ist magazine December 2021
Animated publication
From the Publisher
Staying Positive
Publisher Vince Lorraine Editor In Chief Vince Lorraine Managing Editor Sherron Barden Assistant Editor Peter Hinterman Editorial Advisory Sherron Barden
Dear Readers, Writing my final letter of the year tends to be a time to look both forward and back. Last year at this time, a new administration was preparing to take control of our country’s future. We all hoped it would go well, especially as the health crisis changed our world, threatening our lives and livelihoods. It’s no secret that we’ve all been through a lot, and are hoping there will be brighter days ahead. On that note, our industry seems to be rebounding, and it’s great to be able to present coverage of an in-person trade gathering. Four Seasons hosted a well-attended “School of Business” event in October and we have a wrap-up with lots of happy faces starting on p.20. I’m proud to report that the entire group who took our Sun is Life® Certification class – the industry’s preferred education program – with Director Joe Schuster, passed with flying colors! One such well-educated salon operator is featured in our “Salon of Distinction” spotlight on p.28. Read what she has to say about Sun is Life. Maybe it’s time for your turn in the spotlight? It’s the time of year when we shine the spotlight on the Industry’s Choice Award winners. Year after year, we ask the tanning community to vote for their favorite products and people (how ‘bout that Lisa Saavedra? Wow!) It’s always a pleasure to announce the choices – find the list on p.14. Also in this issue, we welcome a new column: “Lamp Talk with Leif.” My good friend and 40-plus-year industry veteran Leif Vaastrom is offering his sunlamp expertise, as he has done since 2011 on the tanning salon business owners community, His company, Supra Technologies, is also an annual Industry Choice Award winner. We’re doing something fun with his new column – check it out on p.48. Last year’s December letter was headed “Fingers Crossed” and that’s still true. I’ve always been one for the power of positivity. I hope your IST Magazine helps you stay positive, work smarter and prepare for the busy season ahead. I wish you all the very happiest of holidays!
Staff Writer Joe Schuster
Graphic Designer Brett LaCross
Graphic Designer/ Web Developer Jonathan Boedecker
Accounting/Circulation Kim Davis
Senior Account
Executive Terese Allen
Contributing Writers Grant Cardone Melissa Damiani Jerry Deveney
Brenda Fishbaugh Gina Jaeger-Morris
Gary Lipman Lisa Saavedra Leif Vaastrom
HOW TO REACH US 5152 Commerce Rd. Fl int, MI 48507 810.230.1735
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December 2021 | Volume 25 | Issue 11
IST Magazine ISSN#2329-8545 (USPS 023149) is published monthly by IST Magazine, Inc., 5152 Commerce Rd., Flint, MI 48507. Canadian Mail Agreement #41971515. Periodicals postage paid at Flint, MI and additional offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to IST Magazine , 5152 Commerce Rd., Flint, MI 48507. For back issues, inquire for availability. Editorial Correspondence: Address product information and inquiries to: Editorial Department, IST Magazine , 5152 Commerce Rd., Flint MI 48507, phone 810.230.1735. To authors, photographers and people featured in this publication: All materials, articles, reports and photos published in this publication are the property of IST Magazine and cannot be used without written permission. The opinions and conclusions recited herein are those of the respective authors and not of IST Magazine . IST Magazine is not responsible for returning unsolicited manuscripts, photos or other materials. Every effort will be made however, to return rejected manuscripts, etc., if they are accompanied by sufficient first-class postage, but the publisher will not be responsible for loss of any such material.
If there’s something you’d like to see in your IST, please email Vince Lorraine, Publisher
Copyright © 2021. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
December 2021
Contents December 2021 Volume 25 • Issue 11
48 Lamp Talk with Leif 50 Lync IT 52 Monthly Motivation 54 Notes from the Road 56 UK View
COLUMNS 8 From the Publisher 18 Industry Watchdog
IN EVERY ISSUE 36 Showcase 74 IST Contributors 76 Distributor Contact Cover image by magdal3na /
44 ASA News 46 Eye to Eye
Contents December 2021 Volume 25 • Issue 11
28 Sun is Life ® Salon of Distinction
60 Get the Facts with Sun is Life ® 62 Five Agreements for Your Future Culture 66 The ABCs of Digital Marketing 70 Turning Ideas Into Reality
FEATURES 14 2021 Industry Choice Award Winners 16 Tan-Link Customer Spotlight Hawaiian Tanfastic Zanesville, OH 20 Event Coverage: Four Seasons School of Business St. Charles, MO
Glo Tanning Spa & Salon
Williston, ND 30 7 Questions with ... Elizabeth Lipanovich Senior Lead Graphic Designer
New Sunshine LLC 40 A Strong Move Growing JK Direct
The votes are in! Here are your 2021 Winners ...
