 customers who you bill $75 per month. Your business runs and plans based on $7,500 of regular monthly deposits into your account. It took a long time and a lot of work to get to the point where your business generates that amount of reliable, predictable income. You pay salaries, rent, handle customer

up on failed payments and manually tracking which customers’ drafts are overdue. If a payment fails, this can ulti mately give customers a reason to cancel or have an unexpected interruption in service. Here are the statistics: t On average, 13-15% of recurring credit card payments are declined (with some industries exceeding 30% decline rates). t 30% of all credit cards are reissued each year.

payment was declined and will enable them to pay and update billing infor mation directly on their phones. t Strategically rerun drafts with cards declined due to soft decline codes such as insufficient funds. t Store primary and secondary billing information on customers’ profiles. t Consider adding ACH payment pro cessing which can significantly reduce decline rates. So, if your decline rate is 20%, the combination of card updater, backup billing and automated collection can drop your effective decline rate to about 6-8%. That means you could be collect ing up to 14% more money on each draft that probably remains uncollected, not to mention the poor experience of manual collection for the customer and staff alike. Want to collect more revenue at your tanning salon by quickly recovering failed payments and reducing payment declines? Try the strategies listed above to automate and streamline your salon and start growing your business. Q

Start reducing payment declines and recoup failed EFT payments with Tan-Link!

If you are a salon owner who wants to collect more EFTs, increase customer

Data shows that through Tan-Link, a staggering 40-60% of declined payments on average are automatically collected and billing updated with no interaction required on your part at all. That can amount to 14% more revenue from your existing drafts alone.

retention, improve efficiency and increase cash flow, then look no further! Tan-Link is built for tanning salons to automate and streamline operations, but most importantly, the ability to efficiently run automatic recurring payments with automated collection processes in place. Here are a few strategies your tanning salon can quickly implement with Tan-Link to recover failed payments automatically: t Use Credit Card Updater programs from MasterCard and Visa, which allow for the automated updating of expired and reissued cards. t Automated “failed payment” text reaches out to customers whose

service and manage marketing campaigns ALL around that recurring revenue. Now imagine that 15% of that rev enue, or $1,125 per month, goes uncol lected – and not because your customers don’t want to pay you. What’s the problem? Credit card decline rates are increas ingly becoming a massive challenge for subscription/recurring tanning salons due to fraud, reissued cards, EMV (chipped) cards, and lost or stolen cards all contrib uting to declines in regular payments. Most tanning salons will spend hours running charges manually or following

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July 2021

3 Tips to Close Out Your Busy Season Maintain Your Engagement and Traffic to Your Business! By Victoria Eckert

W hat if I told you that tanning industry veterans experienced their busiest season ever this year? (We would be surprised if you weren’t surprised.) Who could have projected that industries like tan ning and wellness would boom follow ing a global pandemic? Industry leaders like Emily Sigmon with Carolina Tan says it was nothing they would have known to prepare for, but credit the shift to more education surrounding sunlight and how beneficial it can be to our health. Emily says that the influx of customers is like nothing she has ever experienced, and she is becoming more aware of how to stay equipped for maintaining momentum after the “busy season” comes to a close. Here are three tips for wrapping up your season and maintaining the engagement and traffic to your business. 1. Provide education. Education around tanning has greatly impacted the customer attitude about UV and sunlight. That education must con tinue within your business, but there are multiple levels of education to consider. Ensure that your salon guests are aware of your efforts to keep them safe during their time in your facility. This can be achieved through different ap proaches. We have seen an increase in signs posted in-salon for safe distancing

and for assuring guests that a tanning system has been properly disinfected. Though it seems we are seeing the tail end of the pandemic, maintaining the level of safety education must remain. Your employees are your greatest asset. Training your staff and providing them with proper information on the benefits of the services they provide will reflect positively on your establish ment. Each team member must be well equipped to speak to guests about fea tures of the equipment in your facility.

and offer customers an overall wellness experience. Michael noticed that the diversification of equipment brought in new clientele with different objec tives and goals. Offering something for everyone who could walk into your business will increase your opportunity for new customers and transactions. An investment in equipment upgrades can refresh and renew your business model. As this season ends, take the time to appreciate the challenges that this year has offered and how you overcame

As this season ends, take the time to appreciate the challenges that this year has offered and how you overcame them.

