Timeline And Resource Guide For Mentors
Let the distribution planning begin. Get ready to make a big splash with your baby with a fun and fantastic distribution plan. Work with your administration and student government to make it an exciting, schoolwide event. Stage a rally. Have a party. Create some buzz over your beautiful creation. Webinar: “Yearbook Distribution: Distributing Your Love Letter to the School.” eBook: “Distribution Day: The Big Reveal.” D I STR I BUT I ON R E SOURC E S Get your next team of editors in place and begin training them. April is a great month to name your editors and start their preparation to lead. While your current editors are still engaged, have them pass on what they have learned directly to the ones who will be filling their positions. One staff in Florida has each editor create a podcast that tells the story of how their year went and what the new editor needs to know. I used to have each editor create a manual for how to be successful at the job they just completed. So much insight from this year will be lost unless you capture it in these ways. Avoid making the same mistakes year after year and keep perfecting your production process. Keep recruiting. With students involved in so many activities these days, I found I needed to keep recruiting even after the initial set of staffers had been selected through our application, interviewing and scheduling process. There were always one or two students who in March thought they wanted to take that BC Calculus class, but as the school year got closer to starting, they realized maybe yearbook might be a more fun choice for them. As much as I would have liked to have had a program where every staffer was able to be on staff for three years, I found many of my best staffers were first-year seniors who were able to learn quickly and had the energy for one yearbook production year.
Photo by Ashley Flores
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