LOTIONS Bronzer Dark AF Devoted Creations Non-Tingle Prismatica Devoted Creations Tingle Fuel My Fire Devoted Creations After-Tan Moisturizer Coconut Krem Devoted Creations Package Design Prismatica Devoted Creations
SUNLAMPS Low-Pressure
Radiance R2 Four Seasons High-Pressure Supra 600W Supra Brands Group UV SYSTEMS Low-Pressure Sunbed Prestige 1400 Ergoline - Part of the JK Group of Companies High-Pressure Sunbed Open Sun 1050 Ergoline - Part of the JK Group of Companies Stand-Up System Sunrise 7200 Hybrid Ergoline - Part of the JK Group of Companies
December 2021
SUNLESS PRODUCTS Airbrush System MobileBronzer California Tan Sunless Spray Booth VersaSpa PRO Sunless, Inc. Professional Solution VersaSpa Ultra Pro Catalina Sunless, Inc. SALON OPERATION Product/Service New Sunshine Software Program Helios New Sunshine
TANNING ACCESSORIES Skin Care Beauty Enhancing Drops Devoted Creations Eye Protection Soft Podz OL Products PRODUCT MARKETING Ad Campaign Devoted Creations
SALON SUPPORT Product Distributor
Four Seasons Sales & Service Person of the Year Lisa Saavedra Devoted Creations
Congratulations To All!
freeze/hold. But mainly, the EFT processing and collection of past due payments is key.
Tan-Link Customer Spotlight
Zanesville, OH HawaiianTanFastic
How has Tan-Link impacted your core metrics and overall operations? Within the first month of switching to Tan-Link, my EFT memberships were in creasing – especially collection of payments. Can you measure any reduced costs with Tan-Link? Yes! We spend less time trying to collect on past due memberships. We don’t print receipts or require a dedicat ed printer at each computer, so that cost has been eliminated, as well as downtime if the printer wasn’t connecting/working. Does Tan-Link improve your productivity or save you time? Yes, the reporting has helped tremen dously with team sales, goals, and tracking team performance. Also, the pending, ap proved and declined EFT processing features have reduced the time it takes to accurately manage our customer memberships. Have you measured any increases in revenue or growth? Yes, our membership base has grown by 30%! The automatic text feature – especially the “past due” message to customers. It has helped collect money more efficiently AND has improved customer retention. Have you used our customer support resources? If so, do you have any feed back from your experience? They respond in minutes, not hours/ days – they help during off-hours. It’s the difference between customer service and customer CARE. Tan-Link customer support CARES about helping. But the thing I notice most is the desire to help – even if that means thinking outside the box to fix a problem or offer suggestions. Tan-Link’s customer support is years ahead of the others! What is your favorite Tan-Link feature and why?
between Tan-Link and other software has been (IMO) that Tan-Link is constant ly evolving to help salon owners with EFT – from declined payments to freeze/ hold to redrafts.The
We asked Monica Martin, Owner of an Ohio salon chain and Tan-Link software customer, to tell us why she loves the program. Read what she had to say!
Give us a quick overview of your salon operation?
Hawaiian TanFastic opened our first location in July 2000, and the second in February 2015. Developed with 100% “customer experience” in mind, we offer superior equipment and before the COVID-19 pandemic, we provided additional tanning amenities not found at other tanning facilities. For instance, we provided a vanity area for customers stocked with makeup removal products, eye care and after-tanning body care (tem porarily on hold). Our goal is to make every guest’s tanning visit pleasant and effortless! How does Tan-Link help your team or company achieve its objectives? The communication on the screen between the salons helps tremendously with daily/weekly sales goals, daily specials, and just communicating about typical issues that come up. What were the major “pain points” of your process before Tan-Link? My salons have been ahead of most in that I have been selling memberships since 2002. The critical difference
main fundamental difference is com municating between the salon and the customer via the unique texting features.
What made you ultimately decide to switch to Tan-Link? The EFT features, specifically,
automated texting; customer forms and signatures, other text communication and marketing (text blasts!) What other challenges were you and your team experiencing before the switch? Communication with customers was inef ficient and there was no automation. Losing money on EFT processing was the main reason I started looking for other options. Describe a few of the reasons you decided to go with Tan-Link. I was impressed by the advanced mar keting features, on-screen communication between the salons, ease of EFT cancel and
December 2021
Industry Watchdog
Vive la difference! By Joe Schuster 5-10 years, there should be an ancillary decline in skin cancer diagnoses, right? Fewer salons and fewer indoor tanners should equal a decline. T his month’s Watchdog report comes to us from the West Coast. The UCSF Health website actually provided some really good suggestions on UV exposure and skin cancer. ( skin-cancer-prevention) I took the opportunity to offer
Look at the tips on safe UV expo sure offered by the article’s author: • Avoid direct sunlight as much as possible during the peak sun hours, generally 10am-3pm. • Wear broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. • Reapply sunscreen frequently, at least every two hours when outdoors. • Wear lip balm with an SPF15 or higher. • Wear a hat and other protective clothing while in the sun. • Wear UV-protective sunglasses. None of these tips mentions staying out of tanning beds ... interesting! Millions of people weigh the risk and benefit of UV exposure and choose to acquire a cosmetic tan at a professional indoor tanning facility, where session times are de livered according to individual skin type and controlled by a timer to minimize the risk of overexposure and sunburn. Vive la difference!