2. Use digital platforms. Are you using your digital media to their greatest potential? As social platforms like TikTok take off, salon owners are taking advantage of the opportunity to be at the fingertips of their target market. Show your prod ucts, services, and share tips with your customers on social media – they will appreciate the chance to engage with their favorite salon. in diverse equipment. Michael Nelson with Totally Tan & Spa offers his salon guests a variety of equipment. This year gave us a chance to really enhance our wellness sector 3. Upgrade and invest

them. Let’s make the next season one to remember! Continue your customer and employee education. Engage with your customers online and invest in diverse equipment to create new and encourag ing opportunities for your business. Q

About the Author: Victoria Eckert is Communi cation & Content Specialist in the Marketing Department for JK Products & Services. New to the company, Victoria

brings an extensive background in communica tion and social media management. A U.S. Army veteran, she is a graduate of Arkansas State

University with a degree in Strate gic Communications with empha sis in Public Relations, Advertising and Social Media Management.

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July 2021


MaryKate Reid Marketing Specialist, JK Products & Services 7 Questions with

How/when did you get into the tanning industry? I started as an intern at JK during my sophomore year of college. I have been with the company for well over a year now and I love the flexibility of what I do. As a marketing specialist who loves social media, my favorite thing to showcase is the different aspects of our business. It’s not just about our tanning equipment – it’s about the people who pull it together. What was your first real job? Besides being the go-to babysitter in a large family, my very first job was at a local family pet hospital. It was a summer job, and my sole duty was to play with the boarded dogs. I loved that job – not only because I got to play with dogs, but I was able to take pictures of each dog and send them to the owners. I also got to discover a variety of personalities of each dog and dog breed. Some ran around the entire time and completely covered themselves in mud while others would sit in my lap and enjoy the sun. What do you do to keep fit? I do two things: run and eat whole foods. I wouldn’t say I am a big runner, but you probably won’t catch me going a week or two without doing it. Except for in the summer – southern humidity is not something to mess with! My parents are both avid runners so my sister and I take after that. I also try to keep a close watch on my diet and make sure that the majority of what I eat is natural, whole foods.

Name one of your biggest pet peeves.

Slow drivers! I love driving but when I drive, I have some place to go – I view it as a task that I have to accomplish and slow drivers can make it difficult.

Necessities aside, what one thing could you not go a day without? My iPhone! Yep, I am one of those people who truly could not go a day without my phone. Our phones are our basic modes of communication nowadays as they keep us informed, entertained and connected. Being a social media strategist, my phone is also essential to my line of work, so it would be hard to be creative if I didn’t have something in my hand to quickly take pictures, edit a photo or post a video. What would you sing at Karaoke night? I absolutely love music and singing, so it would probably be a classic hit from the early 2000s. Something from my childhood that is still popular today. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? The easiest answer to a question: Paris, France! I love the city’s style, architecture and culture. I absolutely love fashion, so I would say that also speaks loudly of my choice. Fingers crossed I am able to visit next spring! ■


July 2021


IST: You and your team have complet ed Sun is Life Training – how important is it to have a fully trained staff? NC: Education and certification are extremely important and it is South Carolina law. I can’t leave an employee alone in the salon until they have passed the sun is life course. It also assures that we’re all on the same page with factual information. It’s an Software .................................................... Tan-Link Other Services ..................... Custom Spray-tans, Red Light Sessions, Infrared Sauna, FIT Bodywrap Distributor Partner ........................ Four Seasons Bestselling Package ... Level 3 VIP Membership Owner ................................................... Nikki Capps Locations ............................................................. 3 Year Established ......................................... 2010 Staff ...................................................................... 12 UVTanning Units ............................................. 27 Lotion Brands ...... Designer Skin, Australian Gold JWOWW, California Tan, Swedish Beauty

