Yearbook Blueprint 2022-2023

Lists Favorite places to take a date; typical wallet or purse contents; favorite current movies, TV shows, songs, stars; items in the Lost and Found in the office; favorite cell phones Q&A What is your ideal date? What kind of car do you drive and why? What annoys you about your parents? Sentence completions I enjoyed homecoming because... I don’t like the new tardy (or whatever) rule because… First-person narratives Dating; driving test; shopping; celebrating birthday/ holiday; living in a large/small family; being new in school; overcoming a hardship Timelines College application process; homecoming week; prom; dress code evolution; creation of art projects; semester activities STUDENT LIFE COVERAGE FOCUSES ON THE LIVES OF STUDENTS AS INDIVIDUALS • Include as many students as possible. • Focus on similarities and differences. • Show the significant issues and happenings and the little things that seemed important at the time. • Examine the routine and the non-routine in the daily lives of students: what they do for fun and for society, how they earn and spend money, what they laugh at and worry about, and what they are doing this year that they were not interested in a year ago. • When covering annual events, look for new angles and concentrate on the people involved. SIDEBAR IDEAS

TIME TO THINK Come up with three topics. Then, select one and come up with three story ideas and three possible sidebars or infographics. See the Terms on Coverage on page 89 for information on topics and stories. Sketch a spread for the story. TOPIC IDEAS









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