ist magazine August 2021

Animated publication

From the Publisher

Lead Your Team

Publisher Vince Lorraine Editor In Chief Vince Lorraine Managing Editor Sherron Barden Assistant Editor Peter Hinterman Editorial Advisory Sherron Barden

Dear Readers, Living on a beautiful Michigan lake for decades, I don’t typically wish for a rainy summer; but the crazy rain we’ve had lately definitely gets people into my salons! So, I’ll go “glass half full” and be thankful for anything that helps me and my business to continue enjoying a strong recovery from the ... um (you-know-what.) Faithful IST readers may have noticed many features by business experts that discuss the subject of leadership. Have you considered the culture of your business? You might think, “It’s a tanning salon – how important can culture be?” As the “top dog,” your leadership style creates a culture within your company; you might not even realize it and it affects the way your team performs every day. It’s a very interesting subject! Check out “Don’t Be the Hot Mess Boss: Five Communication Habits of the Emotionally Intelligent Leader” (p.50). Also on the topic of leadership, check out “Six Mindsets to Breathe Oxygen Into Your People” (p.54), exploring a company leader’s role in creating mindsets and actions that fuel energy, possibility, connection and progress for the team while flushing out negativity, blame and toxins. Let’s face it – especially for salon operators who are not “hands-on” – your team is everything! They represent your business every day and shape your reputation, whether good or not so good. One way to ensure that all your staff is on the same page, providing a premium experience for your guests AND kicking butt at sales is to provide them with training that gives them the confidence to succeed. Sun is Life® Training & Certification was designed to help your staff feel good about their job, become invested in your business and stay on your team! Staff training not only increases customer satisfaction and loyalty, but it also decreases turnover (which I can attest to.) It’s a business investment with amazing ROI! Just ask our August Salon of Distinction owners, John & Kristine Grish (see p.20). Get on board and you could be featured in IST next! Thanks for reading,

Staff Writer Joe Schuster

Graphic Designer Brett LaCross

Graphic Designer/ Web Developer Jonathan Boedecker

Accounting/Circulation Kim Davis

Account Executive

Vincent Turchi

Contributing Writers Grant Cardone Melissa Damiani Jerry Deveney Brenda Fishbaugh

Yajaira Flores Gary Lipman David McFarland Lisa Saavedra

HOW TO REACH US 5152 Commerce Rd. Fl int, MI 48507 810.230.1735 fax 810.230.1115 ist INTERESTED IN ADVERTISING? CONTACT VINCENT@ISTMAGAZINE.COM August 2021 | Volume 25 | Issue 7 IST Magazine ISSN#2329-8545 (USPS 023149) is published monthly by IST Magazine, Inc., 5152 Commerce Rd., Flint, MI 48507. Canadian Mail Agreement #41971515. Periodicals postage QBJE BU 'MJOU .* BOE BEEJUJPOBM PGm DFT 1PTUNBTUFS 4FOE BEESFTT changes to IST Magazine , 5152 Commerce Rd., Flint, MI 48507. 'PS CBDL JTTVFT JORVJSF GPS BWBJMBCJMJUZ &EJUPSJBM $PSSFTQPOEFODF "EESFTT QSPEVDU JOGPSNBUJPO BOE JORVJSJFT UP &EJUPSJBM %FQBSUNFOU IST Magazine , 5152 Commerce Rd., Flint MI 48507, phone 810.230.1735. To authors, photographers and people featured JO UIJT QVCMJDBUJPO "MM NBUFSJBMT BSUJDMFT SFQPSUT BOE QIPUPT published in this publication are the property of IST Magazine and cannot be used without written permission. The opinions and conclusions recited herein are those of the respective authors and not of IST Magazine . IST Magazine is not responsible for returning unsolicited manuscripts, photos or other materials. Every effort will be made however, to return rejected manuscripts, etc., if they are BDDPNQBOJFE CZ TVGm DJFOU m STU DMBTT QPTUBHF CVU UIF QVCMJTIFS XJMM not be responsible for loss of any such material.

If there’s something you’d like to see in your IST, please email Vince Lorraine, Publisher

Copyright © 2021. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.


August 2021

Contents August 2021 9ROXPH ‡ ,VVXH

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Contents August 2021 9ROXPH ‡ ,VVXH







50 'RQ·W %H WKH +RW 0HVV %RVV 54 %UHDWKH 2[\JHQ into Your Team 56 :K\ /RYH Haters & Trolls?

24 7 Questions with ... Brittany Byers

FEATURES 14 7 Reasons

Support Manager Tan-Link Software 42 Get the Facts with Sun is Life ® 46 4 Steps to Get

More Eyes on Your Digital Content


7 Reasons You Are Losing Money Daily & Should Be Selling Online! I S k

for discounts. Sell something that brings them in. With the initial purchase out of the way, your staff can up-sell the customer additional services or products when they visit the salon in person. Sunless spray prep and post-session products are perfect examples of up-selling on an existing sale. 5. You are not bundling products with your services online. We often hear customers say they do not need any products when they first start anning. However, by presenting your packages alongside your products online, you set the customers’ expectations upfront hat the best results come from using the best products with those specific services. t also allows them to preview some of the products and know what the salon carries. 6. You are not educating your customers before they purchase. Often, a customer will not know how o properly prepare for the service they will receive, such as a spray-tan. Without proper exfoliation and balancing the skin chemistry, the spray-tan results will not look as good, last as long, or wear off evenly. Combining your packages with prep and post product displays on your website lets them know how to get the absolute best results from their spray-tan session.

from the comfort of their home, compare packages and products, and purchase what they need right from their phone. This cus tomer is now committed to their first visit. 3. Your software is not internet friendly. There is no need to have a completely different payment system set up to process your online sales. A POS that integrates with your website allows you to imme diately place the packages and products from POS to the website – no additional steps are required. When someone pur chases your service(s) or product(s), it instantly shows up on their account along with any documents they need to sign.