I’m not a doctor (nor do I play one on TV), but I would fathom that there would be a decline in skin cancer if indoor tanning plays such a large role. But never once has this been touted or even suggested in the media! I would also go out on a limb and say that the indoor tanning professionals are among the most knowledge able when it comes to providing skin care information, as well as possessing an understanding of the risk of overexposure and sunburn. The website states that the majority of a person’s sun expo sure is obtained before they are 18 years old and that the average demographic of indoor tanners is an 18-35-year-old woman, AND most states prohibit use of indoor tanning facilities for per sons under the age of 18. Again, please connect the dots! Hello?
this to IST readers, as seldom seen is the fair and balanced report on tanning and sunlight. The article opens with a great, but often maligned fact: “The majority of sun exposure occurs before age 18.” This statement is factual and provides a wonderful “connect the dots” opportunity. For years, our industry has been attacked with out-of-context quotes, such as “just one sunbed exposure increases your risk of melanoma 20 times,” largely claiming that indoor tanning is primarily responsible for increases in skin cancer rates. Well, as the number of indoor tanning facilities in our country has declined over the last
Team IST searches for erroneous, suspect or negative reporting by the media that adversely impacts the tanning industry. Reports such as these have plagued tanning businesses for decades. Although the media sources will seldom admit a falsehood DQG SULQW D UHWUDFWLRQ Ζ67 RHUV WKHVH ZHOO FUDIWHG UHVSRQVHV WR WKH QHJDWLYH reports that can be shared with your customers and potential customers, alike.
martialred /
December 2021
December 2021
School is in Session!
October 24-25, 2021 By Joe Schuster
VENDORS American Suntanning Association New Sunshine Brands Devoted Creations Ed Hardy JW North America Podz Eyewear Sun Evolutions Brands SunStyle Sunless Tan, Inc.
S ince 2016, Four Seasons Tanning has earned a reputation for hosting an outstanding industry event. With much of the country still recovering from the economic effects of COVID, Team FS drew on some industry experts to offer a first-class training program at the popular St. Charles Convention Center just outside of St. Louis, MO. The central U.S. location attracted a select number of salon operators and staff eager to get prepped for 2022 with some top-notch training.
IST caught up with Four Seasons Marketing Manager, Sheila Routon, for some perspective. “We wanted to put together an event, smaller than usual, for an elite group of salons,” she stated. “It was such a great turnout of our salon customers! We all had such a good time visiting with everyone!” Over 300 were on hand to brush up on their indoor tanning knowledge and get eye-to-eye with both new and veteran vendor reps who were well prepared to talk about their newest products and offer sales tips. Following their presentations on Monday, each vendor gave away door prizes, including a really neat Yeti® cooler (Supre Tan), an air fryer (Devoted Creations), several $100 gift cards (JW North America and Tan, Inc.). Four Seasons gave away a $500 gift certificate for SunStyle Sunless, which was won by Amy Armstree of Magnolia Sun Tanning in McComb, MS. On Sunday morning, the industry’s premiere education program, Sun is Life®, kicked off at 8am. As a sign of new industry growth, this class was made up almost entirely of salon teams who had two years or less in the tanning business. Despite the early time slot, the class was really attentive and had good questions throughout. The reality and personal anecdote of “understanding the tanning process” always brings grins to the newbies. All I can say is, “If you know, you know!” t
December 2021
T eam FS Sunless Specialist, Megan Amburgey Gordon, presented the Bronze Novice Basic Sunless Spray-tan Certification. In addition to a live demonstration, the topics included: FDA Recommendations Skin Prep & Maintenance Solutions & Colors Cleaning The attendees used the opportunity to network, as well. “My team was really excited when we heard Four Seasons was going to put on a show,” said Josh Jordan, Owner of Key Largo Tan in Granite City, IL. “It’s always great when you can help others and gain an idea or two to help better your business.” Amy Ringler of Midas Touch Golden Tans in Emporia, IL also had an awesome experience. “I didn’t realize how much I’d been missing in-person events until I got to hug so many industry friends! It’s been way too long!” she exclaimed. Ringler said she was able to bring several staff members who left the show amped up for the holiday season. “One of our biggest takeaways was the value of using social media marketing algorithms to better reach our customers. We look forward to implementing a new marketing strategy for the next busy season.” t What is DHA? History of Sunless
December 2021
“This class was made up almost entirely of salon teams who had two years or less in the tanning business. A great sign of new industry growth!” Joe Schuster Sun is Life Director
The agenda included the ever popular Panel Discussion, which gives attendees a chance to ask questions of industry experts. Moderated by Jerry Deveney, the panel included Kevin Apgar (JW North America), Melinda Norton (ASA), Jason Brooks (New Sunshine), Megan Racine (Devoted Creations) and Samantha Easterly (California Sun Salons). “It was a great discussion with lots of engagement from participants,” Routon commented. “There were many positive comments about the panel’s message and how relevant it was to their needs, which is music to our ears! We’re already thinking ahead and making notes for the next session.” Seasons Sales, Melissa Gallion was up bright and early to welcome the arrivals and was pleased with the turnout. “We want to thank everyone that came and supported this training. It was great to get back to a sense of normal and have an in-person event. We look forward to bigger and better things for next year!” ■ Vice President of Four
December 2021
Salon of Distinction
GloTanning SPA & SALON Williston, ND
and winters are long and brutal, and when our tiny town got a tanning bed, it was great! Then, I moved to western Montana to attend cosmetology school and learned more about indoor UV and sunless tan ning. I always knew I wanted to stay in the beauty industry and purchased my salon in August of 2019. Unbeknownst to me, we were headed right into the slow season! Then when the busy season hit, we went right into a COVID shutdown for seven weeks, which at the time, felt like seven years! But we got through it, and even did some remodeling and came out stronger. IST: You just took the Sun is Life classroom training. How important is the training element to your salon? CN: We take ALL the training we can find. The pandemic kept us mostly do ing online learning. We love the Devot ed Creations 5 Star Diamond training program. In June 2021, I was finally able
T his month’s Salon had the pleasure of meeting Chris tine Nelson at Heartland Tanning’s event last summer and again at the Four Seasons salon training class in Missouri last month. Hey, she’s all in on learning more about her business! I wanted to interview her before the snow and cold hits North Dakota, so read on! IST: We always start from the beginning. How did you get started in the tan biz? CN: I started tanning as a teenager. When you grow up in northeast Montana, you don’t always get time to work on that sunkissed look. The summers are short By Joe Schuster of Distinction comes from America’s Heart land: North Dakota. I
Owner Christine Nelson plans to expand her business with another facility.
