VYPE Frassati Catholic August 2022
Alexis Bodunrin
Bella Pellegrino & Hannah Lapham
Tyler Twellman
Our Student ATHlete t raining program for ages 8 to 18 is designed to benef i t al l spor ts and posi t ions. Bui l t by our exper t coaches, this program wi l l develop your speed, power , st rength, condi t ioning and agi l i ty in a safe, preplanned, and compet i t ive envi ronment to ensure long- term athlet ic development .
Get a FREE WEEK of Spor t s Per formance Tra ining
Frassat i Cathol i c High School Spor t s Per formance Tra ining Par tner
ATHFreeWeek . com
@AthleteTra iningAndHea l th
A U G 2022 \\ F R A S S AT I C ATH O L I C \\ 33
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