The Process Manual
WORKING WITH GRAPHICS The term “graphic” applies to any piece of art that you want to place on your page. You may have drawn the artwork freehand and then scanned it to be placed on your page, or you might have created a graphic in a program such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator or Macromedia FreeHand. Either way, to print correctly, the graphic will have to be placed on your InDesign page using the proper method, or it will have to be sent to Walsworth along with your page submission files. All file formats can be submitted to Walsworth as long as they are part of a PDF: • EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) • TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) • JPEG (Joint Photographic Expert Group) • PSD (Photoshop documents) • AI (Illustrator documents) PLACING GRAPHICS To place a graphic on your page: 1. With the Selection tool active, go to File > Place . 2. Navigate to the location of your graphic. 3. Click once on the file to select it, then click Open. 4. Your cursor will become a loaded graphic icon. Click on the page where you wish to place your graphic. You may also choose to draw a frame for your graphic and then place it in the frame. In that case, simply select the frame by clicking on it with the Selection tool before going to File > Place. The graphic you choose will automatically be placed in the frame. RESIZING GRAPHICS You may need to resize a graphic so it fits on your page the way you want. To resize a graphic manually: 1. Select the graphic by clicking on it with the Direct Selection tool. 2. Click on a handle and, holding down the Shift key, drag the handle to resize the graphic. 3. After you have resized the graphic, you may want to resize the frame to fit the graphic. To do this easily, select Object > Fitting > Fit Frame to Content.
Always use the File > Place command to place your graphics in InDesign. Do not try to copy a graphic from another program and then paste it in InDesign. It will not print correctly in your yearbook.
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