1. When your salon closes, your business closes; however, there is no reason to ever be “closed” to a paying customer! The best time to sell to a customer is when they are already online browsing your website – at that time, you have the opportunity to convert it into an im mediate sale. Once a service or product is purchased, it automatically and immedi ately shows up for your staff, including all digital agreements for the customer to sign when they come in. This cuts back not only on time trying to sign up a guest in the salon, but also affords more time to discuss proper skin care and products that complement the service purchased. 2. You are not selling when the customer is buying. A lot of times, a customer is not ready to purchase when they step into the salon; they are just looking and trying to under stand or learn more about your services. With the online shop, they can do that

As much as 7-9% of member ships are purchased

online from salons with great internet presence.

7. You don’t have the right tools to be online.

If you have no website, the Built-In Online Store is sufficient to instantly bring you both an online presence and the online store. If you do have a website, the store integrates into the website to become part of your existing online presence. Q

4. Your software does not help attract new business.

Online pricing can be kept competitive to incentivize a customer to make an im mediate purchase. You can bundle services and provide special “online-only” intro ductory packages or promotional codes

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August 2021


Window Cling Reminds Tanners Eye Protection is Required

the wall also sends a strong ‘eye protection is important here’ message,” reminded Eye Pro Office Manager, Jackie DeWald. Social media is also a great way to bump your tanners with reminders. “When you run a professional salon with a highly edu cated staff, it’s so important to promote that fact to customers every chance you get,” said DeWald. “We want to make sure salons are equipped with all the tools necessary to let tanners know they have eye protection options,” she continued. “Our FREE window cling placed on the front window of your salon or just inside the door is the perfect way to not only let tanners know eye protection is required before they walk in, but also that you carry the original ‘clean’ brand of dispos able eye protection, and the best avail able,” explained Fishbaugh. “It helps start the conversation while reminding them that not all eye protection is the same.” For a limited time, Wink-Ease is of fering IST readers a FREE window cling for their salons. This cling can easily be removed for cleaning or repositioning. For your FREE window cling, go to WinkEase. com/promos and complete the pink online form. Use promo code: IST Cling. For more info on Eye Pro products, visit or call 800.726.8322. To take Eye Pro’s 30-minute eye expert training session, go to, hover over the “Support” navigation button and then, select “Salon Training” from the drop-down menu. This valuable educational opportunity is FREE, available to take anytime AND earns you an “Eye Expert” certificate for each of your staff. To learn about special salon offers and promotions, follow and “like”

FT. WAYNE, IN – EYE PRO, Inc., world leader in eyewear and makers of Ultra Gold WINK-EASE, Lash Room WINK-EASE and WINK-EASE Dark, is offering a great way to help salons start the conversation with tanners about why eye protection is important – and more importantly, required – even be fore they walk through the salon door. “Many tanners don’t realize why eye wear protects your eyes, and also that it’s REQUIRED and not optional,” reminded Eye Pro President, Brenda Fishbaugh. “Tanners sign a waiver that includes a lot of information, and that’s all they remember. Asking new guests, ‘Do you

have your eyewear?’ might be seen as a bit confrontational. A better approach is to use subtle messaging in every form of interaction with your tanners to help remind them that eye protection IS required and why it’s so important.” For example, display your eye protec tion options on or behind the front counter. Keeping them in their original display boxes really helps catch a tanner’s attention. A professionally-created sign posted in your lobby or hallway or placed on each tanning bed reminds everyone that eyewear is required. “If your staff has been eye protection-certified, framing and displaying their ‘eye expert’ certificates on

WINK-EASE on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and Pinterest. Q


August 2021

Industry Watchdog

A Conscious Decision By Joe Schuster

A pparently, there is a lack of topics to write about in the health magazines this summer. The recent anti-tan content includes these nuggets from the fitness rag, SHAPE . One of the biggest controversies about indoor tanning is that a base tan provides photoprotection. Pun dits typically shake their heads and claim, “there’s no such thing as a safe tan” and that acquiring a base tan doesn’t protect you from sunburn. Then, grab a derm with a lab coat and two letters following their name (MD) to back up your claims. The article begins in a decent fashion with a description of UVA and UVB. “When your skin is exposed to ... UVA rays – includ ing in tanning beds – it creates more melanin (aka skin pigment) to protect itself from further harm, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine.” It goes on ... “‘Not only does the boost of melanin give you that sought-after glow, but it’s also thought that it can provide an additional layer of protection against the sun and sunburns, which is where the idea of a base tan comes from’, says Marisa Garshick, MD, FAAD, a dermatologist based in New York