enough challenges, I often contemplate the hurdles faced by a salon located at the beach. Well, Tantalizing Tanning & Spray clears those hurdles and more! The last time I checked in with them, they were just getting things back together af ter their area was ravaged by a hurricane. Here’s a look at overcoming adversity with owner Nikki Capps ... read on! IST: Nikki, it’s nice to catch up with you again! Remind our readers how and when you got your start in the tan biz. NC: I often helped a friend at her salon and thought that it was quite an intriguing business. In the midst of helping her, I found a salon for sale and in January 2010, decided to dive in! At first, I thought it would just be fun, but I had no idea I had so much to learn – I knew nothing! But

and I’m proud to report it’s going strong!

IST: Is being located in a beach town an added challenge for your business? NC: Joe, it really isn’t as hard as you would think. People here are always wearing minimal clothing and of course, they want to be tan! Most don’t want tan lines and don’t have time to lay out in the sun every day. There are those who cancel or want to freeze their accounts in the summer because they say they will just go to the beach. To keep them using their memberships, we try to focus on the benefits of our add-on services, such as red light and infrared sessions. We also stress the importance of skin care and sunburn prevention. Many of our customers even enjoy getting spray-tans in addition to a day in the sun.

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July 2021

Team TANtalizing includes (Back) Jordan Wentz, Kennedy Capps, Emma Cisler, Abby Krumwiede, Alexis Herndon, Nicole Mazzella (Front) Morgan Harriss, Randi Heath, Nikki Capps (with Salon Pup Katy), Rebecca Cisler, Karsyn Capps. (Not pictured) Kellie Jackson, Cassie Bryant, Lailah Wade.

Nikki’s daughters Kennedy (L) and Karsyn make it a family operation!

get their sun is life certificates! We usually do a social media post and let everyone know that we have newly-certified employees and we hang all their certificates on the wall. IST: I was vacationing in your area recently, just as COVID mask restric tions were being eased. Certainly, the virus impacted many small businesses. How did you survive over the last year? Was the hurricane a couple of years ago harder or easier to recover from? NC: I am sure you have heard “covid blessing” stories from others and we are definitely one of them! I have never felt so blessed to live in the south! We were asked to close for the month of April, and in May, people just ran through the doors! Our guests have told us that we are their “escape back to reality.” My staff have never worn

masks, we have never required our guests to wear masks, yet we continued to keep a clean salon and business as usual and our customers appreciate that. Actually, 2020 was one of our best years and 2021 is projecting to be the best year ever for TANtalizing. Coming back from hurricanes was definitely harder – the clean-up time, extra expenses – people are just preoccupied before and after the storm. I also kept my staff on payroll the entire time, so I didn’t lose anyone because of the temporary shutdown. Now, hiring this spring was a challenge! I have hired more younger girls than ever before because so many adults are still on unemployment. I love mentoring and teaching them life skills, so it has been fun to watch them grow and learn. I know not all salons have been as fortunate and my heart goes out to them.

IST: Nicole, that’s really admirable. So let’s move on to goals. Where do you want to be in the next 1-3 years? NC: God willing, I have plans to open a wellness spa focusing on red light, infrared and some other preventative care services. I also plan to open one or two more tanning facilities. I believe that finding the right staff is key to keep ing the culture and excellent customer service we are known for in our area. Q Nikki, thanks for taking time out for our interview and we wish you all the best in the future!


