VYPE Klein December 2022
Klein High Cover Story
\\ By Ma t t Ma l a t e s t a WR E S T L I N G I S WO V E N I N T O MC G U I R E ’ S D N A KING OF THE MAT
career. “I ’ ve been wrestl ing since the third grade in club al l the way through high school , but last year a l ight went on,” he said. “During our wrestl ing camp, we were playing dodgebal l and I broke my ankle. “I was done and couldn’ t wrestle for a whi le. Wrestl ing had been my l i fe for so long, so I just went to practice and watched. I ’m a very commi tted person and I had to be there for my teammates . That was real ly hard, and at that point I real ly real ized that I loved the spor t and wanted to wrestle as long as I could.” McGuire played a l i ttle footbal l growing up and ran cross country for years . His father is the cross country coach at Montgomery High School . “Wrestl ing just became my thing for a couple of reasons ,” he said. “I love how physical and tough the spor t is . I also love the technical side of the spor t , which gets overlooked al l the time but is so impor tant . Final ly, wrestl ing just keeps my l i fe on track . From my dai ly schedule to keeping my grades up to making sure my body is in great shape, wrestl ing keeps my focused.” Whi le he is laser-focused on the upcoming season, McGuire is also looking towards the future. “My favori te wrestler is Austin Gomez and I love the Wisconsin program, but I ’m looking more at a Division I I school where I can get on the mat ,” he said. “I have to be on the mat and not on the sidel ine.”
year 47-8 overal l . He also led the boys’ team to an overal l third-place f inish in the end-of-the-year event . Now as a senior, McGuire looks back on what he has accompl ished and when he f l ipped the swi tch on his
This year ’s alpha is senior Timothy McGuire, who took bronze at the 2022 UIL State Meet in the 126-pound weight class . McGuire defeated South Grand Prairie’s Esteban Duran 15-4 and f inished the
THE KLEIN HIGH BEARKAT WRESTLING ROOM IS WHERE LEGENDS ARE MADE. Over decades , so many great wrestlers have honed their ski l l in the blue and gold mat room, and this season wi l l be no di fferent .
14 \\ K L E I N I S D \\ D E C 2022 \\ k l e i n i s d . n e t
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