City.” style/base-tan-sunburns Hey, great job! That is correct ... so far. But then, things go south pretty quickly. Most industry veterans know and advise their salon guests that a tan acquired with sunbed sessions can provide an SPF equivalent of about 3-4. These tanning pros also sell SPF lotions for use during natural sunlight exposure. But the mag tells readers that SPF 3-4 is not enough protection. Uh, we know that – but here’s the catch that’s missed. Hypothetically, picture two people (both skin type II) preparing to vacation for a week in a sunny climate such as Aruba. Prior to the trip, Vacationer “A” goes to a professional tanning salon and obtains a base tan (responsibly and in moderation) while Vacationer “B” stays indoors, stays out of the sun and reads up on the history of Aruba. Both head for the sunny beach on Day One, bounce in and out of the warm water and try to keep up with applying the proper amount of SPF throughout the day. Admittedly, that can be a struggle. Now, which vaca tioner is in the best position to avoid overexposure and sunburn? Although “B” may know that Aruba is a constituent country of

the Kingdom of the Netherlands, he or she is also a prime candidate to get sunburned. The article also gives the “prudent suggestion” to avoid the sun between 10am-2pm. Well, both of these vacationers saved up their hard-earned cash for the better part of the year to roll to Aruba. I’m thinking they’re prob ably not going to stay off the beach or completely avoid the sun during their stay! Hey, there’s shopping to do at the markets and besides, they came to have fun and frolic! You can go back to cave life once you get home. In sum, these folks have made a conscious decision to head to the beach – a factor the doc tors seldom consider when they’re interviewed for these articles. So, I hope you’ve enjoyed the tutorial on prudent sun exposure. Millions of people weigh the pros and cons of UV exposure and choose to acquire a tan at a profes sional indoor tanning facility with sessions delivered in moderation and responsibility and the risk of sunburn is minimized. Q

Team IST searches for erroneous, suspect or negative reporting by the media that adversely impacts the tanning industry. Reports such as these have plagued tanning businesses for decades. Although the media sources will seldom admit a falsehood DQG SULQW D UHWUDFWLRQ Ζ67 R΍ HUV WKHVH ZHOO FUDIWHG UHVSRQVHV WR WKH QHJDWLYH reports that can be shared with your customers and potential customers, alike.

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August 2021

Salon of Distinction


idea and could tell by the look on her face that she was not excited about it at all; she had just started her career as a cosmetologist. Well, the next day was Thanksgiving and we both got up after getting very little sleep, thinking about tanning. Later that day, my girls came over and talked more about it and that Saturday, we toured the salon. That next Wednesday, we had a meeting with my boss and signed the papers. So within less than a week, we went from not even thinking about starting a business to be coming business owners. We took over January 1 2021. We are now six months into this and love every minute of it! IST: Having a salon with a variety of different services can be a challenge. Tell us how you focus and overcome it. JG: You have to grow the business. As we all know, the “JASON” months in the back half of the year are hard for many salons to survive – we are going through our first one. So, we diversified to offer more than just UV services. We offer BleachBright Teeth Whitening, red-light therapy, a massage chair and we really market our spray-tanning.

AS we continue the process of returning (somewhat!) to normalcy after a crazy 2020, we’ve missed a lot of the industry happenings. The annual expo events have always been great battery chargers for salon operators. After a long layoff, Missouri-based distributor Heartland Tanning created a novel method to give a “group hug” with their first-ever Networking Retreat. In June, “Mind Your Business” exclu sively for salon owners and operators was held at The Elm Hotel & Spa in Excelsior Springs, MO. I was honored to serve as the emcee for this event and it gave me a great opportunity to chat with a wide variety of tan biz folks. Attendees included many first-time owners with two years or less in the business. I always enjoy seeing “veteran” operators (you know who you are), but think it’s a good sign to see fresh faces, as well. Enter John and Kristine Grish of

Electric Sun in Gaylord, MI. I had some great conversations with them during my stay at The Elm and they, of course, are proud graduates of IST Magazine’s Sun is Life® Training & Certification program. Enjoy the details! IST: The Elm is a really cool place to have this event and perfect for our inter view. So, let’s begin with the basics. Tell me about your start in the tanning industry. JG: It’s kind of a funny story. I was at lunch with my boss who owns quite a few properties and he told me that I should buy his tanning salon. I thought he was joking, but he said it would be a good investment and a great place to put our daughters to work and in charge. Well, my daughter Emylee was sitting right next to me and of course said, “Dad, you should!” So, I reviewed the financials and thought, “not bad.” That night, I told Kristine about the

