Writing: Tell Me A Story 2023

Objective: In this lesson, I can: • Define the function and parts of a colophon.

The colophon is both a required part of the book as well as an opportunity to add a new dimension to theme presentation and interpretation. At its heart, the word colophon comes from Greek and is a list or description of how a book was produced. With this in mind, a yearbook colophon should include the name of the company that printed the book, the number of copies that were ordered, the fonts used, the type of paper used and the cover specifications. If you are unsure of any of this information, contact your yearbook representative for help. The colophon generally appears near the back of the book, before or after the index, but before the closing pages. Many staffs choose to include additional information such as the number and types of computers and cameras used in the production of the book, awards won by the previous book and a description of how the theme was determined. Finally, the colophon may also include a complete staff list with or without photos and an editor’s note. An editor’s note is primarily made up of “thanks” to the people who supported the staff and sometimes to individual members of the staff itself. But the colophon doesn’t have to be a dull presentation of information that only yearbook staff members care about.

The Torch – Athens Drive Magnet High School In keeping with the graphic design used throughout the book, The Torch staff kept the colophon from being boring by including the same theme elements there as well. The large photo of adviser Elizabeth Luna and her editors helps balance out the spread while still including the explanation of the theme and other relevant printing info.

48 Lesson 10 COLOPHON

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