VYPE St. Pius X June 2022


[ FA L L ]

Wrap \\ By J o s h u a Ko c h

[C R O S S COU N T RY ] THE PANTHERS CROSS COUNTRY TEAM SENT FIVE INDIVIDUALS TO THE TAPPS A STATE CROSS COUNTRY MEET THIS PAST FALL. On the girls side, Alexandra Konicki led the charge posting a time of 14:03.1 for a 46th-place finish. Behind her was twin sister Abigail Konicki in 86th with a time of 15:23.7 and Ava Ceraudo came in 101st with a time of 16:35.4. For the boys Gabriel Green led the duo with a

time of 20:41.5 for an 81st place finish followed by Ivan Ramos (26:06.2 – 113th).

2021-2022 St. Pius X Cross Country Team Members

28 \\ ST. P I U S X \\ J U N E 2022 \\ s t p i u s x . o rg

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