Owner ............................................ Christine Nelson Years in Business .... 7 (owned almost 2.5 years) Staff ........................................................................ 4 UV Systems .......... Ergoline sunbeds, 2 stand-ups Other Services .................. VersaSpa, Spray-Tan, Infrared Sauna, Teeth-whitening, POLY Red-Light Therapy Lotions ........................ Devoted Creations, Hempz, Designer Skin, Australian Gold Best-Selling Lotions .................... Designer Skin Glamorize & Confessions, Devoted Creations Prismatica & Dark AF Software .......................................... SalonTouch 10 Distribution Partners ........... Heartland Tanning, Four Seasons, Devoted Creations 5 Star Diamond Program
mast3r /
December 2021
(L-R) Team Glo includes Jasmine Morrison (Asst. Mgr.), Rylee Rude and Angie Leija (Tanning Specialists).
in St. Charles, MO. I took the Sun is Life classroom training even though I had already taken it online. Online is good, but in person is SO much better! I learned so much great information, and came out of there really understanding many of the things that I questioned before. Eventually, I want all my staff to get Sun is Life certified!
IST: Tell me about your goals for 1-3 years.
CN: Well, as for now, I am out of room to expand my business! But a goal of mine is to open another salon, maybe even two more. We are proud to have recently won the award for Best Spa in our area. We have a lot of salons and spas in this area, so this really was a great honor! I am really proud of myself and my staff for making recognition like that possible. So, another goal is to continue earning that award!
IST: What is your most popular service package?
to attend my first live session hosted by Heartland Tanning. It was super fun, I learned so much and I got to meet you! I was hooked on industry events and this October, I attended the super-infor mative retreat hosted by Four Seasons,
CN: We keep it simple and offer three different monthly unlimited packages and a point system for our seasonal tanners. These work really well, but we’re consid ering an EFT membership for the future.
IST: All the best to you and your team to make those goals happen!
7 Questions with ... Lipanovich Elizabeth
Lead Senior Graphic Designer Australian Gold, New Sunshine LLC
1. How and when did you join the
I’ve designed in a store or on social media. Seeing people enjoy what I worked so hard to create keeps me motivated. 4. If you had a warning label, what would it say? WARNING: EXTREMELY SARCASTIC. Most of the time, I don’t realize I’m doing it; I just have a very dry sense of humor. As I get older, I think I’ve learned to “read the room” a little better – but, who knows? 5. What is your favorite holiday tradition? My family doesn’t have too many traditions, but my all-time favorite is getting Chinese food on Christmas Eve! My mother worked at the Chinese restaurant that was filmed at the end of “A Christmas Story” when she was in high school, so to me, Christmas and sweet-and-sour chicken go hand-in-hand. 6. What would you sing at Karaoke Night? “Take It Easy” by the Eagles,
New Sunshine team? I started in June 2015 as a Junior Graphic Designer, right after graduating from Purdue University with a degree in Visual Commu nications Design. I couldn’t believe I landed my dream job, especially so soon after college! 2. What was your first real job? From age 4-6, I was a toy tester for Mattel. One of my neighbor’s kids grew out of the age range and referred me to take their spot. I would “test” (play with) the toys af ter they were somewhat com plete and give my feedback. Instead of a paycheck, I got to pick a brand new toy from the toy closet on each visit. 3. What is your favorite thing about your career? I get to do what I love! I get to be creative and design a wide variety of media. It’s so exciting to see a product
quote from “The Office” for any situation. But for real, I think they would describe me as a kind, loving person who would do anything for family and friends.
