VYPE Fort Bend ISD August 2022



Schoo l Boa rd Me s sage

Greetings from Fort Bend ISD Board President Kristen Davison Malone The Fort Bend ISD Board looks forward to another year of exciting sporting events in our District. We enjoy supporting our student-athletes as they showcase their talents and school pride. Athletics provides opportunities for students to build relationships and acquire leadership and social skills. They create lasting friendships and learn the importance of

teamwork to achieve a common goal. Thank you to our coaches, staff, parents, local businesses, and community members for your unwavering support -win, lose or tie. We appreciate everything you do to support, encourage and enrich the lives of our students in their athletic pursuits. Fort Bend ISD, let’s go! Kristen Davison Malone President, Fort Bend ISD Board of Trustees



Fort Bend Isd Board Members


Judy Dae Vice President

Dr. Shirley Rose-Gilliam Secretary

Rick Garcia Board Member

David Hamilton Board Member

Angie Hanan Board Member

Denetta Williams Board Member

4 \\ F O RT B E N D I S D \\ A U G 2022 \\ f o r t b e n d i s d . c om

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