ASA News

Paying for Insurance Sucks


industry has to protect your business from these attacks. And, becoming an ASA member is actually much better than having an insurance policy. Unlike insurance, which is designed to help after a disaster has taken place, ASA works every day to prevent disasters from hap pening in the first place. ASA member ship is an investment in your future and should be a line item in your budget right next to “Business Insurance.” And, the premium is only $100 per month. Keeping tanning salons protected requires a well-developed plan, credible scientific research, targeted industry data, strategy development and a team of seasoned professionals to deliver this information to state capitals and Wash ington, D.C. This is no easy task. Yet, ASA has been highly successful in defeating the vast majority of regulatory attempts made against our industry over the past decade. As there are powerful groups that profit from the fear of UV light, attacks on our industry will continue. These attacks are highly coordinated efforts from very influential and well-financed organizations and are difficult to stop. Though ASA has the plan, the science and the team to get the job done, we need more resources if we are to suc ceed against the attacks from our much larger opponents in the future. Smart business owners understand that they must protect their businesses

obody likes to pay for insurance. We don’t even like to talk about it. But no responsible homeowner, auto owner,

from potential devastation by invest ing in business insurance. If you are a business owner in the tanning indus try, you cannot afford to go without the only proactive insurance plan that is keeping you from being closed down by overregulation, taxes and more. I know what you’re thinking right now. “How do I get out of paying for this insurance?” or, “I had a bad year last year, so I can’t afford to pay the premium right now” and, “I’ve never paid for this before and things seem to be fine.” Remember, while you’re debating this issue, more than a dozen powerful anti-tanning groups are working on plans to close you down. For the price of your daily coffee, you can invest in the most important, proac tive insurance policy ever created for your business. Isn’t the future of your business worth the cost of a cup of coffee? Q Join the ASA today. About the ASA Founded in 2012, the American Suntanning Asso ciation is committed to defending and growing the industry through a detailed and proactive plan directed by an all-salon board and executed by more than two dozen management and consulting teammembers who specialize in this type of work.

or business owner would ever operate without it. As much as we hate paying our insurance premiums, we know what can happen to our property and our businesses if we don’t protect them from unexpected disasters. And yet, many tanning salon owners are neglecting the most important insurance policy needed to protect the future of their business. Right now, your tanning salon is being attacked by a large variety of anti tanning organizations pushing for state and federal regulations, taxes and other measures to harm your business. Indoor tanning adversaries (or the sun-scare industry) have created billion-dollar business opportunities from the world’s fear of sunlight and indoor tanning. The dermatology industry has grown by more than 500 percent since their powerful association began villainizing any sunlight exposure instead of correctly targeting sunburn. The dermatology industry uses its expansive lobbying budget to influence state and federal lawmakers to shutter tan ning salons and help scare the public into their offices from their overstated fear of UV light. Sunscreen companies fuel these campaigns by contributing millions to the American Cancer Society’s lobbying arm, which in turn lobbies state lawmakers to overregulate tanning businesses. And these are just a few of the many organiza tions looking to close your business. The American Suntanning Association (ASA) is the only insurance policy this

&X YMJWJ FWJ UT\JWKZQ LWTZUX YMFY UWTȔY KWTR YMJ fear of UV light, attacks on our industry will continue.


July 2021

Epic Sales

What’s in it for ME? By David McFarland

T his is a micro statement of what ev ery tanning salon guest everywhere is thinking when a salon sales asso ciate suggests a tanning product and rattles off a bunch of meaningless ingredients! So, when is the last time you heard a guest mention a specific lotion ingredient after enjoying a great UV session? They will say, “I got so dark” or “my skin felt amazing” or “my tan has never lasted this long!” They never say: “Wow! Tyrosine really increased my skin’s melanin produc tion” or “OMG that erythrulose really kept my tan active and helped it last longer.” Just naming off ingredients like a rap star won’t get your tanners giddy and ready to spend – okay, maybe it would if you were laying down a phat beat and could free style – but let’s face it, you probably can’t rap. Since we all can’t flow like Drake, let’s focus on the benefits of lotion ingredients and how they appeal to each one of the four very powerful “Feel Good Senses” that affect all beauty product sales. Here are the four “Feel Good” Senses that make ALL lotion sales happen: 1. Sight Will my tan LOOK darker, deeper, better? Will my skin look brighter, tighter, sexier? Face it, for most of our bronze-seeking beau ties, seeing is believing. Every lotion product in your salon has benefits that can be seen – from instant “off the beach” color provided by numerous natural bronzers to potent skin-firming compounds that can soften the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. THE SECRET: As you present a prod uct to a guest, paint a vivid picture of how her skin will look after using the product! Talking about ingredients will always be far less important to your more “visually stimulated” tanning guests.

