VYPE Lamar CISD September 2022
LAMAR CONSOLIDATED MUSTANGS 2021: 22-14, Area finalist Key Players: Senior Taylor Joyner, senior Brooke Morris and senior Ta’ liyah De Los Santos. Notes: The Mustangs’ top goal this season: getting to the third round of the playoffs and overcoming the hurdle of the Area round … Lamar Consolidated graduated a lot of its star leaders from last season.
Lamar Consolidated’s Taylor Joyner, Ta’liya De Los Santos, Brooke Morris, Leah Scroggins and Kymbrali Palacios
TERRY RANGERS 2021: 8-19 Key Players: Senior Chloe Bentancur, sophomore Lexi Guerrero, sophomore Haley Lemmon and freshman Kaylan Stewar t . Notes: The Rangers have a talented trio of underclassmen that figures to play a huge role in this season’s success … Terry is two years removed from a third-place finish in district and postseason appearance.
BF Terry’s Haley Lemmon, Chloe Bentancur, Lexi Guerrero and Kaylan Stewart
RANDLE LIONS 2021: N/A Key Players: Junior Cidney Anthony, junior Jaziel Ramirez , junior Brooke Avery and sophomore Milaya Graves. Notes: Randle enters its first year of varsity play. Kristen Cavallo is the head coach. Cavallo was previously the head coach at Lamar Consolidated High and briefly stepped away from coaching following the bir th of her four th child.
Randle’s [Back Row]: Jaziel Ramirez, Brooke Avery and Milaya Graves; [Front Row]: Cidney Anthony
L C I S D . o rg / / S E P T 2022 / / L AMA R C I S D / / 17
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