VYPE Klein December 2022

Klein oak Cover Story

\\ By De n n i s S i l v a I I O A K ’ S J O H N S O N A N A T U R A L I N T H E P O O L WONDER IN THE WATER

I got to Missouri State, my host made me feel l ike she was my sister. The whole team made me feel l ike my best friends . My coach I have now is prett y much a twin of my coach I ’ l l have there. They ’re almost exactly al ike, they even look al ike. I feel l ike al l that wi l l make the transi tion to col lege easier.” Outside of swimming, Johnson is very much involved wi th her school . She is a singer in Oak ’s Chorale choir. She is also a staff member for her school ’s media team and helps cover Friday night footbal l by doing interviews and digi tal media. Johnson wants to be an international broadcaster, having gone on international mission trips wi th her church every summer. This summer, she spent two weeks in Alaska. “Everybody I know sees me being an international broadcaster,” Johnson said. “It ’s prett y cool .”

was si x years old, Johnson has dominated any and al l competi tors . “Even then, a lot of people saw me as a swimmer,” Johnson said. “Like, that was my thing. But I didn’ t real ly pick i t unti l I got to high school . I f inal ly f igured I needed to focus my time into swim i f I was going to be the best I can be in that one spor t .” She’s cer tainly there. Johnson is District 14-6A’s back-to-back 100 freest yle champion. She was the number one seed in the 100 freest yle and third in the 50 freest yle at the Region IV-6A Championships last year. She helped Oak ’s 200 freest yle relay to a second place f inish at Regionals . It ’s no surprise, then, that col leges desired her talent . Johnson is a Missouri State-commi t . “I ’m a very social person and I l ike to have friends who are l ike my fami ly,” Johnson said. “Right when

summer spor t ,” Johnson said. “I did summer league swim and I loved racing people and winning. Every time I touch the wal l , I get that instant grati f ication.” There’s been a lot of grati f ication. Ever since she

CAMERYN JOHNSON KNEW AT A VERY YOUNG AGE THAT SWIMMING WAS HER THING. The Klein Oak senior played almost every spor t as a kid but was at her best when she was in the water. “I l iked how i t was a

36 \\ K L E I N I S D \\ D E C 2022 \\ k l e i n i s d . n e t

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