2. Smell Will I love the lotion’s essence before, during and after tanning? What is its aura? Fruity, floral, sweet? So many tan ners tend to be very fragrance-conscious. Sometimes, the fragrance alone can be the deciding factor for purchasing a lotion, regardless of all its other benefits. THE SECRET: Learning to describe a product’s essence is a far more valu able sales tool than describing in detail how much you loathe a particular fra grance! Why? Because what you loathe may be their absolute fave! 3. Touch How will my skin feel? Softer, firmer, smoother? Your touchy-feely types will give you blatant hints when they are all about FEEL – like, “I love how this lotion makes my skin sooo soft” or “my face gets so dry in this weather.” Your salon is filled with masterfully crafted moisturizers, hydrators and skin-perfecting conditioners designed to nurture and rejuvenate every skin type. THE SECRET: These silky skin con noisseurs can’t help themselves … they must have the latest and greatest skin care breakthrough! Let them sample new prod ucts liberally and often because once they love the way it feels, they have to have it! 4. Thought How will the end result make me feel? Will it help fulfill a desire, solve a problem, ease a fear? When you really listen to your guests, they’ll tell you what

matters to them. Your guest says, “I just started working out again and my legs are sooo white!” In this one simple sentence, she has expressed a desire to not have pasty legs, asked you to help her solve a problem and expressed a fear of being em barrassed in front of other gym members! THE SECRET: Help her by making what’s important to her important to YOU. good sense” is most important to each tanner and watch your product sales rise! Every tanner you serve in your salon will naturally be affected by one or all four of the “feel good” senses. Once you figure out which one is most important to them, focus the benefits of each product on that sense and watch your product sales rise! Q Figure out which “feel

About the Author: David McFarland is a National Educator for Sun Evolutions, offering brands including Supre Tan, ProTan, Hempz and Fiesta Sun. He

is a face-to-face sales and beauty product fanatic who gauges his success solely on his effectiveness at selling real product to real, live salon customers.


July 2021

Eye to Eye

How I Convince my Tanners to Wear Eyewear

Part One By Brenda Fishbaugh

affect your ability to perceive differences in color. There isn’t a drug or surgery to return your ability to discern shades of colors, and color perception is so important if you own

salon guests. So many operators shared their tips, this will be a multi-part series! Kristin Lee Smithers, owner of Sunny Shores Tanning & Treasures in North East, PA, starts with a personal connec tion. “I was dumb when I was younger and didn’t use eye protection. Now, I barely have night vision,” she explains. “Most of us understand that we should wear sunglasses outside, but it’s even more critical to wear eye protection in a sunbed.” Kristin tells them that it’s a state and federal law, as well as a require ment of her insurance coverage, but she wants them to know how she damaged her eyes before becoming a salon owner. Longtime salon owner, Rhonda Culligan, relocated to a new state and started all over with Sunsational Spray Tan Spa in Chattanooga, TN. She echoes Kristin’s approach. “I burned my retinas and corneas, so I am emphatic about tanners using eyewear!” she exclaims. She starts with, “Eyewear is required

eye issues,” Dana emphasizes. And she doesn’t stop there! If a tanner comments AFTER a session that they did NOT use eye protection, the staff hands them a

Do you have an eye protection tip to share with other operators? Email Brenda @ and it may be featured in my column. More owners share expertise next month in Part Two.

