The Process Manual

5. Use the Threshold and Tolerance sliders to help you get as close to the edges of your item as possible. 6. You may have to click the Invert check box to show the object you are clipping around. 7. After the path is created, click OK . 8. To wrap text around the object, use the Text Wrap palette. To create your own clipping path within the program: 1. Select the Pen tool from the Tool palette. 2. Use the Pen tool to click and create a path around the item you want to cut. Create as many points as you need. Once you get to the last point, a circle will appear beside the Pen tool to indicate you are closing your path. Click on the original point to close the path.

3. You can wrap text around this path with the background still intact, or you can cut out the entire background of the photo. To do this, create a path around the entire image by clicking with the Pen tool on the four corners of the image frame, clicking on the first point at the end to close the path. 4. Hold down the Shift key, then use the Selection tool to click and select both the original path and the path you created around the frame. 5. Select Object > Compound Path > Make. The background will be cut out of the photo. 6. As with the Detect Edges clipping path, use the Text Wrap palette to wrap text around your clipping path. Flopping text or images You can create interesting reflection effects with InDesign by flopping text or images. To flop an item: 1. Use your Selection tool to grab one of the handles of your page element. 2. Drag the handle over the element itself and it will flop, or reflect, the element.



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