Yearbooks: The Law And You 2023

ASK YOURSELF, IS IT ETHICAL? Ethics is a system of

VOCABULARY Ethics: A system of moral values, principles of right or good conduct. The law tells us what we can and cannot do. Ethics looks at what’s permissible and asks us to make the best decision of all of the legal options has been designated as a public forum for student expression; also, student editors must clearly have been allowed to make final decisions about the content of the publication Public forum: A place where various viewpoints are expressed Prior review: Administrators or others in authority not on the publications staff read everything scheduled to go into the publication prior to print Prior restraint: The act of preventing material from being published Forum publication: A school publication that

moral values, principles of right or good conduct. Your staff manual should include basic principles of scholastic press law, such as First Amendment status, libel, copyright and other topics of legal concern. It should also include policies that involve selection of editors, staff conduct, removal from staff, editorial content, advertising, job descriptions and matters of organization and production. Make sure to include a statement of ethics that will guide students in their moral duties and obligations as journalists.

1. Be responsible. 2. Be fair. 3. Be honest. 4. Be accurate. 5. Be independent. 6. Minimize harm. 7. Be accountable. SEVEN KEY ETHICS POINTS From the NSPA Model Code of Ethics

Photo by Anneliese Conover

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