one of my favorite bands. I even have an Eagles-inspired tattoo! 7. How would your friends describe you? Someone who has a relatable
December 2021
Tell ‘em you saw it in ,67 ąðĀð=,Ć(
milatoo /
DEVOTED CREATIONS 1. Bronze Confidential Lavish Deluxe Ultra Rich Bronzer Deluxe Ultra-Dark DHA Bronzer • Luxurious 4K Blend • Super Charged Electrolyte Cocktail • Plant-Based Stem Cells • Targeted Anti-Aging & Firming • Prebiotic Organic Grape Water • Tattoo & Color Fade Protecting • After Tan Odor Eliminators • Sugared Rosé Scent MSRP $94.98 12.25oz • Vegan Collagen • Cellulite Fighters
SELFIE GLOW SUNLESS 3. Color Lust Bronze Rich Dark Bronzed Color Self-Tanning Mousse • Vegan Collagen • Color Correcting • Fast-Drying 7 Day Formula • Organic DHA + Instant Bronzed Color • Melactiva Melanin Stimulator • Anti-aging Green Tea • Mandarin Mimosa Scent MSRP $28 7oz
+ , ą è Billionaire Ultra-Exclusive Rich Bronzing Formula • Ultra-Dark Rich Bronzing Blend • Color-Correcting Formula • Rich Anti-Inflammatory & Antioxidant Blend • Anti-Reddening & Complexion Clearing • Skin-Softening • Anti-Aging & Firming • Tattoo & Color Fade Protecting • After Tan Odor Eliminators • Rich Mahogany Scent MSRP $36.98 8.5o
December 2021
AUSTRALIAN GOLD 4. Dark Legs™ Decadent Dark Leg Bronzer • Instant Bronzers & DHA • Aloe Vera • Sunflower Seed Oil • Vitamin Elixir • Silicone
DESIGNER SKIN .DUDW 5RVH ĀROGè 16X Dazzling Splendor Bronzer • 16X Bronzer • DHA, Erythrulose & Natural Bronzers • Hyaluronic Acid • Collagen • ATO Inhibitor • No Added Aloe, Hemp, Gluten, Parabens or Soy • Cruelty-Free • Golden Apple Scent MSRP $86 13.5oz
ąRLVWXUL]LQJ +HPS 7DQ (ŧWHQGHU Sugar Plum Cookie • Pure Hemp Seed Oil Hydrating Complex • Age-Defying Blend with Microsphere • Antioxidant Rich • No Added Parabens or Dyes
• THC-Drug Free & Vegan • Sugar Plum Cookie Scent MSRP $28 18oz
• Conditioning • Antioxidants • ATO Inhibitor • Fruity Floral Scent MSRP $23.99 8.5oz
Tell ‘em you saw it in ,67 ąðĀð=,Ć(
milatoo /
JWOWW 7. Hypoallergenic White DHA Bronzer • High DHA & Natural Bronzer • Age-Defying Skincare • Intense Hydration • Tattoo Protection • 90% Naturally Derived & Vegan • No Added Dyes, Parabens or Silicones • ATO Inhibitor • Agave Nectar Scent MSRP $78 13.5oz
SUN EVOLUTIONS 8. Supre Tan Salted Caramel Espresso™ Intensely Bold Bronzer • Dark Bronzers plus DHA • CandyColor™ Tanning Complex • Moisturizing Blend of Sugar Cane & Sweet Almond Oil • Skin-Firming • Aloe Vera • Vitamins A, C & E • Paraben & Gluten Free • Odor Shield Technology • Salted Caramel Espresso Scent MSRP $55 8.5oz
9. Fiesta Sun Oh Hey, Vacay™ Indoor/Outdoor Natural Bronzer • Natural Streak-Free Bronzers • Conditioning Sea Salt & Sea Kelp • Vitamins A, C & E • Caffeine • Green Tea Extract • Aloe Vera • Tattoo ColorShield Technology™ • Paraben-Free • Odor Shield Technology • Sweet Mango & Mint Scent MSRP $44 9.5 oz
December 2021
A STRONG MOVE Growing JK Direct
CO comeback, JK Products & Services recently an nounced a strong move in line with this growth
trend with the purchase of tanning product distributor, Tan Marketing. Based in Edwardsville, IL the company – JK Direct – will be headed by former Tan Marketing President, Tom Neiscuir. IST chatted with Neiscuir about this move that will have a positive effect on the distribution of JK products.
sollia /
December 2021
great testament to the hardworking staff I developed for my company. Of course, COVID impacted my com pany, as it did thousands of other small businesses. I think the pandemic is the biggest challenge any of us, both profes sionally and personally, have ever faced. I then had an incredibly fortuitous phone
IST: What a great move for you, as well as JK. How do you see our industry going forward? TN: I see the tanning business changing in many different aspects with hybrid-type salons and spas offering both tanning and wellness services combined and continuing to prosper as the next evolution of our industry. IST: Tom, all the best to you and Bill in your expanding role with JK Products and Services. It’s going to be exciting to watch your continued growth! The entire JK team appreciates the support of Tan Marketing over the past 25 years and is pleased to be working with Tom and Bill going forward. Com mented Ergoline President and Manag ing Director, Brynn Scarborough, “As we approach 2022, JK is positioned to offer
IST: Tom, you’ve had quite a run in the tanning industry over several decades. Very few of us really planned out this longevity, so kudos to you! Tell our readers how you got your start. TN: I started my company ( Tan Marketing ) in the late 80s selling a product called Mister-Chair – a lounge
Ȣ7KLV IDQWDVWLF GHYHORSPHQW ZLOO EHQHˉ W ERWK JK and the Niesciur family. We can now continue to work with our long-time customers and de velop in our new role as JK Direct.” TOM NEISCUIR
chair with a water-misting system that was designed to cool a person’s body as they sunbathe. Eventually, I networked my way to a tanning equipment com pany called Sun Industries and began to also market their Sundash tanning bed line. In just a few years, I grew to become their largest U.S. distributor. As the tanning industry began to de velop, Sun Industries was purchased by worldwide leader, JK Ergoline of Ger many. This was one of the highpoints of my career. Their diversified products and services were a huge compliment to my growing business and I soon became their leading distributor. IST: What a great story! With that level of growth, there are occasional roadblocks that must be overcome. What were yours? TN: Well, certainly, the media has always seemed to have a negative influence on indoor tanning. Despite that, we continued to grow, which is a
conversation with Ergoline President and Managing Director, Brynn Scar borough. I explained my concerns with moving forward in the tanning business, which is the love of my life – second to my family, of course. Brynn invited me
“We are thrilled to have Tom and Bill Neiscuir join the JK team and appreciate not only their decades of ex perience, but also their willingness to grow with the industry. Tan Marketing has been an industry staple throughout the years, and that legacy continues with their addition to the JK Family.” BRYNN SCARBOROUGH
the industry the necessary resources and support for continuous and enhanced suc cess. Now more than ever, we look ahead to a new year of partnering with our salon customers as the industry leader.” For more information about JK Products & Services, visit or call 888.771.0996.
to stay in the industry, along with my brother Bill, as employees of JK America. JK proceeded with the purchase of Tan Marketing and enrolled Bill and I very rapidly as employees. This fantastic development will benefit both JK and the Niesciur family. We can now continue to work with our long-time customers and develop in our new role as JK Direct.
