VYPE Klein December 2022
Klein oak cover story
\\ By De n n i s S i l v a I I K L E I N O A K ’ S N U G I E R A T O U G H PA N T H E R T O D E A L W I T H ALL GRIT
“I star ted soccer when I was si x years old and I was trying out various things ,” Nugier said. “When I was 10, I real ly star ted getting into i t and wanting to be better.” Nugier appreciates the team aspect of the game. “If i t was a single-person spor t , I don’ t think I ’d have as much fun,” she said. “ Teammates make things a lot better.” She also enjoys getting her uni form dir t y by constantly throwing hersel f in the way of the bal l . As a chi ld, Nugier looked up to star defender/midf ielder Jul ie Er t z because of the strength and toughness she played wi th. “I love making tackles ,” Nugier said. “ Those moments when you’re running up to the bal l and make a good sl ide tackle … i t just feels good. You get to stop the attack and can counterattack . It ’s cool to me.” Nugier is a Western Kentucky Universi t y commi t , so her soccer career wi l l go on to the col legiate level . But her long-term goal is to go into nursing. “I l ike helping people,” Nugier said. “ There are always going to be jobs in the medical f ield, and I think i t ’s real ly cool to learn about the body.” Before then, however, she plans to enjoy her senior year playing for a school and communi t y she adores . “It ’s my second fami ly,” Nugier said of Klein Oak . “I have so many friends and I ’m always having a good time. Especial ly wi th soccer, I real ly love i t .”
Nugier is as tough as they come. “It took a lot of yel l ing from coaches at f irst to get in there for me get to the bal l and scrap,” Nugier said. “Once I got more comfor table, i t just got
opponent ’s scoring chance. They have to be l ike Alaina Nugier. The Klein Oak senior loves the physical i t y of futbol . Don’ t let her smi le and friendly demeanor fool you.
TO BE A GREAT CENTER BACK ON THE SOCCER FIELD, SOMEONE NEEDS TO BE TOUGH, GRITTY. They have to embrace contact and sacri f ice their body, doing any thing and every thing to thwar t an
fun. Messing wi th the forwards and getting them agi tated and out of their game. On the f ield, I ’m def ini tely very competi tive. I ’m always going after i t .” Last season, Nugier was the anchor of the backl ine for a Panthers’ defense that surrendered just 27 goals in 23 games . the Year and was a Texas Association of Soccer Coaches Al l-Region 2 f irst- team selection. A team captain, Nugier also contributed four goals She was honored as District 15-6A’s Defensive Player of
and two assists .
38 \\ K L E I N I S D \\ D E C 2022 \\ k l e i n i s d . n e t
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