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Arlenta Apostrophe /


August 2021

ing are in the plan, for sure. The new expanded space will open us into a med spa with esthetician services, health and wellness, skincare and so on. Believe it or not, this was our three-year plan, but it is happening within the next month! John and Kristine Grish, all the best to you both and Emylee as well, for a strong remainder of the year and the future! Q Location .............................................. Gaylord, MI Owners .................................. John & Kristine Grish Staff ........................................................................ 7 UV Tanning Units .............................................. 7 Lotions .............................. Hempz, Designer Skin, Devoted Creations, Ed Hardy, Tannovations, Snooki Software .................................................... Tan-Link Other Services .... Custom Spray-tans, Red-Light, Teeth-Whitening Training ................................................ Sun is Life® Distributor Partner ................ Heartland Tanning, Four Seasons Current Best-selling Lotion .............. Ed Hardy Upgrade to Black Most Popular Package ............ Silver Package - includes unlimited use of all our beds and red-light; . members recieve a $20 credit toward teeth-whitening

of the most important things is to make sure your lease space has enough “juice!” We were kind of limited with the power supply coming to the building and are at the point right now where we can spend the cash to expand it. Let me tell you, it is not a cheap thing! But if you want to keep up with the industry and compete, you have to do what needs to be done. IST: What do you feel is more impor tant and why: a website or a Facebook page, or both? JG: We have both. We believe the younger generation will do research on a business before going to the physical location. We just created a new website in March, but we are also very active on Facebook. We want to provide just enough information to keep our custom ers engaged with what’s going on and try to make our posts more educational. Our website has solid coverage of our salon info: our hours, information on our spray-tanning (basically, the do’s and don’ts) and our red-light therapy. We also operate with Tan-Link software and through that, we have an online store

IST: You and your wife have taken the Sun is Life course. How did you like it and how important is a fully-trained staff? JG: Oh, my gosh! Training is so impor tant. Kristine and I took Sun is Life online and it’s fantastic training. We learned so much and now make sure that our staff also completes it. If you think you know it all, you don’t! We highly recommend everyone invest in this training. IST: What tips can you share with first time salon owners? JG: Our salon has been in the same location for 14 years. If you are looking for a new location, make sure you have enough room to expand one day. One (L-R) Paige (Sales Consultant) and Emylee (Manager) are well-trained to offer Electric Sun guests a premium tanning experience.



Jessica Phillips Parts Sales Representative, Four Seasons 7 Questions with

If you could choose to do anything you want for a day, what would it be? I would spend a day relaxing in the Caribbean.

What was your very first job? I set tobacco for a local farmer just up the road from where I grew up. I did that for a few summers. What advice would you have given 17-year-old Jessica? I would have told her to listen and be patient. Life is tough, but a positive outlook will create a great canvas for your journey. If you could eat only one meal for the rest of your life, what would you choose? I would eat a steak, green beans, and mashed potatoes with gravy.

What is one of your biggest pet peeves?

How did you get started in the tanning industry? In 2019, I was working in a local factory, long shifts and most weekends. I had a hard time balancing family and work and was missing out on precious moments. I knew I wanted a change, so I did some looking and found Four Seasons – a great company that cares about family. Now, I have a job that I love with some pretty amazing people, and I can grow within the company.

I can’t stand watching people chew with their mouth open or hearing

them smack ... gross! How would your

friends describe you? Here is the response I got to this question: Honest, friendly, loyal, devoted, pure, adventurous, active, loving, kind and kind-hearted, strong, giving, selfless, beautiful, humble and funny. (Thank you!) ■


August 2021


Support Manager Tan-Link BYERS Brittany Ȯ 6YIWXMSRW [MXL

stories high. These days, I am happy to watch others jump off those cliffs! ȍ What’s one of your biggest pet peeves? Being asked the same ques tion by the same person over and over. If someone tells you something, write it down so you have it for the next time! Necessities aside, what one thing could you not go a day without? Unlimited data on my cell phone! I remember the first phone I had only received so much data – I would check a couple of emails and Myspace. Now, I stream my favorite TV shows, listen to music, check email and social media all day every day. Ȯ How would your I am loud, ambitious, busy, fun-loving, and you would never think I have so many tattoos! Q friends describe you?

Ȧ How did you get into the tanning industry?

My friend was working at our local tanning salon, and she asked if I would like to work there part-time. I thought it would be a fun, second job but never dreamed it would lead to a long-term career! ȶ c What was your very first job? I babysat for my cousins all summer for $25 per week, and free food and TV. ȴ What advice would you have given 17-year-old Brittany? Stay focused on your goals while still enjoying life. Time never stops and you do not want to miss out by working too much. ȏ What’s the most daring thing you’ve ever done? I jumped off the cliffs at Eufaula Lake that are several


August 2021

ASA News

Protecting What’s Yours


battle waged against our industry and your business, we need members and advocates from every state willing to join the ASA or make a phone call to their local member of Congress. The most important way to help your salon association defend your business from federal and state government attacks is to become a

you are a tanning sa lon owner, you know all too well that unfair government regula tions are a constant

You don’t need extensive knowl edge of politics and relevant issues to become an ASA member or advocate. Through your membership financial assistance, our talented team of representatives and con sultants will handle these issues. If you want to become an advocate, we will supply you with information

threat to your business. Right now, there are federal and state regulators discussing under-21 tan bans, taxes and other restrictions without any consideration of scientific accuracy or the harm it would cause business owners and their customers. Fortunately, the American Suntan ning Association (ASA) has had sev eral thousand meetings in Washing ton, DC since 2013 on behalf of your business and this industry. ASA has also succeeded in defeating dozens of onerous state regulations and tan bans. There are a lot of issues to cover and a lot of people to impact for our industry to hold off these attacks. Right now, ASA is working to repeal the onerous ten percent Tan Tax, to change the federal government’s position on UV light and to prevent harmful federal and state regulations. This sounds like a lot of work – because it is. To manage this enormous effort, ASA has developed a well-organized team. And though the ASA has a strong team working for you, there is still only so much this group can do without your help. To win this