ASA News The People Working for YOU
science-based goals, strategies, and tac tics for state and federal lobbying efforts • Created tanning salon outreach initia tives targeting specific state and federal policymakers, agencies, regulators and politicians with call-for-action requests • Worked to get critical financial, health and business-related information to salons during the COVID-19 shutdown. Matt’s biggest concern today is the continued decrease in consumer confi dence due to government-driven misin formation regarding UV tanning services. Dale Parrott, Operations Director Federal and State Lobby Support The backbone of ASA’s operations, Parrott provides the frontline team with message delivery systems designed to tar get very specific individuals or groups to a very high degree. He has been improving these systems for nearly a decade, allowing our frontline team to communicate a high volume of messages quickly and effec tively. Parrott’s operational expertise plays a critical role in getting our industry’s mes sages to the right people at the right time. • Frequently develops salon listings by zip code, Congressional district, county and state for targeted lobby efforts • Developed industry financial data to be included with state and federal lobby efforts • Developed a detailed list of salons closed as a result of the onerous 10% Tan Tax • Collected 10,000 postcards signed by industry members in less than ten days to be delivered to House leadership, making a major impression Dale’s biggest concern today is tan ning salon owners’ apathy toward sup porting the ASA, leaving our industry wide open for another round of damag ing regulations and taxes. About the ASA Founded in 2012, the American Suntanning Asso ciation is committed to defending and growing the industry through a detailed and proactive plan directed by an all-salon board and executed by more than two dozen management and consulting team members who specialize in this type of work.
Joseph Levy Director of Scientific Affairs
ince 2012, the American Suntanning Association has been fighting for the rights of U.S. tanning salons by slowing or
State Lobbying & Scientific Policy Since 2013, Levy has been on more than 600 flights traveling to 43 states and Washington D.C. to promote the profes sional sunbed community’s scientifically supported position, defending the indus try against tan bans, state taxes, mandated literal interoperation of the FDA gradu ated recommended exposure schedule and other punitive regulation attempts. Here’s an overview of ASA’s state lobbying accomplishments: • Defeated more than 100 under-18 tan ban bills nationwide since 2013 • Defeated numerous attempts at state Tan Tax regulations • Recently defeated several new attempts at under-21 tan bans • Defeated several attempts to mandate literal interpretation of recommended exposure schedules • Worked nationwide to get tanning busi nesses classified as non-contact retail stores to allow tanning facilities to open after COVID-19 shutdowns Joe’s biggest concern today: Groups calling for under-21 tan bans and other punitive regulatory proposals that have become more prevalent in recent years. Matt Russell, Executive Director Regulatory, Legal and PR Support Russell has worked for the ASA since its inception in December of 2012. Over several decades, he has developed a his torical salon database, as well as impor tant industry data that plays an important role in all ASA efforts. His 40 years of industry experience is also helpful, as he works to support ASA’s frontline team. • Worked with Melinda Norton, Joe Levy, and consultants to develop
stopping punitive federal and state regula tions and taxes. The tanning industry is under constant attack, and without ASA’s solid representation, your business would undoubtedly have additional regulations and state taxes far beyond what exists today. Norton has spent six years as the industry’s association president, traveling to Washington, D.C. to build relationships with federal policymakers and regulators. Her face is well known in D.C. thanks to thousands of meetings in politician’s offices, Congressional hallways, lunches and fundraisers. She has succeeded at opening doors with top agency officials to educate politicians and bureaucrats about our scientifically supported issues. Here are a few inroads she has made on your behalf: • Developed relationships with White House officials that helped open agency doors • Met with top-level agency officials introducing our scientists to govern ment decision-makers • Created relationships with House committee chairpersons who have supported our issues • Met with Senate leaders who have helped champion our efforts • Developed relationships with busi ness support groups and the Small Business Administration Melinda’s biggest concern is the poten tial for very damaging industry regulations that are currently in play in Washington. Melinda Norton, President Federal Lobbying
December 2021
Eye to Eye
What’s Your Approach? By Brenda Fishbaugh
Team Eye Pro loves this idea: Christi Miller of Moon Shine Tanning in Glenpool, OK repeats a simple message.
