United Country Real Estate 2021

InfoUSA is Now Data Axle USA New name. Same reliable data.

Data Axle USA has been the industry leader of business and consumer data for over 45 years. We offer a variety of solutions designed to help you grow your business. If you want to shift into the fast lane, use our data to build your target audience and set up a multi-channel marketing campaign.

Email Increase your email response rates.

Digital Advertising Ability to onboard o ffl ine data to serve ads on frequented websites.

Direct Mail We design, print, and deliver.

Geofencing Trigger a response when a mobile device enters or leaves a prede fi ned area.

Sales Leads Solutions by

Businesses U.S. Business – 15 million

Consumers U.S. Consumers – 315 million U.S. New Movers – 300,000 weekly Canadian Consumers – 11 million

U.S. New Businesses – 4 million Canadian Businesses – 1 million

Custom Lead Quali fi cation We’ll make calls to fi nd information about prospects you need.

CRM Integration Seamlessly transfer data into your franchise management tool.

Data Cleansing & Enrichment

SEM & Social Media Appear in top search engine results. Create Facebook ads.

Enhance and update your existing customer fi le to maintain data quality.

Special Discount for United Country Real Estate Call Rory Fulcher at 800.566.2501 or email Rory.Fulcher@Data-Axle.com

Questions or Comments – 800.999.1020


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