Email right now and let him know you are interested in joining the ASA. That’s all it takes.

member. Your membership contribu tion only amounts to what you’re probably spending on your morning coffee. This is a small price to pay to have the peace of mind that your business is being looked after while you’re busy running your salon. As an ASA member, you will be making an investment in your future. Regard less of what industry you are in, an investment will need to be made to help secure the long-term investment you’ve made with your business. The ASA is the only organization that has the ability to actively represent you in Washington, D.C. and in every state.

and coaching that you need to feel comfortable and make your partici pation as impactful as possible. We’ll be with you every step of the way! Q About the ASA Founded in 2012, the American Suntanning Asso ciation is committed to defending and growing the industry through a detailed and proactive plan directed by an all-salon board and executed by more than two dozen management and consulting teammembers who specialize in this type of work.


August 2021

Epic Sales

shrink large pores, boost firmness, smooth texture and diminish fine lines. Pretty much all the same benefits as retinol without all the irritation. A study completed in California, Michigan, Florida and Pennsylvania documented the effect on 44 par ticipants who used either bakuchiol or retinol. After 12 weeks, both showed a reduction in wrinkles and dark spots but as expected, the retinol users reported far more cases of red, blotchy skin ir ritation. Another study showed it to be highly effective for treating acne, as well. Bakuchiol stimulates a number of chemical pathways in skin cells that help to improve collagen production, reduce collagen breakdown and reduce melanin (pigment) synthesis. The end result of regular use seems to be an improvement in fine lines, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation commonly observed in the skin’s natural ageing process. Is it for all skin types? Yes – whether you’re dry, oily or sensitive! Is bakuchiol safe during pregnancy? Pretty much the rule for retinoids in all forms, it’s not advisable to use them if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. (Studies have shown that taking vita min A in high doses during pregnancy can be harmful.) While applying it topically hasn’t been proven to cause problems in pregnancy or breastfeed ing, doctors recommend avoiding it. With bakuchiol, experts say there’s not yet enough evidence to confirm either way. Since it’s natural, most say it is safe to use while you’re pregnant or breast feeding – a major advantage over retinol. Many tanning and beauty products now feature this retinol alternative. Find those products, promote them in your salon ... and happy selling! Q


Bakuchiol vs. Ret inol By David McFarland

Q uick pronunciation lesson (so we don’t sound silly like I have for the last two years): buh-koo-chee-all Hailed as a gentle and natural alterna tive to retinol, bakuchiol is one of skin care’s trendiest ingredients – with the same skin-healing and acne-fighting benefits. It’s even backed up by scientific proof. Hailed as a champion of anti-aging, ret inol (the vitamin A-powerhouse) is prov en to speed up our skin cells’ turnover. The result? Fine lines are diminished, dark spots are treated, and blackheads and whiteheads are minimized. New skin cells regenerate with plumpness, radiance and a more even tone and texture. The skincare gurus say retinol is one of only four “magic” ingredients we really need, along with fatty acids, vitamin C and SPF. Commonly found in over-the-counter products, retinol can also be prescribed in higher concentrations by dermatologists. Use of retinol also has a downside. If you have sensitive skin, that turbo-skin cell rejuvenation can create dryness, flak ing, redness and inflammation, which is why your bronze-seeking beauties should introduce retinol into their regimen gradually – either by slowly increasing usage or even by creating a protective bar rier with a good moisturizer or serum. According to the derma community, bakuchiol has similar transformative pow ers. A gentler alternative to retinol, it is a

natural, plant-based extract that carries no risk of causing redness, dryness and irrita tion. Fun Sales Fact: In the last two years, Google searches for bakuchiol are up 275%! Sound interesting? Here’s what you and your sales team need to know about retinol’s more laid back, skin-loving sister: Bakuchiol Quick-tip Benefits Guide What is bakuchiol? Cold pressed from the seeds and leaves of Eastern Asia’s babchi plant (Botanical name psoralea corylifolia ), bakuchiol has been a mainstay in traditional natural Chi nese skin-healing treatments for centuries. Bakuchiol offers pretty much all WKH VDPH EHQHÀWV as retinol without all the irritation. It boasts powerful antioxidant, anti inflammatory and antibacterial properties – the same characteristics that have led scien tists to take a closer look at it in recent years. Totally different from retinol, it doesn’t come from vitamin A but its effect on skin is very similar – hence the term “retinol alternative.” How does it benefit your skin? It can help improve skin brightness and uneven skin tone, increase plumpness,

About the Author: David McFarland is a National Educator for Sun Evolutions, offering brands including Supre Tan, ProTan, Hempz and Fiesta Sun. He

is a face-to-face sales and beauty product fanatic who gauges his success solely on his effectiveness at selling real product to real, live salon customers.