“I have it written on a sticky note, the membership agreements and the hand book – No Eyewear • No Tan • No Exceptions” Melissa Larabee, Owner of Golden Goddess Tanning Boutique in Colchester, CT gets her guest’s acceptance in writing: “My new customer contract states that the guest will show their eye protection before they tan. If they get upset, I give them a big smile and remind them that they signed up for it. I even have an extra signature line below the blurb about having to show eye protection on each visit and it states that if they don’t have it, they will be required to purchase a new pair before they can tan. Then, they have to sign directly under that acknowledg ing their understanding, and then again at the bottom after they answer all the typical questions. When your staff asks to see eye protection the first few times the guest comes in and they realize you aren’t going to stop asking, then they get used to it and will have it in hand every visit. There will always be a few custom ers who make a big deal about every thing. Honestly, I don’t want customers like that, so if they have a problem with showing their eye protection, then they really do not need to return. I want to concentrate on my great customers.” Would you like a FREE meme to share on social media based on Christi Miller’s handbook policy? Email with the code: IST No Eyewear.
In my November column, I wrote about a lo gtime salon op
erator who had re cently encountered a couple of guests who didn’t like being asked to show
the salon staff their eyewear before being able to tan. They felt it was demeaning and that they were being treated “like babies.” I asked several salon operators how they handle this situation with their tanners who feel the same way. Laura Maxx, Ultra Sun Salon in Manchester, CT explains why eyewear is so important. “I’ve owned our salon for 37 years, so I encounter customer push-back occa sionally. I tell every person who signs up: ‘Eyewear is required to be shown to the camera on each visit – have it out for us to see or get asked to take it out. Is that acceptable to you? Good! The safety of your eyes while using our facility is a top priority to us and we appreciate
your cooperation.’ Secondly, as the own er of the facility, I require it as I want to run a safe and professional business for them. No eyewear, no room entry! If they really have it, they shouldn’t have an issue showing it. Mutual respect.” Zoe’ Buchmuller-Killeen of Forever Sunshine Tanning in Little Ferry, NJ has a different approach. “I think a picture is worth a thousand words. I show them the photos of possible eye damage from unprotected tanning that are printed on the educational handout pro vided by Wink-Ease. It works every time!”
About the Author: Tanning industry veteranBrenda Fishbaugh is president of Eye Pro, Inc., makers of disposable eyewear. She travels extensively training salons on
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the effects of UV light on vision.
December 2021
Lamp Talk with Leif NEW
T he tanning industry and the manufacture of UV tanning systems have now been thriv ing in the U.S. (and in much of the rest of the world) for 45 years, and that is a significant num ber for some of us who have been here from the beginning. Many tanning bed manufacturers are no longer in business, as well as many lamp manufacturers.
providing great tanning results, while also following the FDA’s requirements. We know this is often a confusing sub ject! We know that so many salon owners – whether new or veteran – are looking for the best options to meet their current lamp needs. For this reason, IST Magazine has created this new column with the goal of helping operators determine which sun lamp product is correct (and most effective)
print those questions with relevant answers from Yours Truly. You can submit your question either anonymously or include your name – it’s up to you. For your participation, we’ve also created a monthly prize lottery that will give one submitter a $150 gift certificate toward your next lamp purchase from Supra Technologies! Especially in these challenging times, the old “it is what it is” does not help your peace of mind when it comes to your business. Your tanners need to be pleased with their results and that, in turn, will help your salon flourish. We hope to hear from you soon!
This column has been created to help you provide your salon guests with the best possible tanning ex perience on a going-forward basis. Snap the QR code with your phone to submit your question for Leif!
About the Author: Industry veteran Leif Vasstrom founded Napa, CA-based Supra Brands Group in 2004, and has been at the forefront of sunlamp innovation since
1978. He opened the first tanning salon in NYC on Madison Avenue in 1978. In 1985, his company designed the Breeze Salon Software and busi ness management program, acquired by Sun Lync in 2003. He launched the Silver Solarium equipment line in 1978, and Dr. Müller systems in 1993. In 1986, he helped start Applied Digi
for use in a specific tanning system. This is not about any specific supplier, just common sense to help you provide your salon guests with the best possible tan ning experience on a going-forward basis. To kick off this effort, we are asking you, salon owners, to submit your lamp questions and concerns to IST. Simply go to, click on the “Lamp Talk” link and in the next issue, we will
This means that of the thousands of beds still in operation in tanning facilities, many have lamp labels that can no lon ger depict which product should now be employed in a particular tanning system. As it has for nearly 25 years, IST Magazine calls on decades of industry expertise – and that of its esteemed con tributing writers – to help all salon owners find the best solutions with regard to
tal (T-Max). In 2011, Supra acquired industry forum as a means to further the message about the positive aspects of mod erate UV exposure.
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December 2021
Lync IT
Th i sY ear, C heckyour H oli d ay P ro m o Li s t T wice! By Melissa Damiani
of another item at full price. You can configure this promo within your software to automatically apply the discount to the second item, so that it’s a seamless process for your staff. You can even have the sys tem allocate the commission earned on the sale price, rather than the full retail price. Another powerful promo, especially during the holiday season, is a dis count on a minimum purchase. If you want to drive services sales, you might offer $50 off a service purchase with a minimum purchase of $150. We all know that trying to find the perfect gift for everyone on our list can certainly cause some anxiety, so it’s no wonder that gift cards and certificates will A robust software program can aid you in achieving any holiday sales objective in a cost-effective manner. be a popular choice in your salon at this time of year. To boost gift card sales, offer a “free gift card with a gift card purchase.” After all, when redeeming gift cards, most will typically spend more than the value of the gift that they received! Also, if the gift card purchaser is not an existing customer, make sure to capture their email address and cell phone number. There’s a good chance you’ll be able to convert them into a “regular” through future marketing campaigns. Regardless of the challenges presented to us this season, holiday shopping often leaves many of us feeling stressed and over whelmed – configuring a handful of solid promotions in your salon management system will ease the process for all as your existing, and hopefully, new customers extend their patronage to your business!
