ist Magazine March 2022

After a busy Friday, attendees donned their camo gear for a military-themed “Victory Mixer” to unwind and network with other industry professionals. The party featured dancing to a dueling piano band, yard games, food and fun. The tables were decorated with photos of individuals from the Heartland fam- ily who served our country, including Brad and Greg Henson’s father, Glen Henson. Guests enjoyed delicious cook- ies decorated to represent each branch of service and a photo opportunity to remember the evening. Bright and early on Saturday morn- ing, the Bootcamp crowd was treated to breakfast and officially welcomed to the event by Brad Henson and Tammy Reed. “Our focus on Day Two was to make salon teams grow as salespeo- ple, merchandisers, customer service managers and more,” explained Reed. Industry experts were paired with salon owners for informative sessions including “Merchandising Basic Train- ing’’ presented by Gina Jaeger (Sun Evolutions) and Leslie Westfall (Studio 636, O’Fallon, MO). Next on stage was keynote speaker, management and lead- ership coach Jeff Driskill from Sandler Training Center in Lee’s Summit, MO who discussed “Learning to Speak Your Customer’s Language.” He was followed by Brandon Cardinal (Sunless, Inc.) and Michelle Norvell (Bare Necessities Sa- lon, Puyallup, WA) with “Planting Seeds to Help Farm Your Customers” and “Selling with a Client-First Attitude” presented by Jordan Stamper (New Sunshine) and Janessa Howell (Celsius Tannery, Overland Park, KS). After a break for lunch and some games, attendees got one-on-one time with the manufacturer reps as the prod- uct exhibits opened for the afternoon. Keynote Speaker Jeff Driskill returned to the stage to discuss delivering customer satisfaction, and the agenda wrapped up with Megan Racine (De- voted Creations) offering “Influencing Your Staff Favorites.” Of course, the event included several prize giveaways – Sun Evolutions spon- sored a large YETI® cooler, Devoted

The military- themed Victory Mixer paid tribute to Heartland family service members.

Creations donated a Bissell® robot vacu- um, and New Sunshine raffled a getaway including airfare and a weekender bag filled with products. “All attendees went home with goody bags valued at over $800, and we gifted each owner a private session with Jeff Driskill to further their learning,” Reed said. “With each event, we strive to one-up ourselves from the year prior,” Reed shared. “All in all, even with the weather and cancellations due to illness, our salon partners and vendor partners showed up for an amazing event to kick off the season. Now, it’s back to work – we have a 2nd Annual Owners Retreat to plan ... coming in June 2022!” ■



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