Using InDesign Manual 2025

Terms to know • CMYK Acronym for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and blacK, the four colors used in color printing • Control Panel A palette in the InDesign workspace that allows you to manipulate text or other page elements quickly and easily • Dock Two or more palettes grouped together • Docking The ac tion of anchoring a palette to a fixed position along the edge of a work area or to another palette • Fill The inside color of a page or graphic element • Float The action of undocking a palette or toolbar so that it can be moved to any location on a work area • Grid A form of design that uses horizontal and vertical lines to specify the placement of page elements • Guides Vertical and horizontal reference markers used to help direct precise placement of objects on a layout • Gutter The vertical space between the inside margins of facing pages • InDesign Main Menu Consists of File, Edit, Layout, Type, Object, Table, View, Window and Help, with each menu name containing a submenu leading to numerous options or tasks related to the menu Line Small, open paths with anchor points on the end that are called endpoints • Objects Anything created on a page intended for printing, such as shapes, image windows, text boxes, curved paths and straight lines • Palette An InDesign feature that provides easy access to various commands, for example, all colors are in the Colors palette, and type styles are in the Styles palette • Path One or more straight or curved segments • Pica A printer’s unit of measurement used primarily in typesetting; one pica equals 1/6 of an inch, or 12 points • Point A measurement for type, the smallest unit of measurement in publishing; there are 12 points per pica and 72 points per inch; the height of a line of text measured from ascender to descender • Segment A line that has a beginning and an ending point; can be straight or curved • Stroke The border around any page element, mea sured in points of thickness • Tool palette An InDesign palette that contains all tools for drawing and manipulating page elements

Photo by Kaley Schabel


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