ist Magazine April 2022

ASA News

Insuring YOUR Future

in business insurance. If you are a business owner in the indoor tanning industry, you cannot afford to go without the only proactive insurance plan that is keeping your business from being closed down by overregulation, taxes and more. I know what you’re thinking right now. “How do I get out of paying for this insurance?” Or, “I had a bad year last year, so I can’t afford to pay the premium right now.” And, “I’ve never paid for this before and things seem to be fine.” Remember, while you’re debating this issue, more than a dozen powerful anti-tanning groups are working on plans to close your doors. For the price of your daily coffee, you can invest in the most important, proac- tive insurance policy ever created for your business. Isn’t the future of your business worth the daily cost of a cup of coffee? Join the ASA today.  About the ASA Founded in 2012, the American Suntanning Asso- ciation is committed to defending and growing the industry through a detailed and proactive plan directed by an all-salon board and executed by more than two dozen management and consulting team members who specialize in this type of work.

much as we hate paying our insurance premiums, we know what can hap- pen to our property and

ASA member is actually much better than having an insurance policy. Unlike insurance, which is designed to help after a disaster has taken place, ASA works every day to prevent disasters from hap- pening in the first place. ASA member- ship is an investment in your future and should be a line item in your budget right next to “Business Insurance.” And, the premium is only $100 per month. Keeping tanning salons protected requires a well-developed plan, credible scientific research, targeted industry data, strategy development and a team of seasoned professionals to deliver this information to state capitals and Wash- ington, D.C. This is no easy task; yet, ASA has been highly successful in defeating the vast majority of regulatory attempts made against our industry over the past decade. Attacks on our industry will continue as long as there are powerful groups that profit from the public’s fear of UV light. These attacks are highly coordinated efforts from very influential and well-financed organizations and are difficult to stop. Though ASA has the plan, the science and the team to get the job done, we need more resources if we are to succeed against future attacks from our much larger opponents. Smart business owners understand that they must protect their businesses from potential devastation by investing


our businesses if we don’t protect them from unexpected disasters. And yet, many tanning salon owners are neglecting the most important insurance policy needed to protect the future of their tanning business. Right now, your livelihood is being attacked by a large number of different anti-tanning organizations pushing for state and federal regulations, taxes and other measures to harm your business. Indoor tanning adversaries – or the sun-scare industry – have created billion- dollar business opportunities from the world’s fear of sunlight and indoor tanning. The dermatology industry has grown by more than 600 percent since their powerful association began villain- izing any sunlight exposure instead of correctly targeting sunburn. The derma- tology industry uses its expansive lobby- ing budget to influence state and federal lawmakers to shutter tanning salons and help scare the public into their offices from their overstated fear of UV light. Sunscreen companies fuel these cam- paigns by contributing millions to the American Cancer Society’s lobbying arm, which in turn lobbies state lawmakers to overregulate tanning businesses. And these are just a few of the many organiza- tions looking to close your business. The American Suntanning Association (ASA) is the only insurance policy this industry has to protect your business from these attacks. And, becoming an

For the price of your daily coffee, you can invest in the most important, proactive insurance policy ever created for your business.


Apri l 2022

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