The Process Manual

To specify flood UV coating, do not use the Flood UV selection within Color Information. Instead, to properly specify Flood UV for PDF submission, draw a rectangle that fully covers the page, including the bleed bars. Use the Fill and Stroke buttons on the Swatches palette to change the fill and stroke of the UV coating rectangle to 100% solid UV coating color. Once your rectangle is drawn, select Window > Attributes. Select the rectangle and click the check boxes for Overprint Fill and Overprint Stroke (if necessary). To view your spread with Flood UV applied, go to View on the menu bar and select Overprint Preview. This will allow you to see the element on the page. PACKAGING PAGES, LINKS AND FONTS Since you will need your original InDesign files to make corrections at proof time, it is important to store the final page layout, including links and fonts, in the _WPCYB folder on your hard drive. It is vital to have a central location where you store these files and that they are backed up for safe-keeping. Walsworth recommends using InDesign’s Preflight and Package feature, which will gather page layouts, links and fonts from their stored locations and package them into one folder. Packaging files with links that are saved on a server is not recommended. Adobe recommends you have all files on a local drive

when performing this function. To use Preflight and Package:

1. Open a final page layout. 2. Choose File > Preflight.

3. In the left window, click the category you want to check. For example, when you click on the Fonts pane, you can view the fonts that were used in your document. 4. To package the publication with links and fonts, click the Package button. 5. Type your contact information in the Printing Information screen and click Continue. 6. Create a folder or browse to one of the Deadline folders in the _WPCYB folder to save the packaged files. 7. Click Package.

8. An alert about copyright laws with fonts will appear, but you can ignore this alert since you will be creating PDFs. Click OK. SUBMITTING


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