United Country Real Estate 2020 2nd Edition
Waskom, TX, $649,000 10 acres, 3 BR, 4 BA H5 AUCTION & REALTY LONGVIEW, TX h5auctionandrealty.com ENTERTAINING SPACE
COUNTRY GETAWAY Maysville, WV, $669,000 28+ acres, 5 BR, 4.5 BA HOMEPLACE PROPERTIES AUGUSTA, WV homeplaceproperties.com
West Plains, MO, $925,000 26 acres, 4 BR, 3 BA WEST PLAINS MISSOURI OZARKS REALTY, INC WEST PLAINS, MO westplainsunitedcountry.com
903-387-6647 #42249-20096
304-496-1276 #47052-03192
417-256-1000 #24084-58840
at UnitedCountrySPG.com
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