a hair salon, do makeup or are a designer, work on the web, social media or print, as well as working in retail and graphic arts. ] “We start educating our tanners BEFORE they walk in the door,” jokes Dana Bryan Sanders of her Danville, IL tanning studio. “We have a color ful window cling on our front window that reads, ‘Eye Protection is Required’ which gives the first hint that eyewear is important at Sunburst Tans,” she continues. “We build from there. When we show new guests how to operate the sunbed, we ask them to wear the

pamphlet she created that details the dangers of not wearing eye protection. Would you like to see the Sunburst Tans’ educational brochure and receive the eye protection window cling Dana uses? Email your name, salon name and salon address to Brenda@WinkEase. com and I’ll send them to you! Q

About the Author: Tanning industry veteranBrenda Fishbaugh is president of Eye Pro, Inc., makers of disposable eyewear. She travels extensively training salons on

Lukas Gojda /

the effects of UV light on vision.


July 2021

Lync IT

The Electronic Team Member By Melissa Damiani O ne of the most vital mem bers of your teammay not be a “who” but rather, a “what.” A premium soft ware solution will prove to be an operations manager, security guard, administrative assistant, customer service manager, equipment maintenance supervisor, and even a coach! As a business owner, you simply can not fulfill all of these roles yourself, nor can the most superb member of your staff – so why not employ a single software product that can? Doing so will allow you to let go of some of the daily operational items so that you can instead focus your time in other areas like analyzing your data in order to make true data-based decisions. And, if taking a peek now and then to make sure that your staff are clocked in as scheduled or that your daily sales goals are being met gives you a peace of mind, you can rest easy knowing you have a tool that allows you to do so. Imagine possessing the ability to set the rules for your business and automatically enforcing those guidelines, by using a system that allows you to configure param eters that are in line with your operational policies and procedures! A solid software program will also empower your team to do their jobs effectively, while limiting access to sensitive areas. The ability to track and monitor employees’ activities is essen tial to ensuring the security of the organiza tion you have worked so hard to build.

Are you and your staff constantly spend ing unnecessary time on data entry or on manually creating reports? Do you shudder at the thought of filing client contracts, or even worse, locating one when needed? These essential yet cumbersome tasks should, and can be handled electronically! Superior customer service is key to the success of any organization. How you and your staff respond to customer is sues is imperative, and software can help

of submitting maintenance issues to you electronically, that can be viewed anytime, anywhere, is sure to minimize the occur rence of these frustrating situations while improving efficiencies at the same time. Yet another great way that software can aid in the effectiveness of your orga nization is by motivating and inspiring friendly competition amongst your team through displaying up-to-the-minute per formance rankings. Having these metrics readily available enables staff to maximize their selling potential while they still have time to do something about it (and, of course, increases your profits, too!). So remember: software, like any other business asset, is not an expense, but an investment in your future – and will quickly become a component of your team that you can’t live without. Q

Software, like any other business asset, is not an expense, but an investment in your future – and will quickly become a component of your team that you can’t live without.

to ensure a quick and efficient resolu tion by allowing staff to easily expedite and communicate customer concerns to the appropriate individual, while also creating an electronic log of activity. Have you or your maintenance person ever arrived on location with a part to repair a tanning system just to find that you’ve got to run back out to get a replacement part for a separate facil ity issue, all because you didn’t see that sticky note left on the front counter by an employee the last time you were on site? Providing your staff with a method

About the Author: Melissa Damiani is the Sales Manager of SunLync Software, Inc. a member of the JK-North America group of companies. With the company since 2002,

Melissa has served the organization in several capacities, and has extensive knowledge of all aspects required to deliver robust salon man agement software solutions that are designed to enable measurable growth within its users’ ever evolving business models. Call Melissa at 866. SUNLYNC x3 or email

mrmohock /


July 2021

Monthly Motivation

What is the Destination? By Grant Cardone

sion. You d when you

might know the answer right away and some of you are still figuring it out. If you look for it, you will see it … it’s in the Law of Attraction. You have to be look ing for people, money and opportunity.

is that you re not going to get where you’re going – where you want to ultimately be – without PEOPLE. You need to think: “Who can help me on my destination?” “Who can get me to

are clear on your intention and have a strong team, you will get there. You need people who are qualified, able and willing to do any mission that will help you get where you’re going. You’re not going to reach your desti nation without people. Q

Everywhere along this journey, the one recurring fact is that you’re not going to get where you’re going – where you want to ultimately be – without PEOPLE.