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August 2021

Ergoline Focus

ALL IN ONE: The Ways JK Products & Services Supports You BY YAJAIRA FLORES

F rom an outsider’s per spective, JK Products & Services can be seen by those unfamiliar with the company as nothing more than a tanning and wellness equipment manufacturer and distributor. You might be surprised to know how much the company has to offer their consum ers. Here are some ways JK Products & Services support programs make it the all-in-one company for your business. Diverse Equipment Equipment is the most obvious sup port that many of you already know JK for, but do you know how diverse our equipment selection really is? JK offers UV, Beauty Light, Hybrid Light and Wellness equipment. UV light (for tanning) is the most known type; Beauty Light (or red-light therapy) promotes circulation of blood and can be the perfect service for your fitness customers. Hybrid Light combines UV and red light to help achieve a more natural-looking and longer-lasting tan while promoting the circulation of blood to the skin and body. Finally, the Wellsystem Relax is a dry-hydromassage bed that helps relieve stress and tension in 15 minutes or less. This equipment completes the diversification, allowing your salon to reach any customer base. Aside from providing the equipment, we also provide technical support to ensure optimal performance.

Education JK Products & Services provides on line training to help individuals become Certified Ergoline Technicians. With thorough instruction and assessments, trainees are able to service any Ergoline equipment. In addition, JK Academy is an online webinar series covering various topics from service to market ing, to help businesses and consumers learn more about what JK has to offer.

distributor for Devoted Creations prod ucts and can place orders to ensure your customer favorites are in stock. Apart from lotions, our customers can order lamps, disinfectants and tanning acces sories. A major benefit of JK Light is the DC Five Star Member program, which allows members to gain up to 10% cash back at the end of the year when they carry 75% Devoted Creations products and advertise them on their social me

support opportunities, we encourage you to let us know how we can further support you and your business.

The webinars also include information about implementing effective marketing and business practices, and are always available at Marketing Tool & Kits The JK Marketing Tool provides access to business marketing materials – from operating, promotional, product, and medicine-approved posters, we’ve got you covered! JK also has marketing kits available with select equipment pur chases, such as our Hybrid Kit filled with holographic stickers, fanny packs and sunglasses to help promote any Hybrid equipment you offer in your facility. JK Light & DC Five Star Program Looking to stock your shelves with lotions and accessories? JK Light is a

dia. Members also get exclusive offers and resources, along with a Welcome Kit when they join. To learn more about how to join this program, reach out to your JK Light representative. By providing diverse equipment, education, marketing tools and JK Light resources, we strive to be your all-in-one place for all things tanning and wellness. Q About the Author: Yajaira Flores is the Digital Spe cialist in the Marketing Depart ment of JK Products & Services. A new addition to the company, Yajaira brings a new, creative approach to the digital media created for JK. She

is a graduate of Arkansas State University with a degree in Creative Media Production with an emphasis in Graphic Communications.

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August 2021

Eye to Eye

L - tured interviews with several salon operators who shared their tips for encouraging tan ners to wear eye protection. This month, I’m talking to longtime salon owner, Angelene Eubank. “How do I convince my tanners they y How I Convince Tanners toWear Eyewear Part Two By Brenda Fishbaugh

with those cones on.’ I use this as a lead-in to my pitch. Did you know those cones are see-through, but completely block all damaging UV light? Did you know those silly cones have been FDA compliant since 1985? Here, let’s put a pair on you, so you can see how well they work with no strings or nose bridge.” The Utan salon owner also shares some of the crazy eye protec tion substitutes her guests try to use. Eubank has known tanners to put dimes or quarters on their eyelids (EEEWW… coins are ridiculously unsanitary!) She also says that some have tried wear ing sunglasses (Oh, the raccoon eye tan lines!) And, she has seen a lot of t-shirts, towels and cotton balls (Nooooo! Fabrics have very little UV block.) “Sometimes, I just give a free pair of disposable eye protection to a customer, just to remove the issue of money from the equation. I want to emphasize that eye protection is important and I’m not trying to nickel-dime them,” says Eubank. I asked how Utan continued to prosper during the tough CO VID times. “We have two annual customer appreciation events, on Black Friday and Super Bowl Sunday. We have food, deals, and lots of mingling. Our customers really love them!” she enthuses. With safety being a priority during the pandemic, her sales of disposables soared as people did not want to wear shared goggles. “We have a way of building trust

need to wear eye protection? For us, it’s all in the verbiage when we make a sale. Every time someone signs up or buys a package, we just grab a pair of goggles and say, ‘You absolutely need to protect your eyes,’ and just ring up the sale. Our guests do not even question it. If a tanner says, ‘Oh, I already have eyewear’ we say something like, ‘That’s great, keep using them to protect your eyes!’” shares this Mattawan, MI operator. This industry veteran gained her skills by working in the fam ily’s tanning salon business while going to college. “When I show a customer the correct way to fold disposable eyewear, I again emphasize the importance of wearing it,” explains Eubank. “And when I give a salon tour, I instruct them, ‘When you lie down on the bed, pull the canopy down, make sure that your eyewear is in place to protect your eyes, and push the start button.’” “After two decades in the tanning industry, I’ve learned how repetition is important in making your message heard,” she continues. “Another way we reinforce the eyewear message is by placing the goggle tower and display box of disposables on our back counter, which is a great reminder to our tanners that they need to buy eyewear. The disposable eyewear display box is a conversation starter. Tanners will say, ‘She looks like an alien

“We just grab a pair of goggles and say, ‘You absolutely need to protect your eyes,’ and just ring up the sale. Our guests do not even question it.”

with our guests and instill in them that they need to protect their eyes every time they tan,” Eubank concludes. Q

About the Author: Tanning industry veteranBrenda Fishbaugh is president of Eye Pro, Inc., makers of disposable eyewear. She travels extensively training salons on

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the effects of UV light on vision.


