ist magazine August 2022


Q. How d i d you f i nd your se l f wor k i ng i n the t ann i ng i ndus t r y ? A close friend worked for Heartland Tanning and was always going on about it being a family business, how much she loved the relationships she had with her customers and that it was the best industry to work in. About five years ago, I was working in the medical field and feeling pretty beat up, so I left it for a business support rep position with Heartland. I soon learned that everything my friend said about it was true! Q. Wha t / whe r e wa s your ve r y f i r s t j ob? At age 16, I was a dance instructor at the Expressions in Dance studio in Raytown, MO. Q. How wou l d you r f r i end s de s c r i be you ? They would say “strange” but I like to think they mean “unique.” I often randomly quote movies or song lyrics during conversations and am also obsessed with folding laundry. QUESTIONS WITH. . . Kris in Jackson MARKETING DI RECTOR HEARTLAND TANNING

Q. What is one of your “pet peeves?” Admittedly, I have several; however, I would say the biggest is when someone misspells my name in a com munication when the spelling is also my email address. It’s not a hidden detail! It’s right there in the email! Q. Do you hi t the snooze but ton in the morning or wake up immedi atel y? SNOOZE! Alarms are only a suggestion, right? Q. What ’ s something people would never guess about you? That my “mini-me” daughter is adopted! I love it when people say she looks just like me.

Q. What are you mos t exc i ted about i n your l i fe r i ght now?

My daughter will be starting her senior year of high school. It’s exciting planning everything but honestly, if I had a “rewind” button, I would keep her with me forever. 



August 2022

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