About the Author: Grant Cardone is a New York Times bestselling author, the No. 1 sales trainer in the world, and an internationally renowned speaker on lead

Look for something that will move you toward the next step on your journey to your ultimate, unique destination. It’s all about the destination – be clear about what it is that you want. I’m not talking about an idea or concept. You need to ask yourself, “What can I get?” and the funny thing is that exactly what you are looking for could be in the room that you are in right now or very near.

achieve my goals?” These people could look like anyone, but don’t spend time with anyone who is not going to (or is not able to) help you get what you want. On the journey to your destination, you need people along the way and these people should be: 1. Qualified (influencer, powerful) 2. Able (shows up) 3. Willing (“get-it-done” attitude)

ership, real estate investing, entrepreneurship, TPDJBM NFEJB BOE m OBODF )JT DPNQBOJFT IBWF annual revenues exceeding $100 million. Forbes OBNFE .S $BSEPOF PG UIF i .BSLFUJOH *On V FODFST UP 8BUDI JO w )F SFHVMBSMZ BQQFBST on Fox News, Fox Business, and MSNBC, and writes for Forbes, Success Magazine, Business Insider , CNBC, and Entrepreneur. )F VSHFT IJT followers and clients to make success their duty, SFTQPOTJCJMJUZ BOE PCMJHBUJPO )F DVSSFOUMZ SFTJEFT in South Florida with his wife and two daughters.

beermedia /


July 2021

Notes from the Road

Keep up with direct marketing.

gift card for the other business. Example: if you partner with a nail salon, all the nail salon customers can enter to win a tanning gift card, and all your tanners can enter to win a nail salon gift card. I would suggest that after the drawing is done, Anything that catches VRPHRQH·V attention and GULYHV IRRW WUDIÀF will also drive sales – the extra effort is always worth it. you email each person who entered and offer them a free tan – that way, you get more new people through the door. 6WD\ SRVLWLYH They say “positivity radi ates,” so if you are not positive about the change of season, not only will your staff feel it, but so will your guests. A positive outlook can go a long way to ward keeping your entire team motivated. As we all know, mo tivated and happy staff always outperform our expectations! Q

Email marketing, text market ing, etc. are all extremely effec tive ways to communicate with your customers. Just because it’s summer and your business is slower doesn’t mean you should stop these efforts; if anything, you want to make the commu nications more appealing. Invite people in for a free session, or offer a one-day-only promotion. Anything that catches someone’s attention and drives foot traffic will also drive sales – the extra effort is always worth it. Host a summer event. Why not host a free tan weekend or a customer appreciation event? Getting people through the door during slow times is the ultimate goal. More Guests = More Sales! Have a cookout at the salon that includes free tanning and some great promotions on your products and services. Make it fun and something everyone will want to be a part of. People are much more likely to com mit to packages if they have already tried the service, so let everyone coming to your salon try any bed they would like. You will notice a big difference in the number of people who purchase a membership in your higher-level equipment. Partner with other businesses. I’ve always been a fan of cross-promotion! Not only are you supporting other local busi nesses in your community, but you also target people who may have never heard of your brand. Something that I think is great is doing a weekly prize drawing – this works by partnering each week with a different business in your area and each business has a contest to give away a

Avoid the SUMMER SLOWDOWN By Lisa Saavedra

AS the weather warms up, we tend to see as people are trading their time tanning indoors for more time outside enjoying the sun. Avoiding the drop in customer traffic is something we discussed last month; this month, I want to dive a little deeper into other ideas to help ease that slowdown phase. 'RQ·W FXW SULFHV I see this all too often – sa lons will run crazy promotions tanner counts dwindle