August 2021

Lync IT

Book IT! By Melissa Damiani

While it’s necessary to accommodate customers who prefer to call your salon to book an appointment, it’s EQUALLY IMPORTANT to have the tools in place to meet the needs of those who prefer the online format.

As we continue operating our businesses in a NewNormal, the customer service that we deliver – along with providing a safe and comfortable environ ment for our guests – is of paramount importance. In order to promote social dis tancing, you may want to consider allowing (or requiring) your customers to schedule appointments for tanning or other ancillary services you offer. In order to effectively manage multiple service offerings, accepting appointments for everything fromUV sessions to facial treatments is crucial. How you accept these appointments is just as imperative. Some customers prefer to call and make an ap pointment and others prefer the self-service method of booking online. While it’s necessary to accommodate those who prefer to call your salon to make an appointment, it’s equally important to have the tools in place to meet the needs of those who prefer the online format. An on line appointment book is not only of benefit to your guests, but your business will reap the rewards of this convenience, as well. When calling your salon for an appoint ment, chances are a customer may have to leave a message from time to time – and we all know how a crazy game of phone tag could ensue, resulting in a potential loss

of a reservation and possible revenue. An online appointment book can produce more booked appointments and minimize the number of no-shows, since customers have the ability to schedule and cancel appoint ments online even during non-business hours. And while some of your guests are booking online, your phone line will be freed up to answer calls from those who prefer to book over the phone. Your online appointment book should be easily accessible – via a link on either your website or social media page. You will also want the opportunity to customize the appointment book, so that it has a look and feel similar to your website, including your company logo, so that the transition is transparent to the user. The process of booking an appointment for an equipment type or for a custom service with a specific technician should be simple and intuitive. In order to seamlessly book an appointment, a customer must be able to easily select a preferred location, service, and date and time without guidance. A follow-up confirmation email will result in fewer no-shows, as well. Just as your customers prefer different methods of scheduling an appointment, some also prefer using a desktop over a mobile device, and vice versa. As a result,

you want to confirm that your online ap pointment book has a responsive layout that is optimized for various types of devices. Probably the most notable consideration when preparing to implement an online appointment book is that it is integrated with your Point of Sale system so that you can easily view your guest’s upcoming and his torical appointments and get them checked in quickly while reducing the chance for double bookings. Offering the option for both existing and prospective customers to schedule an ap pointment at your salon will affirm the high demand for your service offerings while also allowing you to control the number of guests in your salon at a given time. If you haven’t already considered implementing an online appointment book, it’s a great time to do so. It will be a win-win for your business and your customers! ■

About the Author: Melissa Damiani is the Sales Manager of SunLync Software, Inc. a member of the JK-North America group of companies. With the company since 2002,

Melissa has served the organization in several capacities, and has extensive knowledge of all aspects required to deliver robust salon man agement software solutions that are designed to enable measurable growth within its users’ ever evolving business models. Call Melissa at 866. SUNLYNC x3 or email /


August 2021

Monthly Motivation

2 Ways to ŏlj¢ Your Business By Grant Cardone Do you like money? How would you like to make even more of it by either exiting your company or working less and making more money? In my life time, I’ve owned seven businesses and every one of them – whether I decide to sell them or work less and keep my ownership – has an exit plan. This month, I’m talking about the two ways to 10X your business so you can either exit rich and never have to work again, or make more money and work less. So, let’s dive into the first strategy: Wanna get yourself out of the rat race and hand the business over to someone new? One way is to sell your company and retire rich. More than 80 percent of million aires got their wealth by owning a successful business that they sold for huge gains. You should grow your business with the goal to exit with massive profits! The difference between successful busi ness owners and your average Joe with a little bit of cash flow is that they have their sights on the larger end goal, and they build their businesses around it. There are five ways to increase the value of your business before you sell it: 1. Increase your sales and boost your profits. Potential buyers will be at tracted to your business if they know it is still booming with profitability. 2. Update your company’s website, social media pages and any other promotion al platforms. Investing in marketing is crucial to increase your brand awareness. 3. Develop an effective process for your employees. Reduce turnover Sell Your Company for Massive Profit

The idea is to think of every way you can increase the value of your business so you can sell it for DOUBLE THEWORTH .

