Yearbook Blueprint 2022-2023

STEPS 4 & 5: SELECT FONTS AND COLORS Give your fonts careful consideration as they are an important aspect of your design. The correct selections can add to the entire dynamic of your design and theme. Fonts are listed in the back of this booklet. Selecting a color palette sets the tone you convey with your theme and will keep your yearbook consistent throughout. To specify the Formula Colors you want to use, select them from the Formula Color foldout provided in your Planning Kit. See also the “Selecting Your Color Palette” eBook at STEP 6: CREATE YOUR CONTENTS COVERAGE — CAPTURING THE EVENTS, ISSUES AND ACTIVITIES IMPORTANT TO THE STUDENTS AT YOUR SCHOOL IN THIS SCHOOL YEAR THE BEST COVERAGE: • Considers the interests and opinions of all potential readers. • Includes coverage of shared interests but explores subtle differences that give the school its personality. • Looks at an entire year, including summer and vacations. • Includes topics from all aspects of students’ lives — in and out of school, academic and social, school-sponsored and individual, organized and spontaneous, serious and fun, and local and far-ranging. • Should always be the viewpoint of the students, not of the faculty and administration. • Is obtained by cultivating sources, thorough research, active reporting and interviewing. • Is written and photographed to interest the participants, the observers and the uninformed. • Will appeal to readers from distribution to decades in the future. • Includes specifics — who, what, when, where, why and how — with emphasis on the names of everyone in the photos. • Has fresh angles to traditional events. • Includes trends and issues of the year.

To learn more about coverage, order the “Coverage: The Heart of the Yearbook” unit from our Yearbook Suite curriculum. Go to to order.


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