ist Magazine March 2022

Location ............................................ Jackson, MO Owner ............................................ Kathy Oberbeck Staff ........................................................................ 3 UV Tanning Units ............................................ 12 Other Services ....................... Massage Therapy Lotion Brands ....... Devoted Creations, Ed Hardy, Designer Skin, Australian Gold Best Selling Lotion ...... Tanovations Oh Pale No! Best Selling Tanning Package ............ Luxury (Level 2) Software .............................. TanTrack by Nichesoft Distributor Partner ........................ Four Seasons IST: It would appear that you’ve cleared that hurdle! What are your goals for the next 1-3 years? KO: By this time next year, I hope to stop leasing space and instead, build my own building. I’d like to open a sec- ond location. Next, I’d like to hire an assistant manager so I am not needed so much for the day-to-day operations, but can instead focus on growth.

Kathy Oberbeck Owner

Ashli Mires Tanning Consultant

Jeannie James Tanning Consultant

So far, 2022 is going well! Some weeks, we miss our goal of 10% growth, but then we’ll exceed it the next week which has kept us on target for year-to-date goals.

class? How important is it to have a staff fully-trained with Sun is Life? KO: I believe the training is of utmost importance – when it comes to selling anything, knowledge is power. You can’t sell what you don’t understand. I really enjoyed the Sun is Life training. KO: Joe, when we took ownership of the salon, it had a different name and a bad reputation. During the process of choosing a new name, I had talked with existing customers and realized that we had to distance ourselves as much as possible. We decided on Indulgence Tanning and Massage Therapy to help people realize we were not affiliated with the previous owner. IST: What has been your biggest hurdle to overcome?

IST: Hey, the postcard idea is pretty cool! Let’s move on to

cleanliness. Have your sanitization standards changed? If so, how? KO: The only change we have made due to COVID was to discontinue leaving a clean towel in the room after cleaning it. Towels are now kept behind the desk and offered to guests as they check in, so they know only staff have touched the towel before they do. IST: You told me that you enjoyed the Sun is Life Certification course. What insights did you gain from the

A nice story Kathy. All the best to achieving those goals! 

Tanning & Massage Therapy LLC


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