owners who want to simultaneously increase their profits and decrease their workload without sacrificing time for everything else that’s important to them. This method doesn’t make you give up ownership; it simply means switching the type of responsibilities and duties you have to taking on a different role in the company – and it’s still a win-win. It’s important to plan your exit early and use these strategies while you’re work ing. The idea is to think of every way you can increase the value of your business so you can sell it for double its worth. Q

by having set processes in place that make it easy to onboard new staff. 4. Incorporate new technologies and software. Continue to invest in the best tools for maintenance and operations. 5. First impressions are everything. Buyers want to know that each part of the company is in top shape and shows how valuable it is, inside and outside. Work Less, Make More This is one way you can have your cake and eat it too; switch positions. No one wants to be stressed out of their mind for the rest of their lives; why not reduce your workload while still raking in the cash? The trick here is to decrease the number of hours you work. Wouldn’t you rather work 20 hours per week rak ing in the cash than work 80 hours per week constantly tired, overworked and stressed? Do you want to continue work ing 24/7 for the rest of your life? No. Another 10X Option: take on a posi tion that requires you to do less: less work, less maintenance, less managing and for more free time, more family time, more travel time, whatever you desire. This exit strategy is great for business

About the Author: Grant Cardone is a New York Times bestselling author, the No. 1 sales trainer in the world, and an internationally renowned speaker on lead

ership, real estate investing, entrepreneurship, TPDJBM NFEJB BOE mOBODF )JT DPNQBOJFT IBWF annual revenues exceeding $100 million. Forbes OBNFE .S $BSEPOF PG UIF i .BSLFUJOH *OnV FODFST UP 8BUDI JO w )F SFHVMBSMZ BQQFBST on Fox News, Fox Business, and MSNBC, and writes for Forbes, Success Magazine, Business Insider , CNBC, and Entrepreneur. )F VSHFT IJT followers and clients to make success their duty, SFTQPOTJCJMJUZ BOE PCMJHBUJPO )F DVSSFOUMZ SFTJEFT in South Florida with his wife and two daughters.

Blue Planet Studio /


August 2021

Notes from the Road

The Gen Z Employee By Lisa Saavedra At the salon level in this industry, chances are you have a staff that includes members of “Gen Z.” What’s Gen Z? Right now (2021), it’s your staff who are 16-24 years old. Gen Z are much like Millenni als, but they have their vast differences. Gen Z is our first generation of “Digital Natives” – meaning these people were born into a life that includes peak technol ogy. Some have been navigating a smart phone almost their entire lives, and have no memory of life before them! So what makes these Gen Z-ers tick? What makes them stay with or leave a job? What makes them thrive? This month, we will discuss how to motivate current and future Gen Z staffers. There must be value. This holds true for employees of any generation; but the Gen Z are facing different challenges than those who came before them. What is a driving force for the current generation is financial gain and room for advancement. Wages have not really changed over the last decade, but college tuition, cost of living and healthcare expenses have dramatically in creased. Creating a working environment in which your staff can earn competitive wages as well as work toward advance ment opportunities will go a long way in keeping them happy and motivated. In a survey conducted by a staffing agen cy, it was reported that 1 in 5 (21%) of Gen Z workers could not afford their routine healthcare expenses. When asked what their biggest financial concern was, a whopping 43% reported that it was their student debt. Although there isn’t much we can do about the student debt, offering staff healthcare options might motivate them to stay.

Technology, Technology, Technology! Gen Z staff have grown up in a generation of immediate satisfaction. It doesn’t matter that it has come in the form of likes, comments or shares. If something in their life has happened, they are used to putting it out there for the world to see, and being immediately praised. Try implementing this ideal when it comes to your commission structure! You can offer daily bonus op portunities (instead of monthly) to cre ate that “instant gratification.” You can put small incremental goals in place, or create a private Facebook group just for your staff where you can share their milestones and they can be encour aged by their fellow team members. While on the subject of technology, think about your training procedures. Are you expecting staff to read and memorize all the information in a short amount of time for them to become Rockstar Salespeople? Maybe, let’s look at a different approach. This genera tion is used to taking in small tidbits of information, constantly. For example, take TokTok: little, one-minute videos that Gen Zs can watch for hours. Think about breaking up your training system into small tidbits of info they can learn over time. With this approach, you are more likely to keep them engaged and help them retain the information.

Improve Internal Communication. Info from the same study says that only 55% of Gen Zs reported that their current employer has great communication and collaboration across departments. Gen Zs named “employees who like to col laborate” as being the type of co-workers who would help them to best succeed. On the salon level, we can offer this type of environment by creating “shift teams” or having full hands-on staff meetings, when the entire team works together to create promotions and special events, help re solve scheduling conflicts, etc. If you allow people to work together to problem-solve, they tend to become more a part of the solution and less a part of the problem. In another decade, this generation will make up about 40% of our workforce! It’s best to take the necessary steps now to create a working environment that invites Gen Zs to thrive and grow, rather than use our salons as a stepping stone to some thing better. Within your business, with the right culture and procedures in place, you can create the “something better.” Q

What is a driving force for the current generation is financial gain and room for advancement.

About the Author: Lisa Saavedra is Director of Brand Development for Devoted Creations family of brands. With over 15 years in the industry, Lisa brings

knowledge and enthusiasm to all aspects of the business, including social media, product development, training, customer relations, public speaking and marketing strategies. Lisa worked at the salon level managing a large chain, which infuses her sales training and brand concepts with

real-world experience. Lisa has been voted the IST Magazine Person of the Year three times.

Mirko Vitali /


August 2021

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