2022-2023 Wag-Aero Catalog
64 | onlinecatalog.wagaero.com | 1.800.558.6868 | Prices and Supplies are subject to change without notice
When sending a damaged engine mount to us for repair, we strongly encourage you send pictures of your mount ahead of time. This will allow us to give you a more accurate price estimate, in advance of your sending the mount to us. Remember that these are only estimates until we can inspect the mount for speci fi c damage and repair requirements. PLEASE CALL PRIOR TO SENDING ANY ITEMS FOR REPAIR. Send your engine mount to: Aero Fabricators, 1216 North Road, Burlington, WI 53105. Quick turnaround. Questions? Call 1-800-558-6868 or send us an email at jonas@wagaero.com
FAA Approved Repair Station #A14R244N
A-980-076 Cessna 182
Aircraft Type
Cat. No.
$599.00 $599.00 $599.00
7AC, 11AC
Standard repair price includes up to 4 tubes A-980-012 Standard repair price includes up to 4 tubes A-980-013
Champion 7ECA, 7GCA, 7GCBC, 7KCAB 4-1033
7EC, 7FC
Standard repair price includes up to 4 tubes
A-980-058 Call for Price
Early B-55 *
96-910005-75 Standard repair price includes up to 4 tubes
Models 95-C55, 95-C55A, D55, D55A, E55 and E55A S/N TC350 & S/N TE-1 thru TE-1201 Models 58 & 58A S/N TH-1 thru TH-1610
96-910010-57 Standard repair price includes up to 4 tubes A-980-081 Call for Price 96-910010-67 Standard repair price includes up to 4 tubes A-980-082 Call for Price
B-58 * B-58 * B-58 *
A-980-083 Call for Price
96-910010-85 Standard repair price includes up to 4 tubes
96-910010-61 Standard repair price includes up to 4 tubes A-980-048 Call for Price
Baron B-55 and B-58 *
*All Baron models listed above include A.D. 91-15-20 & S.B. 2362 Rev. 1 Compliance Duchess S/N ME-1 thru ME-415
105-9100-77 Standard repair price includes up to 4 tubes A-980-054 Call for Price
Includes A.D. 80-19-12 Rev. 1 Compliance Travelaire
A-980-057 Call for Price
Standard repair price includes up to 5 tubes
$800.00 $1,195.00 $1,195.00 $1,195.00
C-120, 140
Standard repair price includes up to 4 tubes A-980-009 Standard repair price includes up to 6 tubes A-980-064
C-150 C-150 C-150 C-150 C-152 C-170
0451120-1 0451114-1
Standard repair price includes up to 6 tubes
A-980-010 A-980-063
0451114-28 Standard repair price includes up to 6 tubes
0451114-32 Standard repair price includes up to 6 tubes A-980-065
A-980-026 Call for Price A-980-011 Call for Price A-980-067 Call for Price
0451003-36 Standard repair price includes up to 6 tubes
Standard repair price includes up to 6 tubes Standard repair price includes up to 6 tubes
C-172 Early
0551014-1 0551023-1 0551017-1 0551020-1
$1,495.00 $1,495.00 $1,495.00 $1,495.00 $1,450.00 $1,450.00 $1,450.00 $1,295.00
C-172P C-172L C-172M C-172S
Standard repair price includes up to 6 tubes A-980-069
Standard repair price includes up to 6 tubes
Standard repair price includes up to 6 tubes A-980-068
0551023-25 Standard repair price includes up to 6 tubes A-980-093
C-182 C-182 C-182
Standard repair price includes up to 4 tubes
2251000-27 Standard repair price includes up to 4 tubes A-980-077
2251000-18 Standard repair price includes up to 4 tubes
On Cessna 180, 182, and C-188 models, we apply special high temperature hot-spray aluminized fi nish on engine mount tubes in close proximity to exhaust system for
AA-1, AA-5A, AA-5B
501115-501 Standard repair price includes up to 6 tubes A-980-007
Ship UPS or Truck for Fast Turnaround Service
protection and to prevent fatigue.
TO: Aero Fabricators: 1216 NORTH RD., BURLINGTON, WI 53105 ONE Year Unlimited Hours Warranty! Oversize shipping charges apply on most engine mounts.
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