guests with points to be redeemed toward product purchases only. Doing so will motivate your existing customers to purchase more and also entice them to refer your business to friends and family. You may want to try offering a “tan ‘til the end of the year’’ membership at a discounted rate for new customers obtained through your holiday referral program. Simply create a membership that expires for everyone who purchases on December 31 and configure a message to appear at the point of sale a week prior to expiration to prompt your staff to remind the customer that their promotional mem bership will expire soon. They might just purchase an EFT membership to follow! A holiday sale that is always enticing for customers that is simple for you to offer is the traditional BOGO. You might consider offering your guests 50% off all items in a particular retail category with the purchase
Y ou’ve likely been plan ning for many months now ... as a retailer and service provider, are you truly ready to realize the opportunities ahead of you at this joyous time of year? Your goal for this holiday season might be to increase profits over last year, improve efficiency for your staff during this harried time and make the process a seamless experience for your customers – or all of the above. A robust software program can aid you in achieving any of these objectives in a cost-effective manner. Would you like to boost retail sales during the holidays while rewarding your loyal customers for their patronage? Increasing the product discount your EFT members automatically receive during the month of December is one easy way to do so. Or, for every new cus tomer they refer, automatically reward
About the Author: Melissa Damiani is the Sales Manager of SunLync Software, Inc. a member of the JK-North America group of companies. With the company since 2002,
Melissa has served the organization in several capacities, and has extensive knowledge of all aspects required to deliver robust salon manage ment software solutions that are designed to enable measurable growth within its users’ ever-evolving business models. Call Melissa at 866.SUNLYNC x3 or email
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December 2021
Monthly Motivation
Why You’re NOTWhereYou Wa t to beYet
How many people pass on their first decisions? You don’t want to add time to your decisions. Speed wins, not logic. Tak ing actions immediately allows the most successful to design the future they desire. Operate with urgency. Life happens today, not sometime in the future. You’re spending too much time think ing! Shorten your perspective and take more actions. I would rather scream about something that’s not right than something that doesn’t exist yet. If I need my team to put up a new website, I don’t want to talk about it for days. I want to get it up and start promoting immediately. Sure, there will be prob lems, but we’ll figure it out as we go! There is no reason to slow down. If anything, you need to speed up. There’s no speed limit in life and you need to start stepping on the gas. There exists only two times for the successful: now and the future. The unsuccessful spend most of their time in the past and regard the future as an opportunity to procrastinate. “Now” is the period of time that successful people utilize most often to create the futures they desire. You cannot do what unsuccessful people do, which is use any excuse they can think of to put off the tasks they should be completing immediately. Instead, you must acquire the discipline, muscle memory and achievements that result from taking massive action – while others think, plan and procrastinate. The successful understand that they must keep taking actions now – they’re well aware that procrastination is the ultimate weakness. Don’t do it mañana. Get to where you want to go in life ... and do it now.
By Grant Cardone
MAÑANA. Even if you don’t speak Spanish, you’ve probably heard this word before. Mañana means tomorrow. Question: “When will you do what you need to do?” Answer: “Mañana.” That’s the answer most people will give, and it’s probably the answer you give your self more often than you care to admit, right? Whenever you put off doing something until tomorrow that could be done today, you’ve de-prioritized that thing. The prob lem is, some of what you value most in your life is getting continually de-prioritized. Because if it really was a priority, you’d be working on it today . If you hadn’t procras tinated, you’d have hit your goals already and be on to bigger and better things. Why don’t you have $20 million dollars yet? Because you have procrastinated in vesting in yourself with the right tools to help you get there. I’m not saying you’re lazy, you’re just not frequent enough. Procrastination can take many forms, and you justify it by telling yourself you’re “planning” as opposed to making an impulsive, spontaneous decision. In life, especially in the times we are living in … You cannot have power without speed. You cannot have conviction with doubt. You cannot reach huge goals while putting things off until later. Action will
always win over thinking. I guarantee that the problems you have right now are not because of your age, it’s because of waiting. If you fail, at least swing the bat. All the best baseball players struck out many times before they hit any home runs. Frequency of actions is what gets you proximity to success. You’re not suffering because you’re taking too much action – you don’t take You cannot reach huge goals while putting things off until later. Action will ALWAYS win over thinking. enough action. Procrastination costs money, doubt and self-esteem. A lot of people spend time thinking about ROI. They want to do “research.” Have you ever thought about the best things that happened in your life? Were they researched or did they happen naturally? Do you become a father before you are a father? Do you become successful before you are successful? You learn these things after you do them. You correct and make changes during the actions.
About the Author: Grant Cardone is a New York Times bestselling author, the No. 1 sales trainer in the world, and an internationally renowned speaker on lead
ership, real estate investing, entrepreneurship, social media and finance. His companies have annual revenues exceeding $100 million. Forbes named Mr. Cardone #1 of the “25 Marketing Influ encers to Watch in 2017.” He regularly appears on Fox News, Fox Business, and MSNBC, and writes for Forbes, Success Magazine, Business Insider , CNBC, and Entrepreneur. He urges his followers and clients to make success their duty, responsibility and obligation. He currently resides in South Florida with his wife and two daughters.
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December 2021
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