Writing: Tell Me A Story 2023

Here is an example of outstanding, intriguing theme copy:

Every high school student who reads this can recognize a part of their own high school experience somewhere in this copy. Note the use of specific cultural references and current trends that tie this book and its theme to the year. The phrase “We won’t apologize” reinforces the theme while referencing a distinct memory from the school year. The copy at the start of this page immediately begins to tie back to the theme. The repetitive use of the word “we” that begins each sentence encourages familiarity with the reader Tie back to the beginning of the copy while bringing in aspects of the theme itself. The repetitive phrasing and even reintroducing the theme’s main phrase help to give readers an idea of what to expect throughout the rest of book... that Twin Falls High School is made up of a student body who are loud, proud, and unapologetically themselves. of Twin Falls. Incorporating distinctive moments from the year will help students feel a part of the book and make theme copy come to life. Details unique to this school – the Homecoming Assembly scavenger hunt, the week of lunch with Ms. Barrett, the Service Bowl win – will be recognized by the student body

“UNAPOLOGETICALLY US” The Bruin – Twin Falls high School

We don’t feel bad for winning when it really matters. We continue to exceed expectations. We won’t apologize for attempting to tackle Mr. Kohring at the Homecoming Assembly scavenger hunt to try and steal his hat. WE LIVE IN THE MOMENT. We have no shame for all the embarrassing posts we’ve made of our friends. We would post those bad parking and sleeping-in-class pics all over again. WE’VE MADE LASTING BONDS. It was worth it, the phoneless afternoon and week of lunch with Ms. Barrett to sneak our phones out in class when our BeReal went off. WE’RE BOLD. SLIGHTLY REBELLIOUS. REAL. We aren’t saying sorry for crushing Canyon Ridge 32-7 at the Service Bowl, adding another W to our record. We will continue to be loud and celebrate a win that took us to the second round of playoffs. WE’RE UNDENIABLE. OUR SPIRIT WILL ALWAYS BE UNMATCHED. IT‘S JUST WHO WE ARE. WE‘RE BRUINS, AND WE AREN‘T GOING TO APOLOGIZE FOR IT. LOUD. PROUD. WE ARE UNAPOLOGETICALLY US.


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