VYPE Fort Bend ISD August 2022
ELKINS (6-22 , 1-13 District 20-6A) NOTES: The Knights graduated eight seniors. KEY PLAYERS: Junior DS Semaj Cox , senior S Miya Ausby, sophomore MH Ope Aladetimi , junior OH Leena Wilson, senior Ella Pham, senior Lena Johnson, junior Isabella Jumawan, senior Malia Black.
Elkins’ Lena Johnson, Malia Black, Ella Pham, Ope Aladetimi, Leena Wilson, Semaj Cox, Isabella Jumawan and Miya Ausby
WILLOWRIDGE (9-21, 1-13 District 24-5A) NOTES: The Eagles will be senior-heavy in 2022 , particularly in the front row. KEY PLAYERS: Senior MH/OH Tahmiah Lawson, senior DS/OPP Destiny Lidell DeCarlo, senior DS/S Alyssa Lahrmann, senior MB English Jackson, senior Curslynn Thompson, senior Jaylen Hackney, senior Brooklyn O’Neill , junior Faith Lidell-DeCarlo.
Willowridge’s [Standing]: Alyssa Lahrmann, Brooklyn O’Neil, Curslynn Thompson, Tahmiah Lawson and English Jackson; [Kneeling]: Faith Liddell-DeCarlo and Destiny Liddell-DeCarlo
MARSHALL ( 1-16, 1-13 District 24-5A) NOTES: Seniors will set the tone for the Buffs in 2022. KEY PLAYERS: Senior Aniyah Richards, junior Mia’Shonae Mason, senior Alexzandria Taylor, junior Rikiyah Duncanson, senior Bryanna Duncanson.
Marshall’s [Back Row]: Bryanna Duncanson, Mia’Shonae Mason and Alexzandria Taylor; [Front Row]: Rikiyah Duncanson and Aniyah Richards
f o r t b e n d i s d . c om / / A U G 2022 / / F O RT B E N D I S D / / 17
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