Writing: Tell Me A Story 2023
Your Name: ACTIVITY THINK OF A SIDEBAR List the types of sidebar coverage you think would add interesting coverage to the story you are working on for this unit.
Story topic:
Sidebar coverage:
I can do all tasks in 3.0 and I can teach others! I can demonstrate an ability to further a story by identifying information and content appropriate for a sidebar. I can… a. use precise language and vocabulary to create specific, concise copy b. use theme-related graphic elements, fonts and designs to create a sidebar that reinforces the visual message of the book c. gather relevant information from a variety of sources to provide the reader with “insider” information that will either complete or expand upon the expected coverage of the year I can produce clear and coherent writing that is appropriate for a sidebar and includes attribution and source information. I understand what a sidebar is and its purpose in yearbooks, but I don’t understand how to create content that is appropriate for a sidebar. I don’t understand what a sidebar is or its purpose in yearbooks.
2.0 1.0
Yearbook Suite | Writing: Tell Me a Story 37
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