

BASE TYPES (Not Actual Sizes)

T9 Circline 4-Pin

Miniature BipinTS Min.Bipin

Medium Bipin TSIT12 Med.Bipin

Recessed Double Contact TS/T 12 Recessed D.C.

Slimline Single Pin T8/T12

BULB SHAPES (Not Actual Sizes)

The size and shape of a bulb is designated by a letter or letters followed by a number. The letter indicates the shape of the bulb while the number indicates the diameter of the bulb in eighths of an inch. For example, "Tl2" indicates a tubular shaped bulb having a diameter if 12 /a or 1 1 h inches. The following illustrations show some of the more popular bulb shapes and sizes.


TS Miniature Bipin

:I :I

T8 Medium Bipin

T 12 Medium Bipin U-Bent Lamp (6")

Tl2 Medium Bipin


T8 Recessed Double Contact


T12 Medium Bipin U-Bent Lamp (3")



T12 Recessed Double Contact

T8 Single Pin Slimline

T8 Medium Bipin U-Bent Lamp

T 12 Single Pin Slimline



T8 Medium Bipin l)i" U-Bent Lamp

TS Circular

T9 Circline 4-Pin


LOCAL 1·414·933·0808 EXT. 4 I NATIONAL 1·800·533·0406 EXT. 4 I FAX 1·414·933·6302


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