About the Author: Lisa Saavedra is Director of Brand D e v e l o p m e n t for Devoted Creations family

during their slower months just to make sales. Instead of slashing prices, how about adding value to the pack ages and products you offer? Instead of deeply discounting a lotion, what about offering a tan extender with it for $5? Or, with select packages, offer extra upgrade credits? When you dramatically decrease the price of your products or services, you devalue them. Instead, offer extra incentives for salon guests to purchase them at regular prices.

of brands. With over 15 years in the industry, Lisa brings knowledge and enthusiasm to all aspects of the business, including social media, product development, training, customer relations, public speaking and marketing strategies. Lisa worked at the salon level managing a large chain, which infuses her sales training and brand concepts with real-world experience. Lisa has been voted

the IST Magazine Person of the Year three times.

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July 2021

UK View

restricted, thereby reducing demand for the seasonal pre-holiday base-tans. And then there have been one or two odd “issues’’ to deal with and perhaps from the most unlikely of sources. One of these, and perhaps the most prevalent, has been a viral TikTok video promoting the use of drugstore moistur isers during a tanning bed session. Whilst these lotions may well be fine for base-line day-to-day at-home skincare, they are certainly not formu lated for tanning bed use. Some of the ingredients can actually cause increased skin sensitivity when exposed to UV and the alcohol content also results in louding and damage to acrylic shields. Operators have been quick to address his issue in-salon. Many have used the awareness of the video to engage with customers on the specific problems with drugstore moisturisers and banning their use in the tanning salon. They have also taken the opportunity to further educate customers on the benefits of lotions specifically formulated for tan ning bed use, thereby increasing retail sales. So let’s hope the tanners take this education and information on board and that any enhanced revenue stream isn’t needed to fund acrylic replacement! The twists and turns for each step of our pandemic recovery process contin ues to deliver evidence of the resilience, tenacity, determination, ingenuity and overall professionalism of our industry and long may that last, as well. Q positivity and it’s simply fantastic to witness this wave rippling throughout the tanning industry. Our amazing business sector has bounced back with such

L f s G Again! i e i ood By Gary Lipman

F me writing this col umn since our initial lockdown in March 2020, I can say with confidence that life is better now … and long may that last! Within just a few weeks of tanning salons re-opening throughout the UK, we are experiencing a real sense of life, back to some sense of normality, and I can’t tell you just how good it feels! Our amazing business sector has bounced back with such positivity and it’s simply fantastic to witness this wave rippling throughout the tanning industry. Not unexpectedly, there were, unfortunately, a number of salon closures during the last 15 months; but, thankfully, absolutely nowhere near the 7,300 salon closures quoted for beauty and hair salons since March 2020 with 3 million fewer consumers in these salons since reopening in April. During lockdown, consumers had to get used to doing their own hair and nails and these figures suggest many

may not return to a beauty/hair salon environment as often, or perhaps at all. As I have said previously, we are in a somewhat unique position in that you can’t order a UV tan online or do a take out UV tan, you have to take your tanning session in-salon and, as such, this remains a significant advantage to the ongoing success of professional tanning salons. That’s not to say that tanning salons have had it easy since reopening. The outcome of COVID-secure operating re quirements means that many salon own ers cannot operate at full capacity in order to ensure compliance with social distanc ing and enhanced cleaning protocols. And in locations where they can operate at full capacity, operators will be incurring additional staffing costs to manage the requirements of the enhanced cleaning protocols. Nonetheless, it is undoubtedly a positive situation that tanning salons remain busy. And this is the case even with overseas travel to many of the UK’s popular holiday destinations severely

About the Author: In the tanning industry since 1982, Gary Lipman is Manag ing Director of the UK sub sidary of Ergoline, and runs Ergoline Plus, the exclusive

distributor for a wide range of sunless products & spray systems. He is also Chairman of the UK’s Sunbed Association & a European Sunlight Asso ciation member.

Dudarev Mikhail /


July 2021

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