ist Magazine April 2022
wonderful new lotions, skin care and sunless products. As always, New Sunshine was very generous with product samples and hand- outs for all. Rounding out the day’s schedule were updates on the American Suntanning Association from ASA President Melinda Norton, who updated the group on what the as- sociation accomplished in 2021 to further their mission of protecting the rights of salon owners. On Friday, a delicious, up-scale buffet lunch was presented fea- turing charcuterie, extensive salad and veggie options, along with carving stations and an irresistible offering of fantastic desserts. To wrap up the full day of business, networking and education, attend- ees were treated to a cocktail party with an open bar, and giveaways education opportunities continued as attendees took part in an exten- sive, hands-on spray-tan training and certification class presented by New Sunshine. The three-hour session included tips from the spray-tan pros, and participants were able to see them in action with live sunless spray demonstra- tions, finishing the session with their training completion certifi- cates in hand. “So much sharing of knowledge and expert guidance was there for those looking to learn and improve their profit centers,” Haynes added. TSU Co-owner Mike Gilley considers Expo 2022 to be a fan- tastic success. “We want to thank everyone who attended, and even all of those who tried to attend but were held back with weather-re- lated travel issues,” he stated. “We truly appreciate your business, and are already working on our next Expo. We look forward to seeing everyone there!” ■ by New Sunshine and TSU. On Saturday morning, the
Apri l 2022
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