2022-2023 Wag-Aero Catalog
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Cat. No.
J-3 Rudder Pedal Kit Consists of two rear and front pedal assemblies. Replaces OEM P/N 40842-04 & 40842-05. Code 4
D-297-000 set $356.00
J-3 Brake Pedal Code 4 LH - Replaces Piper OEM P/N 41602-02 RH - Replaces Piper OEM P/N 41602-03
D-296-001 D-296-002
D-296-001 ea. $139.65
D-296-002 ea. $139.65
J-3 Step Replaces OEM P/N 81903 02. Code 4 Rudder Pedal Return Spring Will accept up to 3/4” bolt or shaft. Fits J-3, and PA-18 style aircraft. Code 8
n PA-28 Cabin Components All Code 4 Replace those old, stained, cracked, warped or missing parts with new almond-colored parts! Description Cat. No. Price Overhead Console with Integral Panel Flood and Elevator Trim Holes For all PA-28-140 styles S/N 28-20002 thru 28-24999; PA-28-150, 180, S/N 28-1 thru 28-4377; A-28-200 and PA-28-235, S/N 28-10003 thru 28-10719 (1969 and prior). Replaces OEM P/N 63428-02 thru -08 M-862-000 $153.00 Overhead Console with Integral Panel Flood For PA-28-140 S/N 28-7235001 thru 28-7235684; PA-28-150, 160, 180 S/N 28-5601 thru 28-5869; 28-7105001 thru 28-7305611; PA-28R-180 S/N 28R-31251 thru 28R-31279; 28R-7130001 thru 28R-7130019; PA-28R-200 S/N 28R-35601 thru 28R-35830; 28R-7135001 thru 28R-7335455; PA-28-235 S/N 28-11301 thru 28-11393; 28-7110001 thru 28R-7310187. (1965-1970) Replaces OEM P/N 65549-03; 66926-03, -04 M-862-001 $147.00
Which allow upgrade conversions to your aircraft STC Approvals. All Code 4 Description Cat. No. AUTHORIZED CONVERSIONS
Super Tri-Pacer PA-22-135 STC Engine Modi fi cation Update your early Tri-Pacer to 150 Lycoming. STC for accomplishing the modi fi cation to the higher hp con fi guration. Includes use of STC Manual supplement, drawings, and copyright authorization with serial number. Super Colt PA-22-108 STC Engine Modi fi cation STC provides authorization for increase in hp of your Colt to 125, 135 or 150 hp. Includes necessary data, along with approved drawings, fl ight manual change, and copyright authorization with serial number. PA-18-125, 135 & 135A Owners STC Engine Modi fi cation Now convert to the Super 18. Approved conversion data for updating your early PA-18 to 150 hp Lycoming. Furnished are full STC, drawings, copyright authorization with serial number, and fl ight manual change. Special PA-18 Gross Weight Increase Supplement Allows increase in gross weight to 1750 lbs. when using M-376 002 STC. Full STC data and approved fl ight manual supplement, including copyright authorization. Super PA-14 STC Engine Modi fi cation Authorization to increase hp in your Family Cruiser to 125, 135, or 150 hp, Lycoming allowed with this STC. STC includes necessary paperwork, drawings, fl ight manual change, and copyright authorization with serial number. Super PA-12 STC Engine Modi fi cation STC authorization to update your Cruiser to 125 or 135 hp. Lycoming. Accompanying paperwork to accomplish the modi fi cation included with STC is an approved fl ight manual change, drawings, and copyright authorization with serial number.
Overhead Console with Panel Flood Fixture and Elevator Trim Holes Includes new placards. S/N-28-25000 thru 28-7225612. (1969-1972) Replaces OEM P/N 63428-09 thru -12, -15, -16.
Overhead Console with Integral Air Ducts with Overhead Ventilation Systems, without Overhead Pitch Fits most PA-28-151, -161, -181, -201, -236 (from 1974) Replaces OEM P/N 76496-02, -03, -12; 79187-00; 99500-06, -08, -15 M-862-103
Windshield Center “T” Fits Pre-1973 PA-28-140, -150, -151, -160, -161, -180, -181,- 235, -236; PA-28R, -180; PA-28R-200, -201, -201T; PA-28RT-201, -201T, PA44-180, -180T Replaces OEM P/N 67556-00, -02, -04 M-862-005 $21.00
n STC for Piper Rear Door Modi fi cations STC authorization to remove rear door for parachute jumping & aerial photography. All Code 4 PA-16 Aircraft Conversion M-376-008 $149.00 PA-20 Aircraft Conversion M-376-009 $149.00 PA-22-135 Aircraft Conversion M-376-010 $149.00 PA-28/32 Cowl Attach Plate Assemblies FAA/PMA’d . Stainless steel plates and retaining ring. High temperature, long life, glass fi lled te fl on bushings (outlasts the original nylon bushings). Replaces OEM P/N 69791-0001. Code 4 Model Series Serial No. Price for All Models PA-28-150, PA-28-160, PA-28-180 28-1761 & ON PA-28-181 All Serial Numbers PA-28-235 28-10003 & ON PA-28R-180 28-30005 & ON PA-28R-200 28-35001 & ON PA-28R-201, PA-28RT-201, PA-32-260 PA-32-300, PA-32R-300, PA-32RT-300 All Serial Numbers M-894-000 $47.40
Nose Strut Kit Includes quad seal, wiper, backup ring, aluminum gasket, and necessary hardware. Kit includes seals for one strut. All Code 5 PA-23 Apache or Aztec G-610-400 $14.95 PA-24-180 & -250 Commanche G-610-500 $13.75 PA-28R & PA-32R-300,- 301, -301T & PA-32RT-300, -300T G-610-300 $11.50 PA-28, -140, -150, -151, -160, -161, -180, -181 and -235, PA-32, -260 and -300. G-610-200 $15.95 Main Strut Kit Includes scraper, quad seal, aluminum gasket, and o-rings. All Code 5 PA-24-180 & -250 Commanche G-610-501 $13.75 PA-28 G-610-100 $19.35 PA-28R & PA-32R-300, -301, -301T, & PA-32RT-300, -300T G-610-301 $16.50
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